Part 49

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Natasha's POV:

I wake up on Steve's bare chest to him tracing light circles on my back. It was a long day, after I uploaded all of the new data we debriefed both Hill and Fury on everything I know about Yelena and Melina. Birthday's, aliases, first missions, skill sets, every known assassination and mission. Everything anyone knows on them I told them. I then dragged Steve and Clint down to the gyms where I made Steve hook me up with a simulation before beating the crap out of some dummies.

I still have an apartment here for when I'm in DC for long periods of time so Steve and I picked up pizza before struggling to find where my apartment is. I haven't been back here in a long time.

My eyes flutter open and I'm greeted by Steve's crystal blue eyes and messy bed head. "Morning, darling."

I smile at him, "Morning, baby." He smiles back at me as I lean closer to him and kiss his lips before pulling back and resting my head back onto his chest so I can feel his heartbeat. Steve holds me close and doesn't let me go, he keeps drawing patterns on my back while I fail at going back to sleep.

"I don't wanna get up," I mumble into his chest while I now fully open my eyes. Steve chuckles and kisses my hair and doesn't move either.

"It's 6:10, we told Fury we'd be in by 7:30. We've got some time." I smile at him and yawn while stretching my arms above my head, hitting Steve in the face in the process, Steve groans.

"Sorry," I say as he grabs my hand that hit his face and kisses it. I smile at him again and roll off of Steve just to be pulled back to him.

"You're so warm." He holds me so I can't get out of his grip, I pretend to struggle against him which just makes him pull me closer and makes his grip tighter around my waist.

Eventually I squirm out of his grip and drag the sheet behind me walking towards the bathroom I drop it right before the door. I call out to Steve and he comes running.

*Say hi to Lucile the Time Skip*

We walk through the front doors side by side, Clint joins us and we form an unintentional triangle as we make our way through agents and workers towards Fury's office.

"Well this is a sight to see. Romanoff, when was the last time you were mission ready at 7:15 in the morning?" I roll my eyes at him and cross my arms across my chest.

"The last time you called me to your office so early was so I could show a psychopath around New York." Clint holds his hand up too high five me, I stare at him and turn my attention back to Fury. "Why did you want us here so early anyway?"

"While you were all off for the night I sent the info out to certain agents to get as much dirt as possible on our... Russian friends." Fury replies, my body stiffens at what I think he's about to say, "And that, is when we found this." Nick brings up file after file of the Red Room, KGB, Russian task forces and basically any Russian organization you could think of. In the centre of all the madness are three files that are definitely not Shields. The names make me want to pass out.

Wanda Marya Maximoff. James Buchanan Barnes. And Natalia Alianovna Romanova.

I feel all my blood leaving my face as I recognize the symbols on the files, I haven't seen them in years. I hoped and thought it would stay that way forever, but apparently the universe had other plans for me.

"I'm guessing you didn't know these exist?" Fury asks me, I don't move a muscle.

I feel Steve looking at me and hear him say something but I don't register what he says. I continue staring at the files, someone is talking to me but I ignore them, "Why does the Red Room have a file on Wanda?"

"The Red Room?" Steve asks, he knows about the Red Room but apparently I never told him about the symbols.

I decide to ignore him, "I get why they have one on Bucky but Wanda was never there." I try to connect the dots in my mind.

"Why would they have one on Bucky?" Steve asks, clearly just saying the first thing that comes to his mind.

"He was a trainer for a while at the Red Room, between killing sprees." I wave off his questions as the pieces come together in my mind.

I step closer to the holographic files and open Wanda's, experiment after experiment is show on the aftermath of Wanda's encounter with the mind stone as they tried to understand why she survived. But there's more, so much more.

Bucky's POV:

My phone chimes in my pocket, "Wanda, we gotta go." I look at my phone and read the texts from Steve.

"What?" She asks me, "But we have fast passes for Pandora, those are impossible to get."

"Wan-" She cuts me off before I can finish her name.

"I'm sure whatever Stark wants can wait. Come on, Buck." She gives me puppy dog eyes.

I point a finger at her, "Don't give me that look! And it's not Stark. If it was Stark I would have said 'Damn it, it's Stark. We gotta go.'" I gesture with my phone, "It's Steve, he's sending a quinjet for us. He says he'll explain when we get to DC."

She furrows her brows in confusion, "Well, when will it be here?" I can tell she's hoping we can get on the ride.

My phone chimes again, "10 minutes."  Wanda scrunches her nose in annoyance and I smile putting my arm around her shoulders I lead her towards where Steve said the quinjet would pick us up.

"What is so important that they give us one day of vacation?" Wanda asks and I shrug.

"I'm guessing it has something to do with Yelena and Melina." Wanda looks up at me, "I knew them for a while. Not a good time." I shake my head and look at the ground as Wanda studies me. "Hey, get out of my head!" I look up at her and smile as she puts her hands up defensively.

"Fine, fine. White Wolf." She winks at me and my gaze travels to the security guards where the quinjet is about to land.

I call out to them, "I suggest you move before you're crushed by a quinjet."

"Sir you can't be here, this is a restricted area." One of them says, I see Wanda smirk beside me.

"And that would be a quinjet about to take two Avengers too DC to deal with some shit." I raise an eyebrow at Wanda, she's never really this bold with law enforcement of any kind. Even if it's the theme park police.

"What's a quinjet?" One of the security guards asks quietly making me chuckle.

I point just behind them, "That, is a quinjet." As soon as I say this the quinjet that Steve sent uncloaks and lands. The security guards are frozen in place so Wanda and I walk past them without any difficulty and walk up the ramp. We are greeted by a Shield agent who then takes off towards DC.

I call Steve to get some information about what's happening. "Hey, Buck." Steve answers the phone on the second ring.

"Hey, what's going on?" Wanda walks up to me and I put it on speakerphone.

Steve pauses before answering, "There's a 98% chance you, Nat, and Wanda are being hunted by the Red Room." Wanda and I glance at each other. We both know what the Red Room will do to get what they want. And right now, they want us.


Can someone tell me why I get the most inspiration at 2am and the middle of class? No? okay...

I don't really know what this was, hope you enjoyed:)


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