Part 28

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Steve's POV:

It's been a while, too long. The days started to blend into one after Natasha went back into surgery, she had a re-bleed or something in her brain, I can't really remember.

Fury managed to locate Sharon after not long, but then she went to attack more agents the only thing they were prepared to do was shoot, and so they did. She was shot 17 times in her arms, legs, abdomen, and chest. She died a couple hours later in surgery. Apparently Fury did not put out for the agents to shoot her but they panicked when she pulled out a gun and there were already agents down.

The official story of how she died is that she was on a mission that went wrong, however she had been on lots of missions and most of them went wrong so most of the Shield agents don't believe the story, but they aren't willing to question it either.

The doctors and nurses flood through on a usual rotation, always asking if I need anything or saying that they can stay with her for a little while so I can get a break from the hospital. I always decline and stay where I am. After a couple days in the hospital the nurses started to bring me food as they noticed I never ate, they also brought in blankets and pillows so I could be more comfortable although it doesn't help. It doesn't help the fact that Natasha has been in a coma for who knows how long. It doesn't help that Shield is being attacked by the government again. It doesn't help that the Avengers have only been seen in public coming to and from the hospital. It doesn't help that I feel like I'm dying.

"Hey, Sandra," I say to the nurse that walks into the room, I've gotten onto a first name basis with all of the nurses on the floor. "How was your date last night?"

She smiles at me and walks over to the monitors, "It was good, Steve. Thank you." I smile back at her, "Dr Grey thinks we could start weening Natasha off of the vent, it could help wake her up as well." I look up at her with wide eyes before I look back at Natasha. "Steve, this is a good thing. You'll get her back soon." A smile comes to my lips and I jump out of my chair and give Sandra a big hug before turning back to Natasha.

After Sandra leaves I kiss Natasha's forehead and whisper, "You'll be back soon Tash, don't worry." I sit back down in my chair and pick up my book, I started to talk and act like a normal person again when Natasha became stable for the first time since she got here. Since then I've read 7, 400 page books. There isn't much else I can do, I tell Nat all of the nurses gossip from around the hospital and everything that's happened at the tower like how Tony had a mental breakdown and blew up his entire lab and how the Barton kids have been staying there with the rest of the team.

Peter got out of the hospital a couple days after Natasha's second surgery, he comes by as much as he can, along with everyone else in the tower. I think Peter went back to school recently, it's hard to keep track of everything.

I can't seem to focus on my book right now so I put it down and look over at Natasha, she looks peaceful but in pain at the same time. I sigh and take out my phone and scroll through the news. We kept that Nat was in the accident away from the public as much as we could but it is no use when several Avengers show up at the hospital at once. Article after article is showing false information about Natasha. Including 13 saying that she is dead, 4 saying she died on impact in the crash, and 6 saying she is on the verge of death. None of them are true, I pull up twitter. It's even worse than the websites and apps.

I start typing, "@GlobalNews, Natasha is not dead stop spreading false information" I post it and put my phone back down. "And that Natasha, is why I don't check the news." I tell her and smile a little bit.

A couple minutes later Dr Grey walks in, "Good morning Steve, how'd she do last night?"

"She did okay, nothing really happened." I tell her as I look up at her smiling face. "Um, Sandra said something about weaning her off of the vent today?" 

She nods slightly, "If everything goes well she should be completely off the vent by tomorrow." I smile at her, she takes vitals and checks everything before leaving the room.

Tony's POV:

Ever since it got out that Natasha was in the accident everything press wise has gone to shit. Along with in the tower. I took Morgan to see Peter a couple days before he was let out, this was about a week after the accident. Peter got home little less than a month ago which means Natasha has been in a coma for over a month.

No one has done any real press, or if we do it's very vague and we avoid most subjects.

I've been driving Peter to and from school most days, always taking a different route then having to pass where Sharon hit them. The first day he was supposed to go back I made that mistake and he just about started hyperventilating in the passenger seat. We ended up just driving back to the tower and trying again the next day.

Pepper and I are sitting on the couch in the common room talking about random things when I get a text from Steve.

"What is it?" Pep asks me, I have a slight smile on my face.

"They're gonna try taking Nat off the vent today." I smile at her, she smiles back and then I stand up to go find Morgan and Peter. I check both Morgan and Peter's rooms before heading to Morgan's play room only to find it empty. I check a couple other places before heading down to Peter's lab.

"Peter what are you doing and why does my daughter have a spider-man mask on her head?" I ask him as I walk in, Morgan is sitting on his desk and turns her head when she hears me walk in.

"Uh, we have the same head size?" He says, more like a question. I glare at him. "Fine, I need to get back out. I'm going to go insane and this way I have something to do." 

I continue to glare at him as I say, "Pete, no. That shoulder of yours isn't healed and we both know as soon as you go out you're just going to get yourself shot at."

"Come on! I've been back at school for weeks now, and I feel fine and-" I cut him off before he can continue talking.

"Peter. I said no." I look down at Morgan who has been looking between the two of us as we argue.

"We were just working on an ice cream maker, Daddy." She says looking up at me, I look at what they were working on before I walked in. Sure enough theres a gentle flow of ice cream coming for a hole in the machine.

"Huh," I say bringing up a chair and grabbing 3 spoons, I take a bite out of the ice cream and spit it out almost right away. "Oh my god, Peter what is in this? It's salty and spicy and everything ice cream should not be!"

He smirks, "That was payback for Clint but I guess it works here too," He gives Morgan a high five while I give him a death glare, I pick up Morgan and she tries to wiggle out of my grip. Eventually I give up and put her down, shaking my head as I leave the room.


I know the last few have been kind of depressing but I guess this one is a little lighter? idrk, some feedback on the last few would be extremely appreciated, I want to know what you guys like:)


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