Part 32

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Natasha's POV:

"I don't see what the big deal is, Steve!" I yell at him, he yells back.

"You don't see the big deal?" Steve uses big arm movements to emphasize his points, "There are so many things that could have gone wrong! Just to list a couple, you kidnapped a teenager-" I cut him off before he can finish.

"I didn't kidnap him! He lives here!" We continue to yell at each other for a long while.

After Steve found Peter and I playing Mario Kart in the theatre he tried to just send Peter back down to his class, but I tucked Peter under my arm and wouldn't let him go. After a while Steve seemed to give up as he walked towards the kitchen and pulled out his phone. Turns out he was texting Tony who in turn came down here from his lab to force Peter back to his field trip. After much protesting on my part, Pete ended up heading down to the cafeteria where his class currently was.

After Tony left, Steve seemed to give me an annoyed look, and that is when all the yelling and fighting started.

"You're supposed to be taking it easy, Nat!" Steve yells at me.

"Don't 'Nat' me." I spit at him. "You're not the one who isn't allowed to move. You're not the one who's going to be cooped up for months. You're not the one who was almost killed by a physco over a guy! You're not the one who's had to fight for their life, everyday since they were 2 years old! That was me, Steve. That was all me." My tone is cold, sharp. I never thought it could be this way with Steve. If I could get up and walk away right now I would, but my wheels were taken from me by Stark and my crutches are on the other side of the room.

Steve glares at me, "Don't make this about Sharon. Or the Red Room. This is about-" I cut him off before he can finish his sentence.

"What, Steve? What is this about? Please do tell me as I. Don't. Know. Anything." He lets out a frustrated groan as he seems to explode at me.

"You don't get to do this!" He screams, "You don't get to do this, after you gave up on me. You gave up on life and now you're trying to blame all of this on me!"

I pull at my hair, "I didn't give up on-" He cuts me off before I can finish.

"You know what?!"


"You know what?"




"I love you!"

"Well, I love you too!"

"Why are we still yelling?"

"Cause you're a f-ing idiot!" (feel free to do what you want with that f bomb) I yell a bunch of things in Russian that I know he won't understand. He glares at me, waiting for me to get it out of my system before walking towards the elevator. After the doors close behind him I grab the vase that's sitting on the coffee table and chuck it at the wall.

Normally when I'm this worked up I go down to the training rooms and beat up a dummy, or I'll go for a run even. But because of this stupid leg I can't even walk. So I'm stuck on this stupid couch tearing out pages of all these stupid books, muttering about nonsense and how stupid all of this is.

I see Tony walk into the room from the corner of my eye, but he backs out of the room when he sees the hundreds of pages sprawled out across the floor. I rip out page after page until there are no pages left in any of the books. I try to stand up, it takes more effort then I'd like, I have to hop over to my crutches, it irritates my leg. My leg hits the coffee table and I curse in Russian. When I reach the crutches I make my way to the elevator, I head to my floor, slowly making my way to my room I slam the door so hard it shakes the paintings.

"Get out." I say to the figure sitting on my bed.

"Natasha, please can we just-" I cut them off before they can finish.

"Get out!" I yell, they stand up and walk towards me.

"No, Nat." He crosses his arms in front of his chest, "I'm not just going to walk away."

"You seem to have done it pretty well earlier." I say coldly, I can tell he's hurt by my words. No matter how hard he tries to conceal it, I can read him like one of those books I tore apart.

"I had to go, Nat!" His voice rises a little bit. "If I didn't leave you would have thrown a vase at my head!"

I roll my eyes at him, moving towards my bed. He starts yelling at me, saying I'm just scared and I'm walking away for no reason. "I'm not walking away Steve." I snap at him, "My leg hurts and it's kinda hard to have an argument on one leg."

Steve gives me a concerned look, I roll my eyes again, "I'm fine, Steve. I had to hop to get the crutches and my leg banged on the coffee table." I prop my leg up on a couple of pillows, Steve takes a step forward to help me but stops when he sees the look on my face.

He stays where he is. "I just want to protect you." He says so quietly that he's barely audible.

"I don't need protecting," I look down at my aching leg, I bite my lip slightly to hold back the pain it is causing me.

"I know that." Steve takes another couple step towards me, "I can't help it." I look up at him, he is right in front of me now, before I can do anything he leans down and kisses me.

Eventually I push him away, "You can't just kiss me and expect everything to be okay." He looks slightly hurt but it disappears quickly.

"What were we even fighting about?" He asks, sitting down on the bed.

I give him a serious look, "How you're over-protective, and overly concerned about my wellbeing."

He smiles slightly at me, "You knew all that when you got together with me, Tash" he kisses me again, but this time I let him. 

I break the kiss, looking directly into his eyes I say, "I'm still mad at you, Rogers." He sighs.

Tony's POV:

After I walked in on Natasha falling apart I got Friday to keep everyone off the common room floor. I knew she just needed to get it out of her system and that if she could she would be torturing some poor Shield recruit down in the training rooms.

Instead she took out her anger on books, and lots of them. I tinkered with a couple of my suits before heading down to the cafeteria, it's Friday, Friday is tater tot day. But of course as I entered the cafeteria, Peter's class was still down there. I thought they would have left by now.

"I swear kid, I just came down for the tater tots." I say, walking over to Peter's class of over enthusiastic teenagers. A couple of them whisper others gape at me, I ruffle Pete's hair before grabbing 3 baskets of tater tots and heading back to my lab.

3 baskets of greasy potato goodness later I walk into the common room to see a vase smashed, and the contents of 8 books spilled across the floor, Natasha is no where to be seen. I grab a broom out of the closet and start sweeping the contents on the floor. A little while later there's a voice.

"Peter's class will be leaving in 10 minutes, boss." Friday speaks over the speakers. I thank her and head down to the lobby to steal Peter away, claiming I need him for something. I sign him out and we walk to the elevator.

"Why did you take me out of my field trip?" He asks me after the doors have closed.

"You mean the one you never wanted to go on?" He glares at me for a moment. "Capsicle and Widow had a fight, let's just say books lost."Peter gives me a confused look before the elevator doors open into the common room, I see Peter's eyes go wide at the sight.

"What the f-"


Welp I had no idea what i was doing writing this, half of it was written during English class the other half at 1am so... idrk


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