Part 41

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Pepper's POV:

I leave Morgan with Clint and his kids while all the girls go shopping, Natasha needs basically a whole wardrobe while the rest of us are there for moral support and to find a couple new outfits for ourselves. We walk through a couple of stores, Nat tries on a few pairs of shorts, a skirt, a couple t-shirts and tank tops. Wanda buys a sundress and keeps giving Natasha things to try on which is making her go insane. Laura keeps trying to get me to buy something while I keep trying to get her to buy something. Gamora just follows us around store to store not starting any conversations with any of us, we leave her be but ask for her opinions on things and ask her if she sees anything she likes. She doesn't.

Once we have all bought at least one thing we call another Uber and head back to the hotel. I open the door to Tony and I's room to put down my bags. I call out his name, "Tony?" He's not here. I put the bag down on the ground and grab my silk blue no-back v-neck dress and head to the bathroom to get ready for dinner. Tony said it's a formal place so I put my hair in loose curls and put on some light makeup, putting on the dress I text Tony to see where he is. He texts back right away saying he's next door with Morgan and Lila. The time says it is 6:35 so I head over to Wanda's room to help her get ready. I knock on the door and a second later she opens it with curlers in her hair and half done make up.

"Here, let me help you." I say and lead her over to the vanity. I finish doing her make up before I help her with her hair and leave her to get changed into her dress. I debate going to Gamora's room to help her but decide against it as she would probably try to kill me if I straighten or curl her hair. I knock on Laura and Clint's door. Laura opens it after a couple seconds and I help her get ready. There is only 15 minutes until we have to be at the restaurant so we are cutting it incredibly close. I do her hair as she finishes her makeup, she is already in her dress just under a robe so it doesn't get dirty. We leave the room after 10 minutes to find almost everyone in the hallway.

Natasha's POV:

When I got back to the room sent Steve away to go do something with the others. Once he left I went into the bathroom to get ready for dinner. After rummaging around for a couple minutes I decide on my new black dress. It's a simple v-neck and two thick straps that fall just off my shoulders, it hugs my waist and falls just above my knees hiding the brace with it's flowy skirt. I put my long red hair in loose curls letting them fall around my shoulders, putting on light makeup I paint my lips a deep red, I grab a matching pair of heels and put them on. I walk out of the bathroom and Steve is sitting on the bed looking at his phone.

"I thought I sent you away." He looks up at me at the sound of my voice.

He smiles and walks over to me, "You look gorgeous, Tash." He puts his hands on my waist and pulls me close. I blush slightly at his comment.

"You clean up quite nicely yourself, Soldier." I smirk a little and put my hands around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. When we pull away I look into those ocean blue eyes of his, "We should probably go," It's almost time for us to leave for dinner and I don't want to keep anyone waiting.

Steve pouts slightly, locking his lips with mine once again. He pulls away from my lips and kisses down my jaw and my neck before I have to force myself to push him away. He gives me a look making me feel incredibly guilty. "Don't give me that look, Steve." He keeps giving me the look, one that stares into my soul. "Damn it," I say and fling my arms around his neck again and press my lips against his. I feel him smirk into the kiss knowing that he won. I pull away when one of his hands goes to my hair, not wanting to ruin it. I wipe the small bit of lipstick off his mouth and walk towards the door, grabbing my purse I sway my hips knowing that Steve is watching me go.

I open the door and leave the room, Steve is not far behind me as I walk towards the group. We stand there for about a minute before it is determined that we are all here and we head down to the lobby where Tony has called us many Ubers that will take us to the restaurant. We file into the cars and head off to the restaurant. Steve and I are in the last car to leave, our driver is a lady named Selina she seems nice enough. She asks us how our day was, when we got in and when we are leaving. We ask her friendly questions to pass the time between the hotel and the restaurant, it's a fairly short ride. We thank her and give her a large tip and meet the others at the check in desk.

The waitress leads us to a huge table and we all sit down around it immediately grabbing menus and debating what to get.

"Wow, everything looks so good." Wanda says from her seat across from me.

Everyone mumbles their agreements and continues to look at the options. A couple minutes later several waiters and waitresses come around to take our orders.

"I'll start with a small house salad and the crab cakes. And then I'll have the prime rib." I tell the waiter that comes to me.

"Excellent choices, miss. And for you sir?" He asks Steve as I hand him my menu.

"Yeah, I'll start with the fish toco's and greek salad. Then I'll have the steak with mashed potatoes." Steve says and hands his menu to the waiter who continues to take orders.

I raise an eyebrow at Steve, "What? I got barely more food you did."

"Steve, you didn't specify what size salad." A look of realization comes across his face. "He's gonna bring you a large salad." I chuckle slightly as Steve frantically looks around for the waiter but he's already disappeared into the kitchen. "This is gonna be fun." I say with a smirk on my face.

The appetizers comes out shortly after and I watch Steve's eyes come out of his head at the sight of the huge Disney size salad in front of him. I start eating and somehow Steve still finishes all his food before everybody. After everyone has eaten their main courses Peter asks from the other side of the table.

"Can we get dessert?" Everybody looks at him.

"NO!" We all yell at the same time, Peter groans and slumps down in his seat. Tony pays the bill and we get into more cars to head back to the hotel. Tony wants everyone to go for a swim, most people try to get out of it. I tell Tony I'm tired and grab Steve's hand, dragging him up to our room.

I kiss him in the elevator. I pull away when the doors open and pull him down the hall to our room. As soon as the door closes behind us I kiss him again, this time not pulling away. Steve does after a minute.

"I thought you were tired." He says looking into my eyes.

"Did I say tired?" I smirk at him and he kisses me again pushing me onto the bed.


I have no idea what this was I promise it's going somewhere... ok bye


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