Part 44

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Tony's POV:

I see Cap throw his shield at something, immediately he pushes Nat to the ground and jumps to throw me out of the way. He catches his shield and immediately throws it down on top of something. A second later there's a big bang that sends him flying off the stage and into the crowd.

I bring my helmet onto my head through my nano tech suit. "Friday?" I ask trying to get a sense of what just happened. Nat gets up and looks down the large hole that was just created where she was standing just a couple seconds earlier. She then jumps off the stage to where Steve was sent flying to make sure he's alright.

"Thrown grenade from afar, impact to structure minimal." She replies, I look over to where Steve and Natasha are, he seems alright, getting up and telling people to get back as Natasha looks at a cut on his forehead.

Nat makes her way back onto the stage after Steve shakes her off his head. "Get me to that rooftop." She points to one across the way where I'm assuming the grenade came from.

Steve speaks up from where he is, "Get Clint a view, we need to see what's coming."

I walk over to Clint, "Right, better clench up, Legolas." I grab the collar of his suit and fly to the top of a nearby roof. When he touches down on the roof he takes an arrow out of his quiver and attaches it to his now outstretched bow.

I watch him search the crowd and things nearby before flying back down to Natasha where she continues to stare at the building she told me to take her too. By now Sam and Rhodey are trying to make a perimeter. I see Cap coordinating with security to get people out and Peter has covered the giant whole in the stage with his webs.

I grab Natasha's arm sending an electric current through her arm so she doesn't fall and I fly her up to the rooftop she requested and before I can say anything she walks away and around the corner.

"Alright then." I say and fly back to the rest of the group. "Barton you see anything?" I ask through the comms that we always have on for things like this. Usually it's to round people up but they are pretty useful right now.

"Negative, whoever threw that grenade is long gone. Sam?" Clint replies, he releases an arrow and it lands on a light post, he draws another arrow letting it go as it hurls through the air and latches on creating a path of sorts and creating an energy field when everyone is past them.

"I'm not really getting anything. Nat there's someone in that building you're on." Sam says while still flying around. Nat doesn't answer. Cap starts running.

Natasha's POV:

"I know you're out there" The voice says as I walk closer, my pistole drawn and ready.

"I know you know I'm out here. So, we gonna talk like grownups?" I ask and turn the corner. Brining my gun up as I come face to face with the source of the voice, the source of the grenade.

"Grownups. Is that what we are?" Her Russian accent seeps through her words.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask her, not moving from my position. She doesn't move from hers.

"I have my orders." She tilts her head slightly. "You get it. I know you do."

"If you had your orders, then why didn't you take me back with you yesterday? Or were you just trying to peal me away from the group?" I mimic her actions, knowing exactly what she is going to say and do next. After all, we were raised in the same place. By the same people.

"This could all be avoided, Natalia." She shakes her head slightly, still not moving her gun from its place pointed at my heart.

"Yes, it could. Come home with me, Yelena. No one will hurt you." I debate putting my gun down but decide that there is a large chance she will shoot me the second I do so.

Yelena makes a move, going for my gun, I go for hers and suddenly we've switched positions. We dance around for a couple of seconds. We know exactly what each other is going to do next and how they are going to do it. "You know it's kind of hard to attack someone who knows your every move." I say after shooting 3 times around her.

"It's even harder when they know your move before you do." She says. I see out of the corner of my eye the roof door slowly open without making a sound out walks a walking American flag.

"Bet you didn't know this one," With that I run to my right and jump onto Steve's shield, propelling me into the air where I land on Yelena's shoulders. Agitating my leg greatly in the process. I slam my elbows into her scull and pull all of my weight back making her fall, I jump off her shoulders before she hits the ground. She appears to be unconscious but I throw a hard punch to the face for good measure.

I stand up and instinctively rub the place on my leg that has been slowly healing over the past few weeks. I see Steve walking over to me, he puts one hand on my waist and cups my cheek with his other hand after letting the shield rest against the wall. "You okay?" He asks me, worry is clear on all of his features.

I smile at him and nod my head trying to reassure him. I'm not sure how much it works though as he continues to look at me like I'm a kicked puppy. "Everything's alright, Steve." I say softly offering him another smile, his face relaxes a little bit until he looks behind me to Yelena's unconscious body.

"Who is she, Nat?" He looks back at me with his big blue eyes.

I look over my shoulder to Yelena. "She's me." I say simply and kiss his cheek before walking to the roof door and start to walk down the stairs.

Steve's POV:

I watch her limp slightly as she walks towards the door. What does she mean by saying 'She's me'? It doesn't make sense. Natasha is nothing like her, sure they have similar fighting patterns and seem to have some history but I didn't see enough to get the full story.

By the time Natasha left me up here to decide what to do with the blond most of the park is clear and blocked off thanks to Clint's arrows, Sam and Rhodey's perimeter, Peter webbing everything, and Tony not so subtly hinting that everything could easily blow up in the next couple minutes.

Now I'm standing on the roof of this building watching an unconscious body trying to figure out what to do with her. I tap on the comms for ideas, "Uh guys, we got a victim of the Black Widow. But she's alive." I add quickly, there's silence on the other end of the line.

"You sure she's alive?" Tony asks, I see him fly by in the suit.

"Yes, I'm sure she's alive." I say and take a step towards the blond haired women. "What do I do with her?" Usually people like her would be brought back to Shield but usually we aren't at DisneyWorld and there usually isn't a news helicopter coming our way at this point.

"I got that covered, Cap." Fury says, sure enough off in the distance in a quinjet coming quite rapidly towards us, beating the helicopter in getting here.

"Fury, you son of a bitch." I say as the quinjet hovers over the ground.

"Ooh, you kiss your mother with that mouth?" He says and the compartment ramp opens up, a couple Shield agents run out picking up the now slightly stirring body, restrain her and bring her onto the jet. I talk to Fury for a couple of minutes and then he leaves with the quinjet and whoever it was that Natasha was fighting.

"Natasha, channel 4." I say and switch channels on the comms.


Ok so it turns out i didn't end up going anywhere so I still had wifi and decided i was really bored so here you go:)

Alright so this was slightly more underwhelming then I thought this would be but that's okay i liked writing like this, hope you enjoyed have a great day:)


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