Part 5

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Natasha's POV:

     Steve and I are running around the warehouse, knocking out guards and opening every door we can find. Eventually we come across a room filled with computers. I take out the hard drive that I had on me and plug it into the computer, hoping to get information on who we are dealing with, and what that suit outside was.

Steve seems to have a different idea of what we should be doing as he starts yelling at me "Natasha! Come on we don't have time for this, we'll circle back to this room but we NEED to find those hostages and get them outside."

Without looking up at him I say "If I don't get this information now, they will be able to completely eras it from their data base and we will have no data instead of all the data." I pull the hard drive out of the computer as I had gathered all the information from the computer. Just then, something comes crashing through the one window in the room and rolls to my feet. before I can even process what it is, Steve is grabbing me and jumping us out of the window and towards the hallway when there is a huge explosion that knocks us through a wall and into a room filled with people who look like they all want to kill us.

They immediately pull out their guns and point them at us, as we cough out the smoke and debris that had entered our lungs during the explosion. "Yeah, okay" I cough some more "That ones on me." This was certainly not good. I hear static over my comms and look at Steve knowing that the others are not going to be able to get us out of this one. Not right now anyway.

Steve's POV:

      I remember an explosion, getting Nat out of the way, and then lots of people with guns. That's all I remember when I wake up on a cold, metal chair, arms and legs bound to the posts. A guard is standing by the door, watching me, a large machine gun in his hands.

Looking around the room with my eyes, I see a small camera in one corner of the room, no windows, no air ducts. There's a clock on the wall, it reads 4:18, meaning I've been out for about 45 minutes. Tony and the other's wouldn't just leave us here knowing we were in trouble. Besides Tony should've entered the facility by now, probably found the hostages and let them out. Might be searching rooms even.

Just as I'm thinking about when Tony's gonna come in here and save my butt, I hear large footsteps outside and the door opens, showing me a large man in a dark suit. Without saying anything he puts a gun to my head unties me from the chair, handcuffing me and forces me to walk forward. As I'm walking out of the room I look forward, out of the corner of my eye I see Natasha in the same state as me but she has a black eye and a slight limp which I'm guessing she got from the blast. She must have struggled when she first woke up seeing as her wrists are red and scratched.

I make eye contact with Nat, letting her know that I'm okay and to not do anything stupid. We continue to walk down the halls, Nat and I are beside each other, not moving my head 'cause there is a gun to it, I search the hall with my eyes, trying to find away out of this mess when a bag is put over my head. We keep walking until they force me to sit down in what I assume is a van that will take us to our next location.

Tony's POV:

After the comms went out I checked in with Banner to get them back online, they were up in 5 minutes and I called on everyone for a status report. Steve and Natasha didn't answer which made me nervous as they never miss checking in with the team. I finished up with the suit thing and entered the building, following the trail of bodies until I got to a room that seemed too have recently exploded, as it was still smouldering and the walls are burnt to a crisp. Looking to the left I see a window that leads to another room smashed with a shield shaped dent in the floor. After that I follow a small trail of blood calling for some backup as I have a feeling this is about to get ugly really quickly.

The path leads me to two different rooms, both with guards at the doors which are taken out easily thanks to the little jets that come out of the shoulder of my suit and my repulsers. There is a trail of something that isn't blood coming out of one of the rooms, following it I make my way to a doorway where I find a small tracker and a piece of paper it says 'Might need you to save our asses this time, N' I chuckle a little bit knowing this was Romanoff having a plan.

I find the room full of hostages and get them out safely before heading back outside to help the rest of the team. "Hey, FRIDAY get a reading on Romanoff and Cap's location." I tell the AI.

"They are on the move. Unmarked white van, heading north. Final location unknown." Her robotic voice replies. I start heading north, there are 5 different white vans on the freeway, after a quick scan of each of them I see that in one of them there are 2 hooded figures with guards in the back, the driver is armed.

"That one right?" I ask for conformation.

"Yes boss."

I fly towards the van without much of a plan. Rhodey ends up beside me as I'm trying to figure out what to do.

"Tony we gotta get them out of there." I hear Rhodey say over comms

"Yeah, working on it."

"Why don't we just like bust in the door of the van, grab em and get out?"

"Can't do that, armed driver and guards in the back with them, they'll shoot if they think they have too."

"What if I take out the driver, and you take care of the guards, theres what 4 of them?"

"I don't know how thats different but let's try it. Be careful, they could blow the whole thing up you never know."

Flying to the back of the van I bust open the doors to find exactly what I had expected, 2 hooded figures, one short and one tall, and 4 armed guards. After taking out the guards rather easily I take the bags off of their heads to see a blond girl and a brown haired guy. "Rhodes we have a problem." I say into the comms as I grab the 2 and fly out of the van.

"What did they shoot them?!" There's panic clear in his voice.

"Nope, it's not them." I reply setting the people on the ground near the quinjet.

"What then where are they?" 


"Working on it," The AI responds, "Location unknown."


Hi! Thank you guys so much for 100 reads!!! I know that's not a lot but it's a big accomplishment so thank you so much to each and every one of you, I promise theres gonna be some romanogers soon just trying to figure out how I should do it. Thank you so much for reading, let me know what you thought. Have a great day!


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