Part 17

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Steve's POV:

I'm worried about Nat, I woke her up and she was screaming, she tried to attack me until she realized who I was. Then she cried into my shirt for an hour. When she was finally composed enough and looked up at me I asked her if she wanted to get breakfast, like we talked about earlier. After I left her room I stood outside of her door for a minute before I walked towards my room. I have a shower before I change and run my hand through my hair, not bothering to do anything with it.

I walk out of my room and start to head towards Nat's room, I'm almost at her door when it opens and out walks Nat. I smile at her and she smiles back, her fiery red hair is in a messy bun on the top of her head, a few strands falling down and framing her face. I grab her hand and we walk towards the elevator, when the doors close I don't let go of her hand and she doesn't let go of mine. We head down to the ground floor and walk to the main exit, we let go of our hands once we exit the hallway leading into to the main lobby as there are often random workers and civilians walking around. I nod at Gary the security guard as we leave through the main doors and walk down the steps to the side walk.

"Where should we go?" I ask her, we are far enough away from the tower and there is virtually no one around so I wrap an arm around her shoulder and she wraps one of hers around my waist.

"The park." She says and looks up at me, most of the snow has melted and the air is getting warmer, I smile down at her as we walk to where we were not long ago. We walk through the park until we get to the hidden area by the lake, I head over to the same tree we went to before and sit down leaning against tree. Nat sits down next to me and snuggles in close, wrapping her arms around me, we watch the sun rise over the water and over New York.

I know she doesn't want to talk about her dream, but I feel like I still have to ask. "Do you want to talk about it?" I look down at her.

She's quiet for a while, looking out at the water and not at me. "There was this one day," She says slowly, still not looking at me. "Back in the Red Room. I had almost graduated and we were in the ballet studio. There were 4 or 5 other girls around me, we danced to the music. Just like how we were trained. After 3 rounds one girls leg gave out, her ankle snapped and she fell to the ground. One of the guards shot her in the head the second she touched the ground, they dragged away her body and we couldn't stop, because if we did we would be next." There is so much pain in her voice, this has clearly haunted her for a long time. "Eventually someone would slip, or trip, or their leg would snap in half from the pressure. They would end up with the same fate as the first girl. Eventually it was just me, dancing around and around. Trying to avoid the blood on the ground while my toes are bleeding in my shoes. Madam B eventually let me go, I took two steps and slipped in blood, I was dragged away by guards and they beat me. They beat me until I passed out and then they beat me some more." Now she looks up at me, her eyes are red from trying to keep in the tears. Eventually she lets them fall and I wipe each one away. "You woke me up right when they started whipping me. That day I woke up on my small, cold, hard bed, lying directly on my wounds."

I can't help it, I start to cry too. I knew she had a ruff history and that she went through a lot growing up but this is just, so much worse then I could have ever imagined. I pull her in closer to me and we sit, crying softly to ourselves for a while. Eventually I try to get up but she pulls me back down, I smile at her as she cuddles back close to me I lean down and kiss her forehead, she looks up at me once more and kisses me lips lightly. I smile into the kiss and she does as well. Eventually we pull away.

"Let's go get that breakfast," She whispers, I smile back at her and stand up holding out my hands to pull her up. She takes them and pulls herself up, only lets go of one of my hands. We walk out of the park and put hats and sunglasses on our heads, trying to have some form of disguise. We head to a small cafe near the tower and buy nearly their entire supply of bagels and muffins before we start the short walk back to the tower.

Natasha's POV:

I have a bag of bagels in one hand, Steve's hand in my other. "What does this mean for us?" I ask him, I look up to his face and my green eyes make contact with his blue ones.

"What do you want this to mean?" He replies, still looking into my eyes.

"I asked you first." I raise an eyebrow at him which makes him chuckle slightly.

"I don't know much," He looks back to where we are going for a split second before looking back at me, "But I know I want more, of this. Of you. Early morning walks and late night binge watching. I want the nightmares, and the peaceful sleep, missions and training, I want you by my side. I want this." He blushes and looks away, clearly embarrassed that he let all of that out.

I stop walking and he looks back at me confused with a small bit of panic on his face, he opens his mouth to say something else but I silence him with a kiss. "I want this too." I say when I pull away, he beams down on me, I smile back up at him. He kisses me once more and we head inside the tower, I let go of his hand when we walk through the side door and down the hallway but grab it immediately after. He wraps his arms around me in the elevator, his bag full of muffins hitting my back. I smile into his chest and then the doors ding open.

It's about 7am so almost everyone is in the common room. "We got breakfast." I say as I walk into the kitchen. I toss Peter a bagel and he quickly cuts it and puts it in the toaster. Steve hands a blueberry muffin to Morgan and everyone else crowds around the bags. I grab a muffin from the bag and a plate from the cupboard before I sit down at the table, Steve takes his usual seat next to me and soon everyone else joins us.

"Come on Morgan, we gotta go." Pepper says a few minutes later, "Peter, Happy's gonna drive you to school, okay? Have a good day. Bye Tony!" She adds as she runs to the elevator, Morgans backpack in one hand and Morgan holding the other. Peter gets up a minute later runs out the door, eventually everyone trickles out and it's just Steve and I.

"Come on, Soldier," I say and put my dish in the sink. "Let's spar."


Omg I'm so happy right now, I loved writing this part. I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did. Have an amazing day!

-agirlwholikesmarvel1 xxx

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