Part 47

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Another part right before I go to bed? I think so

Steve's POV:

I run after Natasha pushing through the crowd as best I can without hurting anyone. "Nat!" I call out, I get a glimpse of her red hair in the crowd. I push through the crowd to get to her, eventually people start walking around me and it becomes easier to get to her.

I grab her arm and pull her out of the crowd, this time she doesn't struggle and she doesn't try to punch me. I bring her to a secluded area and sit down against a tree. Nat sits down beside me, and rests her head against the trunk of the tree. "There's something else about them, isn't there?" I say looking out towards the park and not at Nat.

"If both Yelena and Melina are here then it's just a matter of time before Alexi and the rest of my former family shows up." I look at her now, "Madam B, Dreykov, Taskmaster all of them. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire KGB shows up" Nat explains.

She still doesn't look at me, "So we need a plan."

She shakes her head, "No, we need to get out of here. Then I need to disappear." My head snaps in her direction.

"No. Absolutely not." I say with as much authority in my voice as possible.

Nat sighs, "Steve-"

I cut her off before she can continue on about how it's the right thing to do. "You're going to get yourself killed, Nat. No matter how much you want it to be, your leg isn't healed and you can't take on an entire Russian organization by yourself." She looks at me now, sadness fills her eyes as she looks into mine, "I can't lose you, Tash. Not again."

"I love you, Steve. You're not going to lose me again." She grabs my hand and gives it a small squeeze.

"I love you too, Nat." With that I stand up and offer her a hand, she takes it and I pull her to her feet and we make our way to the shuttles. We are the only ones leaving the park so we get the full thing to ourselves until we stop at different hotels and resorts.

We pretend to go over important information in the back of the bus so people at least wont come up to us asking for pictures, as we are still in our full suits, instead they not so secretly take pictures of us as we pass back and forth one of Shields holographic tablets. I adjust a couple things and type something before handing it to Tash so she looks equally busy.

"We need to get control over the systematic rays coming from the Sandbox." I say the first words that come to my mind even though they make no sense in my mind.

Natasha nods, "The longer people are exposed the more dangerous it becomes. I'll get FitzSimmons working on reversing the effects while May, Daisy, Bobbi, and Coulson shut down the facility." She taps away at the tablet and 'sends a message' to Shield 616. "We'll meet them there with Barton."

I nod, "Sounds good, how long until Coulson's team makes contact?"

Nat brings up a map with different flight plans and a fake route that the plane would be taking, "The bus should touch down in about 4 hours, quinjet will only take 2 to get there." She shows me the screen.

"We have some time then." Natasha nods and the shuttle comes to a stop outside the hotel we get off the bus and it pulls away, just as we are about to step inside the Shield logo turns red indicating there is a mission. I look at Nat and then press the logo, Fury's face fills the screen. "You ever heard of a vacation, sir?"

"No, what is it?" Fury replies sarcastically. "I know Romanoff's with you Cap so point the damn screen." I look over to Natasha who takes the tablet out of my hands. "I need you in D.C, both of you. Barton too if you can get him from his family."

"This about Yelena and Melina?" Natasha asks as we walk through the lobby of the hotel. Fury nods slightly, "Let me guess, they wont tell you anything and you want me to get them to talk?" He nods again.

I look at Natasha briefly and then back to the director. "When do you need us back?"

"3 hours, I'll send a quinjet." With that Fury hangs up I sigh and look at Nat again as we stand outside the elevator.

"Well there goes our vacation." I say as we step into the elevator, when the doors close I step close to Natasha and kiss her deep and passionately. She kisses me back with just as much passion and just as much love, her hands go to my hair and the back of my neck pulling me closer to her I push her against the wall of the elevator and only pull away when the elevator dings signalling it's arrival on the fifth floor.

Clint's POV:

Steve ran after Nat about two hours ago. Since then, everybody else has arrived and either went out into the park in smaller groups or stuck around the area of the stage. Quill has been complaining for the last half hour about how little stuff there is about the Guardians, to be fair not many people know they exist.

Right now I'm walking through the park with my wife, kids, and Starks whole crew. "So you just let people come into the tower, not only the tower but the Avengers floors?" I ask Tony as we stop outside a building with the Avengers logo on the outside.

Stark looks at me like I'm stupid. "What? No, of course not. I sent them a couple very vague pictures for them to base whatever this is off of."

This time Pepper speaks up, "And what rooms did you send pictures of?" Tony shrugs and I sigh before we walk inside to see how Stark has made our personal lives not so personal.

We walk through a set of double doors into a room labeled 'The Great Room', at first glance it looks like any other room except that it is a complete replica of the common room back at the tower.

"Tony, how many picture did you send them?" I ask slightly taken aback by the accuracy.

"I sent them one picture of this entire floor." Everyone continues looking around the room. I tilt my head to the side at a sign reading 'Personal Apartments'.

"Mr Stark! Ms Potts, Mr Barton. I'm so glad you could see our handy work." A guy dressed like a walking theme park walks up to us and holds his hand out for Tony, Pepper, and I to shake.

As we do so Tony says, "Yes well, how exactly did your 'handy work' turn into this? I sent you one picture Garret."

Garret tilts his head to the side, "But then we had 3 video conferences, all of which you continuously moved around for."

I roll my eyes at the classic Tony move, "Damn it, Stark. You can never stay in one place for more than one god damn minute." Laura shoots me a look, 'What?' I mouth to her before realizing what I said and cover Nathaniels ear. Laura just looks at me and I shrug, she shakes her head and looks down at the ground with a slight smile on her face.

Stark goes on to say something while Morgan drags Pepper away and Laura follows them, then my phone rings. I pull it out of my pocket and look down to see who's calling me, it's Natasha. "Excuse me," I say and walk to a corner before answering. "Hey Nat, what's up?"

"Fury needs us in DC." She says from the other end of the line, I audibly groan and look over to where my family is running around like wild animals. Nat seems to sense my hesitation to coming in. "It wont be long, Clint. I got Fury to give you actual time off after all this is over so you can spend it with your family."

I look over to them again, "Alright, but you have to come visit, when does he need us?"

There's a small pause on the line. "A quinjet will be here in a little over an hour." Nat ignores the first bit of my sentence.

"Fine, but I'm telling Laura it was your idea!" Before she can say anything else I hang up on her and walk over to Laura to explain why I have to go. Eventually I get onto the shuttle to go back to the hotel and I head straight to my room to grab more arrows and all of my stuff before Fury's quinjet arrives.

Natasha's POV:

Why are we doing this? Why are we doing this? Why are we doing this?


idk what this is hope you enjoyed anyway


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