Part 6

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Steve's POV:

    I'm in a room. No idea where. There's no windows, or vents. Just one door in the corner with me strapped in a chair, and someone behind me. My hands are tied around the chair, legs strapped tight along with my waist with something stronger.

Twisting my neck I see the red hair of one Natasha Romanoff draped to the side of a sleeping face. "Nat," I whisper. "Natasha." I say slightly louder, to this she lifts her head very quickly clearly having no idea whats going on I ask her, "You okay?"

She pauses for a moment looking around the room, "Yeah, yeah I'm okay are you?"

"I'm good," I say, trying to get the small bits of panic out of her voice, you wouldn't even notice it if you don't know her the way I do. "No windows, no vent, one light on the ceiling and a metal door that is at least 3 inches thick." I say giving her the run down of our current situation, "Oh, and a camera in the corner that I think is off but I can't really tell."

She grabs my hand in hers, like she's making sure I'm really there. "Yeah, it's off." She says, I can feel her moving around on her chair a little bit. "How long till you think they'll come in?"

I sigh slightly, "Depends on how long we've been out and what they've got planned for us." I search around for her other hand, I eventually find it and hold it, giving her hand a small squeeze, I blush a little as she squeezes back, thankful that she can't see my face right now.

Just then there are footsteps out in the hall and then 3 people burst through the door, 2 of them with large guns, the other with a red and black mask over their face, with only 2 slits for their eyes.

The guy with the mask moved Natasha's arms and legs from around the chair, while the guards had guns pointed at her so she wouldn't do anything stupid. Without saying anything they start to walk out of the room, when they are walking across Natasha winks at me and says "Bye, Steve!"

Chuckling slightly I reply, "Bye, Nat!" with just as much enthusiasm in my voice. One of the guards leaves the room with them but the other one stays in the small room with me. "So, whats your name?" I ask the guard, hoping to start some form of a conversation. After waiting a minute for a reply I smile a bit and say, "Not much of a talker, huh?"

The entire time she's gone I'm panicking, I need to know if she's okay. I need to know what's happening. I feel like if I have to wait another minute I will burst. I think back to what Tony was saying a few days ago, about me being in love with Natasha. I am definitely not in love with her, but I can't stop thinking about her, her silky red hair, her emerald eyes and the way they sparkle when she smiles, her adorable laugh and her witty remarks. How she carries herself and the way how much she cares about her friends. Damn it... I hate it when Tony's right... or somewhat right...

It must have been at least an hour, maybe 2 before they brought Natasha back into the room. The guard that was with me left with them this time. "What happened?" I ask her once they had all left. The camera in the corner is still off so I feel comfortable saying anything really without being listened too.

"Nothing really, the guy interrogated me when I refused to give up information which I didn't even know existed he threatened to shoot me in the head. No big deal really." She said way too calmly, grabbing my hand knowing I was about to panic.

"I'm sorry, what?" I said raising my voice before she shushed me. "Did you just shush me Romanoff?"

"I did cause your gonna make them come in here if you're too loud. Now, heres the plan. I left a tracker for Tony back at the warehouse, I'm guessing they found it and put it on a different van cause Stark hasn't busted us out of here yet. Little do they know-" She stops talking as a light on the camera turns on. I squeeze her hand a little bit knowing what she's thinking, because I'm thinking it too. If we say, act, or do anything stupid they will come in here and shoot us.

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