Part 59

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Wanda's POV:

The alarm blared twice in two hours. That certainly isn't normal. No one would let me leave with them either time so I've been spending the past couple hours with Morgan while Pepper works some things out with Shield. Right now we're playing CandyLand and eating Goldfish while I wait for updates from the team. My leg bounces anxiously as I once again check my phone for anything from the others. I subconsciously bite my lip and Morgan seems to notice, "What's wrong, Auntie Wanda?"

I look back to her and smile, "Nothing sweetheart, everything's perfect." I stroke her face with my thumb and roll the dice bringing me into Lollipop Woods.

We keep playing for another 10 minutes before I get a notification on my phone making me smile when I see what it says, Morgan gives a confused look when I hold out my hand for her to take. "Let's go see Auntie Nat." Her little face lights up when I mention Natasha's name and she pulls me towards the elevator which rises to the floor Clint texted me to go to.

The doors of the elevator open with Morgan still clinging to my hand as we walk through the hanger and wait for the quinjet to arrive. While we wait Morgan plays Minecraft on my phone as I talk to an intern about what information we currently have which turns out to be less than I hoped. All we know is that they're coming back and have Cho on stand-by but no one will tell me who for.

After a couple minutes I walk back over to Morgan and try to explain something I don't have any information on, "Alright so, your Auntie Nat and Uncle Bucky are going to be back any minute now." I say with a big smile on my face, "Everybody else is going to be back too, and soon, soon we'll all have a big family dinners again. How's that sound?" She nods her head vigorously and hands me back my phone as the hanger doors open revealing the quinjet on it's way back.

I pick her up in my arms and take a few steps back while pressing one of her ears into my shoulder while I cover the other one with my hand to protect them from the noise. The jet lands and the engine's are turned off, Morgan squirms in my arms so I put her down and hold her hand until the ramp opens. Tony walks off first and I let go of Morgan's hand so she can run to him, when she reaches him, Tony lifts her up and spins her around a few times before holding her close to his heart. My heart beats faster as Thor, Peter, Rhodey, and Clint walk off the quinjet, leaving just Natasha, Steve, and Bucky.

I bite my lower lip waiting for someone else to come down the ramp, when they finally do tears form in my eyes as I stare into the bright blue eyes of my best friend. (ngl I considered saying 'lover' here but that made me want to puke so you get this instead) A huge smile covers his face when he sees me and my face copies his as I run and jump on him, wrapping my legs around his waist I bury my head in his shoulder as James holds my back steady and hides his face in my hair.

We stay like that for a while until I remove my face from his shoulder and look back to his eyes as he lets me hop down, holding his elbows he holds mine as our foreheads touch lightly more tears come to my eyes.

"What's wrong, doll?" Bucky whispers to me.

I smile at him, "Absolutely nothing." He smiles back down at me and then attacks my lips.

Natasha's POV:

I know everyone is leaving the quinjet, I know I'm supposed to go with them but something isn't letting me leave Lydie. It's strange, I don't even know this girl yet I feel a need to protect her. It's probably the guilt of promising she would be safe and then her immediately getting shot and witnessing the person who was supposed to protect her die. That's it, right? Then why can't I leave her side?

"Nat," Steve whispers to me, I turn away from Lydie and look up to him. I can tell my eyes are red from holding in the tears he strokes my face and tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear before pulling me to my feet and into a tight embrace. "It's alright, she'll be okay." He whispers into my hair over and over again until I calm down enough to look back to him. I give him as much of a smile that I can muster and Steve returns it, I lean up on my toes and he leans down connecting our lips in a sweet kiss for the first time in about a month.

I smile when we break apart, a real smile that reaches my eyes, "I love you, Steve Rogers."

"I love you, Natasha Romanoff." He smiles back at me and kisses my forehead before bringing me back into the safety of his embrace. We hold each other for a few minutes until my gaze drifts back to Lydie who's still unconscious but is just starting to stir.

I pull out of the hug and walk back over to her when she starts to whimper. I stroke her hair to try to keep her calm so she doesn't move too much and tare her stitches. "Привет, Lydie. Это Natasha, ты в порядке. У тебя все будет хорошо." (Hey, Lydie. It's Natasha, you're okay. You're going to be fine) I coo to her as her eyes are still closed and her small body starts to tremble. I turn back to Steve, "Let's get her to Cho."

"Let's get you to Cho." He shoots back.

"Steve, I'm fi-" I cut myself off when I see the look on his face. "Fine, we'll both go to Cho." This seems to satisfy Steve as he wraps an arm around my shoulders and kisses my hair before moving to the other side of the gurney so we can wheel her down to the hospital wing.

Steve and I are talking in the elevator about what he's been up too over the last month  when I notice Lydie's eyes are open and staring at me.

I give her a small smile. "Эй сладкая! Вы нас там какое-то время пугали." (Hey sweetheart! You scared us for a while there) I see her gaze shift timidly over to Steve, "This is Steve. Он не говорит по русски." (He doesn't speak Russian) She smiles a small bit at my words and Steve looks at me confused before he turns suspicious.

"What did you tell her?" He asks me as he narrows his eyebrows and looks between Lydie and me.

"Nothing, baby don't worry." I smirk ay him and look back at the small girl in front of us.

"Он твой парень?" (Is he your boyfriend?) Lydie asks me causing me to laugh lightly and smirk at Steve.

"Da," Lydie giggles and Steve looks worried, like we're planning his murder or something.

"Should I be scared? I'm scared." Lydie and I both burst out laughing now, then the doors open and we head to the hospital wing.

Steve's POV:

Lydie and Nat were both checked out by Dr Cho earlier today, Natasha's fine although she did force me out of the room at one point and it was followed by Cho rushing in and staying there for a while, I hear muffled whimpers from behind the door before Cho came back out and walked right past me into Lydie's room. I tried to walk in but Nat had locked the door to keep me out. I stood there for a long time waiting for her to open the door.

"Nat?" I called out and knocked on the door until eventually I gave up and slid down the door, waiting for her to open it, after a while she opened the door making me fall back since I was leaning so much on it. She laughed lightly at me and called me a dork before pulling me to my feet and walking over to check on the brown haired haired, green eyed, freckled little girl in the next room.

Now we're sitting on the couch in my room watching tv snuggling close to each other, "Did I tell you someone called me from Sharon's phone?" Nat looks at me extremely confused. "It wasn't actually her of course, it was just some guy that had her phone threatening to blow up Manhattan."

Tasha laughs a little and rests her head back on my chest, "That's probably just Alexi, he's harmless really. A few threats but never actually does anything about them." I nod my head and run my hand up and down her arm. "What happened to Yelena and Melina?"

"Um," I scratch my head, "I think Stark's got them in a couple cells or something. But they're here so they're basically apartments with a ton of security and security cameras." She hums in response and closes her eyes, one hand lightly placed on her lower abdomen, the other resting on my chest as a single tear rolls down her cheek. I frown slightly and kiss the top of her head before pulling her closer to my body and closing my eyes.

The End


Well, that's the end of this book! I really hope you guys enjoyed it and thank you so much for reading it all the way through! I hope you enjoyed and have an amazing day!



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