Part 31

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Ok, yes this is really long and may seem like it has nothing to do with the story but it does, just hang in there:)

Natasha's POV:

This past week has been awful, I was moved out of the ICU a couple days after I woke up but that doesn't mean I'm able to do anything. All the pins in my leg have been taken out but I still have a huge cast on it preventing me from being able to walk.

When I got home yesterday, Stark made a big deal out of it even though I'm not aloud to do anything. I have crutches that are good for throwing at people, my hair which was previously all shaved off has grown back just enough to sit in a little bun, and I've practically been living in Steve's hoodies.

I can hear Peter and Tony yelling down the hallway, Tony is making Peter go to school just to come back here in an hour for a field trip. From what I can tell from my place on the couch, Peter does not want to go, if he doesn't go Tony is going to make him do something or other. That part of the argument was muffled by Pepper yelling at them to shut up.

Just then, Peter comes stomping down the stairs huffing about how it's so unfair and that he could just stay home and join the class from the lobby. "Don't be so down, маленький паук" I say to him as he is walking into the room, I try to get up but Steve gives me a stern look from across the room. "This could be a good thing, it'll get that kid Flash off your back for once."

This time Steve gives me a different look, I don't think he knew about Flash. He would have found out today anyway.

I ignore Steve's glare as I grab my crutches and stand up, making my way over to where Peter has slumped himself against the wall. "It's gonna be alright Pete, I'll make sure Stark doesn't go too far." I half lie, I'm gonna let Tony bug Peter but not to the point that he wants to. That would be disastrous. "No promises on the others though." I say sitting down at the kitchen island as Peter grunts behind me and heads towards the elevator.

Once the elevator doors close Steve walks up to me, "Who's Flash?" He sits down on the stool to my right.

I try to wave it off like it's nothing, knowing Steve he is going to tell Tony and Bucky and all the others who will not hesitate to murder the kid. "No one really, just this kid who's been picking on Peter, he won't let me do anything about it, I'm sure it's fine." I see the rage start to bubble behind his eyes. "Steve, he wont be bothering маленький паук anymore after this."

When he sees the look on my face he starts to calm down. I lean forward and kiss him, when we break apart I tell him, "I love how much you care for Peter."

He looks into my eyes, "He's a great kid." I nod my head while getting off my stool and grabbing my crutches, heading to the elevator. As much as I hate the crutches, I can't walk without them.

Steve follows me into the elevator where we head up to our floor. He wraps me in a tight hug right after the doors close. "I love you," He whispers into my hair.

I look up at him, not really knowing if I heard him correctly. "I love you too." I whisper, a huge smile appears on his face, mine mimics his as he leans down and kisses me passionately. We part when the elevator doors open and slowly make our way to Steve's room where we settle down on his couch and watch Grey's Anatomy.

Tony's POV:

I know it might seem slightly unfair to make Peter go to school just to come back here and then go back to school a couple hours later and then immediately come back to the tower, but if he didn't then it would raise some serious questions about his identity and why he comes to Stark tower.

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