Part 3

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Natasha's POV:

     I sit up in the bed, swinging my legs around as I pull the IV out of my arm. Walking out of the hospital wing I press the button for the elevator waiting for it to come down, I see Wanda walking towards me. I didn't even know she was on this floor.

"Hey." I say briefly looking at her before turning back to the doors.

"Hey Nat," She says, looking at me funny. "How you feeling?" she asks me with a genuinely curious expression on her face.

"I'm okay." I say smiling at her. "Really." she nods at that, seeming slightly sceptical but leaves me to do my thing as the elevator doors open and I walk in, "floor 78" I call out to go to the floor that I share with Steve, Wanda, and Clint when he isn't back on his farm with his family.

As I watch the numbers climb, the doors ding open at floor 75, revealing a certain super soldier. "Hey, Cap" I say smiling at him.

"Hey Nat." He says walking in. "Are you alright? Don't lie to me. I know you well enough to know when you're lying." He say looking down at me with those blue eyes of his.

I look up at him. Reading his eyes I can see everything that's going on in that big head of his. "I'm okay Steve. And I'm always honest." I smirk and walk out of the elevator just as the doors open. Without looking back I know he's watching me head to my room. I change out of the clothes I was wearing into a pair of sweat pants and an old baggy t-shirt, climbing into bed I turn on the TV to watch a movie.

Steve's POV:

       I head down to the common room to find Tony on the couch with Pepper. I call him over to the kitchen and start pouring myself a glass of orange juice. "So when are you going to tell her?" I ask Tony, not looking at him.

"Tell who what?" he asks me as if he had no idea what I was talking about. I look up at him with my best 'disappointed captain' look, as Natasha calls it. Immediately he knows what I'm talking about and says, "Well thats the thing Cap, I was kind of-" He cuts himself off looking down at the cup of coffee he held in his hands. Pepper stands up and heads to check on Morgan, knowing this isn't a conversation she should be hearing.

"Kind of what?" I press stepping towards the island where he sat. "kind of what Tony?"

"Wasn't going to tell her." He says finally looking at me. "I wasn't going to tell her okay? Not now anyway. If she gets worse than I'll tell her, or better yet, YOU'LL tell her."

"And what if she doesn't get worse? What if you find a way to help her? What then? How do you think it's going to make her feel knowing that she's been lied too for so long? And what do you mean I'll tell her?!"

"Lets face it Cap," Tony says as he gets up and walks towards the coffee pot, "you and Romanoff have got something going on between you too, you know it, she knows it, I know it, the whole damn tower knows it! And I am very close to getting the shot perfect."

"The hell are you talking about?" I walk towards Stark, ignoring the part about the needle, anger the only thing in my eyes and I know it.

"First of all, language." he says to which I roll my eyes. "Second of all, I've seen the way you two look at each other, how you care more for each other on missions and such. How you always seem to be there to save her from herself and others. You too are gross." He adds that last part and cringes, he pours a little bit of milk on his coffee, this is the first time I've seen him have coffee that wasn't black in a long time. I'm very tempted to knock the coffee out of his hands but he moves before I have the chance too.

"I'm not the one who's up till 3am-" Tony cuts me off.

"Okay, okay okay," he says putting his hands up in defeat. "I'll tell her, I promise. Just shut the hell up Rogers." I nod and leave the room once I finish my juice, heading up to the training floor I pass Bucky in on the stairs.

Bucky's POV:

        I watch Steve as he runs by me on the stairs. I've always preferred taking the stairs rather than the elevator, don't really know why. I do know that Steve, however, does not. I call out to him, hoping to ask him what he's doing, but he doesn't seem to hear me. That or he ignored me. I continue on my way towards the common room to see Wanda sitting in a chair by the window, staring into space. I take a seat next to her, wanting someone, ANYONE to talk to me right about now. I might even consider having a conversation with Sam that isn't about birds or Russian manipulation... maybe... just maybe.

Finally Wanda seemed to notice I was there and turned around to face me. "What's up?" she said, taking a sip from the mug in her hands.

"Have you noticed anything going on with Steve recently?" I asked somewhat out of the blue, I stair into her eyes making her tell me the truth.

"I'm not sure, maybe," she starts looking back at me, "why?"

"He seems," I start not really knowing where I'm going with this, "different." I finally say no longer looking at her but at the floor.

"That I have noticed," she said not looking at me either, "I had a conversation with him earlier, he seemed skittish and on edge, while also having a sort of twinkle in his eye."

"Well what were you guys talking about?" I ask Wanda, looking back up at her.

"Natasha." she says simply, a small smile on her face. And that's when it hit me, like a train coming off the tracks, like Steve's shield hitting a dirty agent.

Steve has a crush.

On Natasha Romanoff.

Natasha's POV:

       I turn off the TV once the credits start rolling and get into some workout clothes. Making my way towards the elevator I stop outside Clint's room to see if he's here and if he wants to spar. He isn't so I continue on my way. Once the doors open to the training floor, I drop my stuff on a bench and fill my water bottle, heading over to the punching bags I grab one and hook it to the ceiling. After a good 20 minutes of beating the crap out of the sand bag, I see Steve walk in, seemingly from know where. "Wanna spar?" I ask him walking towards my stuff.

he shrugs and says, "Not really."

"What you afraid to lose again?" I tease him unwrapping my hands.

"So thats how it is?" I smirk at him as he enters the ring. After a couple minutes I've gotten in a few good blows and he finally gets me down. Gasping when he sweeps my knee I pull him down, twisting his arm and flipping him over my shoulder when he goes to help me back up. He lands hard on his back beside me, not even trying to fight back. "what's going on with you?" I ask him standing up.

"Nothing." he says simply throwing a punch which I block easily. I go to kick him but he ducks out of the way making it harder for me.

I laugh and say, "This is definitely not you Rogers." He mutters something I just barely make out, so naturally, I press. "What? Come on Cap you know you can hit me harder than that." he shakes me off and proceeds to hit in me in the side. I wince and fall to the side.

"You alright?" Steve asks me coming to my side

"What's going on with you? You're so skittish right now."

"What can you blame me?" He asked reaching for my hand to pull me up, "My best friend was in a coma for 3 day." I smile at him and leave the ring grabbing my water and heading to the elevators I think about what he said earlier.

Steve Rogers has a crush on me. 

I can't help but smile.

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