Part 27

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Steve's POV:

I have no idea how long I've been sitting here in the waiting room. No idea how long I was in the hall. No clue how long I was standing by those doors. But then Natasha's doctors came up to me. "Mr Rogers, Natasha is out of surgery." I sigh in relief, if she had died they would have said they are so sorry and that they did everything they could. "There were some complications though." I give Dr Grey a look to continue. "There was more damage than we originally thought, she crashed, we were able to get her back but, it took its toll on her body."

They continue talking but everything goes numb again. When they finish I say, "Can I see her?" They nod and I follow them out of the room and back down the hallway of the ICU. This time she looks even worse then before, her lips are chapped, her hair is shaved and has a bandage wrapped around her head, the tube is still in her throat and there seems to be more wires than before. I lean against the doorframe for a little bit, no emotion showing on my face. My eyes are glued on Nat, eventually I walk inside the room and over to her bed.

"Hey, Nat." I whisper to her. "You still multi-tasking or are you just trying to find me date?" I stroke her cheek with my thumb, tears coming once again to my eyes, I sit down in the chair beside her and grab her hand in mine.

I sit there for a long time without moving much, just stroking the back of her hand and occasionally whispering to her. My voice wont rise much higher than that, I don't want to be much louder anyway.

Tony texts me:

Suit of Armour:

Fury's sending out a team, he know who hit Nat and Peter



How's Peter?

Suit of Armour:

He's alright all things considered

How's Nat?


Alright, all things considered...

Suit of Armour:

We can't keep that Nat was in the crash off the
press for much longer


I know

With that I turn off my phone and ignore everything that comes through it, I need to focus on Nat. She needs to know I am here and that I love her, god I should have said it sooner. Why didn't I tell her sooner? There were so many times I could have told her. I know she probably can't hear me right now, but incase she can there is nothing I would rather say to her then tell her how much she means to me. I look back to her face and the tears come again, I unwillingly let them fall not bothering to wipe them away.

Every once in a while a nurse comes in to check on Natasha, they always ask me if I need anything and I always shake my head no. This time Dr Shepherd comes in, she checks Natasha's eyes and does a standard neuro check before sitting down beside me. "Mr Rogers-" I cut her off.

"Steve, please call me Steve." I look away from Natasha for a second to look at the doctor, she nods her head.

"Steve, you need to eat. You need to sleep. Making yourself weak is not going to help Natasha." I sigh and look back to Natasha.

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