Part 29

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I'm bored and don't feel like doing my homework right now so, here you go enjoy!

Steve's POV:

The doctors have been trying to wean Natasha off of the vent all day, I can't really tell if it's working or not as she is still on it and she is still in the coma. It's been, 6 hours maybe, since they first started. I know I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up but it was useless, they were up the second I was told she might wake up. I sigh slightly as I look back at Natasha, the doctors have come in every hour to gradually lower the assisted air flow and to see if anything has changed. Nothing has changed in 4 hours 56 minutes, I've counted every minute since they first started lowering it. It gives me something to do.

Dr Shepherd comes in and checks on her, Dr Grey follows in shortly after. Dr Shepherd checks on her eyes and some other things while Dr Grey lowers her oxygen intake a little bit more. After they leave I come closer to Natasha, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom Nat, I love you so much." I kiss her forehead before stepping through the door and heading down the hall towards the bathroom.

When I get back to her room, there are lots of doctors and nurses in the room, "What's going on?" Concern seeps into my voice despite what I tell my brain to do. The doctors and nurses move out of the way, making a path of sorts. My eyes automatically go to the red head who 3 minutes earlier was fast asleep in a coma. "Nat?" I breath.

"Hey soldier," She rasps out smirking at me, "Where you been?!" I smile at her before I walk into the room and everyone who was in it before leaves, giving us a moment.

I walk over to her bed and cross my arms, a serious look on my face. "It's about damn time, Romanoff." 

I smile at her, she laughs at me before saying, "Language," in a mocking tone. I roll my eyes at her before I lean down and kiss her lips. I sit down in the chair next to her bed and tell her about everything that's been going on, I'm in the middle of telling her how the Barton kids have been staying at the tower when she cuts me off, "How's Peter? Where is he? Is he okay?" She starts to panic a little bit and her heart rate on the monitor goes up before settling down when she sees the expression on my face.

"He's fine, Tash. He's got a very, broken arm and some PTSD but other then that he is perfectly fine." I smile down at her, she doesn't smile back at me. I can tell she's still worried about Peter and she will be until she sees him. "He's okay, Nat. You are too." She smiles a little bit but I know it's not one of her genuine smiles, it's one she puts on to convince people she's fine.

I sigh a little bit right before the doctors come back in. "Hi, Natasha." Dr Grey starts with a smile on her face, "I'm Dr Grey, and this is Dr Shepherd. We've been your doctors for the past little while."

Natasha furrows her eyebrows at that last part, "Little while? How long was I out?" She looks over to me, I look at my hands and then back up to the doctors.

"About a month and half." Dr Shepherd states, going back to the voice she uses with family members when she has to give them hard news. "You had a brain bleed that caused your body to shut down for a longer period of time. And there are," She pauses for a second, a second too long? "other substances in your body that are less than ideal."

She scoffs, "I swear if Stark is the reason I was out for so long." She shakes her head and I laugh a little bit. The doctors, who I have recently are sister-in-laws, look at each other. "You know I have Heamotrostac right? Or had it anyway, Tony said he took care of that." She looks at me, I nod my head in confirmation. The doctors share another look.

"It's not that," Dr Grey looks back at us, "It's something that's been in your body for a long time-" Nat cuts her off before she can finish what she is saying.

"Steve, Baby can you leave the room for a minute." I give her a confused look before nodding and leaving the room, deciding to use this time to update the team.

Natasha's POV:

The second the door to my room was closes I start talking, "Look, I have a ruff past. The randomness you're seeing, and the reason my labs have probably been weird and the foreign fluids in my body is because of that past. I would prefer not to be reminded of it. Got it?" My words are sharp, intense, it's the voice I use when I don't want to be questioned. There are only 2 people that this doesn't work on, Clint and Steve.

The doctors look at each other once again before nodding. They explain a few things that happened during the accident and when they leave Steve comes back. "I updated the rest of the team, told them you're awake." He smiles, I smile back.

"Did Fury ever find who hit us? Or was it some random bozo who doesn't know how to drive?" Steve's expression goes dark for a second before he quickly covers it up and clears his throat.

"Yeah. Yeah he found 'em." That's all he says, I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Steve." I say, urging him to continue.

He swallows and looks down at his hands, "Um, it was Sharon, who hit you. When Fury went to take her in she uh," I've never seen him stutter this much before, I let him continue at his own pace. "She killed a few agents before being surrounded. Where um, she went to attack the agents. They panicked, and um, they shot her. A lot. She died a little later." He looks back up at me, for once I can't get a clear read on him.

My brain finally registers what he is thinking, what he's feeling. "Hey, Steve. It's not your fault, none of this is." I reach out to grab his hand but due to my restricted movement I can't reach him. "I know you feel like you could have done something, but there is nothing you could have done." I don't specify whether I'm talking about the accident or how Sharon died. I'll let him decide which one I'm talking about.

He looks back up at me grabbing my hand which was still outstretched waiting for him to grab. I give him a soft smile, he returns it before going back to look at his hands. We stay there for a while, a comfortable silence washes over us. "How have you been?" I ask him the one question I know he is going to lie to me about.

He looks at me, seeming about to lie and tell me he's been fine until he sees the look on my face. "I've been a wreck Nat. There was a while where all I did was stare at you or at the wall. Eventually nurses figured out I wasn't eating and then they forced me to. I haven't slept for more than 3 hours at a time in almost 2 months. I-" He cuts himself off when he sees the look in my eyes, I try to wipe it away but seem to fail as he kisses my hand that he is still holding and whispers, "I am perfect now though."

I smile for half a second before my eyes get heavy, apparently a month and a half of sleeping isn't enough. I close my eyes with the intent of opening them again a second later, but I drift off to sleep instead.


Yay Nat's awake!!!!!!!! i don't really know what else to say hope you have a great day:)


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