Part 33

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Steve's POV:

Nat kicked me out of her room during the night, saying she needed some alone time and that she'll see me in the morning. I've been tossing and turning all night, I can't get comfortable.

"Friday?" I ask the ceiling.

"Yes, Captain Rogers?" She replies, I sit up in my bed.

"Is Natasha awake right now?" Theres a slight pause before she answers.

"Yes, she is." I thank the AI before grabbing myself a hoodie and one for Natasha as well, I head down the hall to her room.

I stand outside her door for a moment, contemplating whether I should just walk in or knock first. I knock lightly on the door, opening it slightly just enough for me to put my head around. She grabs her crutches and starts making her way to me. I push the door fully open before I ask, "Do you trust me?"

She nods her head slightly, "I do," I would take her hand and lead her to the elevator but she needs both her hands for the crutches, so instead I hand her the sweatshirt before closing the door behind her. We make our way to the elevator, I tell Friday to take us to the lobby. Natasha gives me a slightly confused look but doesn't seem to question it for long as the doors open and we walk out to the lobby. We head past security, nodding at Gary the security guard as we walk by, when we get to the steps leading down to the street I just pick Nat up, she laughs at the sudden gesture. When we get to the bottom I put her down, per her request and my pouting, and I start to lead her away from the tower.

Once she realizes where I'm taking her a huge smile appears onto her face. About a block away I notice a guy has been following us. "Nat, 6 o'clock" is all I need to say for her to understand. I stop walking directly under a streetlight and pull Natasha towards me, she gives me an over enthusiastic kiss which I return, making the guy who was following us turn the corner and walk away. This probably would have worked better if her crutches hadn't fallen down in the process and if her leg wasn't just kind of waving there as the guy comes back a second later.

Nat seems to grimace and I automatically becomes worried, my face clearly showing it, "You okay, Tash?" I put my hands on her waist looking into her emerald green eyes.

"My leg, baby." She half whimpers as she falls into my arms, I pick her up, not really knowing what to do with her crutches I leave them there, Nat leans her forehead onto mine and kisses my cheek. I can't tell if her leg is actually hurting her or if she is just trying to convince the stalker that she isn't interested but either way I walk past the entrance because I don't want to be stuck in there with a psycho following us.

I turn down a random street before quickly stepping to the side and out of view of anyone who comes down the street, hopefully they would just assume that we went into one of the apartments and that he had missed his chance. I smirk when I hear him curse and walk by us.

Once he is farther down the road, Natasha still in my arms, I head back to where we left Natasha's crutches and put her down as she tries to squirm out of my grip. We head back the direction we were just in and make a right, walking down a path until we come to a tree. Our tree.

I sit down against the tree and pull Natasha down as well so she is sitting in between my legs and is leaning against my chest. "I love you." I whisper into her fiery red hair.

Tash turns her head so she is facing me, "I love you too." She whispers before she kisses my lips. "But we need to talk about yesterday." She tells me once we part.

"Not now," I breath, looking deep into her emerald green eyes, "Not now, Tash." She nods slightly, turning her head back around and leaning it against my chest. We watch the sun rise over the lake, the birds start chirping and soon the park is full of tourists and New Yorkers stopping by on their way to work.

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