Part 36

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Natasha's POV:

"This is Romanoff," I say into the phone, I didn't bother looking at who the caller is as I already know who would call me.

"Hi Natasha, it's Dr Grey. I have the results of your last scans and bloodwork." Grey says through the phone, I see Steve give me a look and I squeeze his knee hoping to make him feel better.

"Okay," I urge her to keep going, hoping to get this over with.

"Your femur has healed enough that Dr Torres can take off the cast in a couple of days, that does not mean you can go back to doing... whatever it is you were doing." I smile slightly at those words, "The clip that Dr Shepherd placed in your Cerebral Cortex is working nicely, if it continues to do so, it should be able to stay there for the rest of your life without many problems. Your kidneys and liver seem to be working nicely, but for some reason your white blood cells are still elevated." I bite my lip at that last part.

"Alright, thanks Dr Grey. When should I be back?" I ask hoping to get this cast off as soon as possible.

Theres a small pause over the line, "You can come in Wednesday at noon if that works for you."

"Wednesday at noon," I repeat more for Steve's sake than mine. Dr Grey confirms, "Alright I will see you then, bye." We say goodbye and I hang up the phone.

Steve gives me look, "Well?" He asks, still slightly anxious and nervous.

"Everything's fine, I get the cast off Wednesday." I smile at him, he lets out a breath. "I really don't know why I can't just get it off here, I mean they are probably going to give me a brace of some form and we both know that Stark is just going to make some form of super high tech one."

Steve shrugs his shoulders as he pulls me in for a hug, "I'm just glad you're okay and that you will only need those for another couple days." He gestures towards my crutches

I kiss Steve's cheek, "Thank you," I pull out of the hug, "For everything," He smiles at me and I smile back.

He traces my cheek with his thumb, giving me a small smile he says, "Of course, Tash. That's what I'm here for." I smile at him and cup his face in my hands pulling him in for a kiss. When we pull away he says, "Do you want to watch something?" I nod my head and snuggle close to his body as Steve turns on the tv. Eventually we give up on trying to find a movie to watch and turn on Grey's Anatomy instead. We are now part way through season 3 and there is a lot more drama than the first 2 seasons.

Despite being around blood and gore my entire life I still bury my head in Steve's chest whenever they show shots from inside surgeries. It makes Steve chuckle slightly and kiss my hair every time I hide my face. About an episode and a half into the show my eyes start to get heavy, they close but before I am fully asleep I hear Steve turn off the tv, he kisses the top of my head and carries me to the bed. When he tries to leave I pull on his arm to keep him close. He laughs quietly and climbs in bed with me, he is so warm I never want to leave this moment. And then, I drift off to sleep.

Bucky's POV:

After Steve came in and stole Natasha away from Wanda I moved from my spot in the corner to the couch. I'm not even sure she knew I was there, she smiles when I sit down beside her and put my legs up on the coffee table. She turns the tv back on and I wrap my metal arm around her shoulders. She shivers when the cool vibranium makes contact with the skin on her arms. I go to lift the arm off of her but she looks at me and reassures me that it's okay.I try to smile at her but I can't tell if I'm scaring her or not, I look back to the tv trying to figure out what to do next.

I can feel her watching me, eventually I turn my head so my blue eyes are looking into her green ones. She smiles at me and I smile back, not really knowing what else to do we both look back to the tv. A second later there's a loud noise from outside along with a bright colourful beam streaming down from the sky. The beam disappears and reveals Thor along with a couple of the guardians. When they walk into the room I say, "I didn't even realize you were gone." He just grunts and walks past me, ruffling Wanda's hair as he passes, heading out of view.

Quill sits down on the other side of the couch, "What are we watching?"

Wanda and I look at him, "We were watching 'The Crown' but now I have a better idea." I look back to Wanda, a confused look on my face as she exits the show and scrolls through Netflix until she finds what she's looking for. I raise an eyebrow as she turns on 'Dirty Dancing', she shrugs and says, "It's got good music. Quill here will like it."

Rocket, Gamora, and the tree walked past us towards the elevator while Quill grabbed a blanket to watch the movie in comfort. Wanda presses play and the opening scene starts. I can tell he had never seen it as he seems genuinely interested in the story along with the music which it seems like he has never heard before. That is the most surprising part, even I've heard this music and I was brainwashed for the better part of a century.

When the movie is almost over, Wanda is singing along with the music. Even recreating the dance moves from her spot on the couch next to me. "And I.. had the time of my liIIiife and I've neeever felt like this before." She sings along to the music. She uses her magic to keep Quill from singing along as he get famously over enthusiastic with it. Also he doesn't know the words so he would ruin the song. I can't stop myself from humming along with the music, Wanda has made me watch most musicals several times.

When the credits start rolling Quill says, "Footloose is still better," Wanda chucks a pillow at his head while I remove my arm and smack his head with it. "Ow! Okay fine whatever!"

I nod in satisfaction as I put my arm back on and stand up, "Anyone know where Steve is?" Quill gives me a slightly confuse look, trying to remember who Steve is while Wanda shakes her head no. I nod slightly and squeeze Wanda's shoulder before I walk towards the elevator. "Hey, Friday, take me to whatever floor Steve's on." The elevator starts to rise and stops on floor 78, that makes sense. He would either be on this floor or in one of the training rooms.

He'd either be in his room or Natalia's, Nat's comes up first so I knock on her door but get no reply I stick my head inside before seeing that no one is there. So I head over to Steve's door. I don't hear anything from inside, I knock quietly on the door. There's some ruffling before the door opens revealing Steve looking like he just woke up for the day.

"What's up, Buck?" He asks me rubbing his eyes with his thumb and pointer finger, the other hand holding open the door.

"Nothing, I just wanted to see if you wanted to go for a run or something," I say and peek around the door, Natalia is asleep in his bed, she shivers at the loss of Steve's body heat, "I'll come back later. Go be with your girl." I give him a small smile which he returns before I walk away and head down to the main training room.

Tony's POV:

Back in Black is blasting over the speakers as I tinker with one of my iron man helmets when suddenly it's completely turned off. I turn around to see Thor stomping over to me. He lets Mjölnir drop to the floor before he gets to me and picks me up by my neck. Similar to how he did during the whole Ultron fiasco.

"Come on buddy, use your words." I say as he pushes me against a wall.

He booms as he glares at me, "I have plenty of words to describe you, Stark." Normally I know what he's talking about but right now I can't think of the last stupid thing I did.

I continue to think, "Yeah, can we just skip this part? I've only had 3 cups of coffee today." I seriously can't think of anything.

"Do you remember last Saturday?" And that's when I remember what happened.


Wow ok so I've had no idea what to write about recently most of this was written when I was supposed to be doing my final performance tasks for english class so I hope this was worth it... have a great day


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