Part 30

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Peter's POV:

I woke up early this morning thanks to another nightmare, right now I'm sitting at my desk in my room, my laptop open in front of me, one arm in a sling and the other scrolling through news article after news article. Some are about random things that are happening in the world, a couple about a hurricane that's going through the Caribbean, a few about a shooting in Canada. But most of them are about Natasha. It's been 2 days since she first woke up, and about 3 hours since the tower announced that Natasha is awake and okay.

The whole tower hasn't been very public recently and this is why, we didn't want people assuming things. I click on an article called, "Avengers cover up Black Widows death" I read through the article, there is not one sound piece of evidence of how she is dead, why she is dead, or why it's being covered up. None of it makes sense. I read through a couple more articles before I slam my computer closed and walk out of my room. I would head to one of the training rooms but Tony restricted my access until my arm is fully healed. I do have increased healing abilities thanks to the radioactive spider bite, but it turns out having your shoulder shattered and arm snapped in two takes a while to heal.

I walk down the hallway and towards Morgan's room to see what she's up to. She always makes me smile and if there isn't anything interesting going on we always have fun blowing stuff up in my lab. I knock on her door before walking in. "Hey, Morg what are you doing?" I walk over to where she is playing with a couple of her dolls. She shrugs before looking up at me.

"What's happening to Auntie Nat?" Her big brown eyes are staring into my soul, there is no way I can lie to her.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I sit down on the beanbag chair beside her. I swallow, realizing I am probably not the best person to talk about this with.

"I heard everybody talking earlier when they thought I was asleep. They said," She sniffs," They said she is in a cocoon."

I furrow my eyebrows, confused at what she just said until it hits me, "Morgan do you mean a coma?" She nods her head, her eyes filling with tears. "Morgan, Nat is fine. She isn't in the coma anymore, she's okay." I smile a little at her, when she doesn't smile back I ask her, "Do you want to call her?" She nods her head and I pull out my phone and head into facetime.

I click on Natasha's icon and it starts to ring, she picks up on the second ring. "Hey, маленький паук! How are you?" Nat asks me in a cheerful voice, I smile into the phone.

"I'm good Nat, someone here wanted to say hi." I point the camera to Morgan, her face lights up when she sees Nat on the screen.

"Hi, Auntie Nat!" She squeals into the phone, Morgan takes it out of my grasp and goes towards the other corner presumably so I can't hear her. But my increased hearing makes that difficult.

They talk about Morgan's school, a tv show, her dad and a couple other things before Morgan turns around and says to me, "Peter your phone's going to die!" I look up at the clock in Morgans room, my phone only dies when there is somewhere I need to be. My eyes widen when I see the time, 7:49, I'm gonna be so late for school. I grab the phone out of Morgans hands as she has just hung up on Nat and race out the door to find Tony already in the car.

We drive to school where I have a pretty normal day until...

Steve's POV:

I've tried to stay away from the news, all it does is piss me off, but every now and then I look at it. The tower just announced Nat is awake so there was bound to be articles, some saying it's all a ruse, others saying they are just glad she is awake.

Unfortunately the majority of the articles are the first one, there are probably 100 of those and about 3 of all other options. I sigh after scrolling through the articles for a minute, Nat looks over to me, her leg still in a big cast with a couple pins sticking out holding the bone in place. "We knew people weren't going to take it the right way."

I look over to her, "I know, but you'd think after almost 2 months people would be happy you're alive." She gives me half a smile, trying to make me feel better when she is the one the media is saying is dead. "It'll all be okay, you're gonna be out of here in like a week and then people will see you're alive." I stand up and kiss her cheek before announcing that I'm going to get a coffee and that I will be right back.

I'm walking back to Nat's room, black coffee in one hand a blueberry muffin in the other. Nat was moved out of the ICU earlier today and is now able to eat solid food, she's been bugging me for a muffin all day. I pass a couple nurses talking about a 'Lexi Grey' who died in a plane crash 9 years ago, thinking about it I wonder if she in Tashas doctor were related. Dr Grey stops me in the hallway, "Hi, Steve. I've got a quick update on Natasha for you." I nod my head, signalling for her to continue. "Well her liver and kidney's seem to be fully functioning again which is a very good sign. Her white blood cell count is slightly elevated so I'd like to keep an eye on that, and Dr Torres should be able to take out the screws in her leg tomorrow morning. Right now she's on course for being released on Thursday." I smile at the news. She's going home. We're going home.

I walk into Tasha's room with a huge smile on my face. "Hey, I got you that muffin." She smiles at me as I walk through the door, but it isn't her real smile, not the one she uses around the team, the one she uses with me. "What's wrong, Tash?" I sit down on the edge of her bed, the opposite side of her broken leg.

She looks down guiltily at the sheets of her bed, "I looked at the news." I laugh at her, she looks back up to me with mixed emotions on her face. "They found out Peter was in the car with me." My eyes widen. I start to panic, I ramble unable to control it. "Steve. Steve, it's fine. Stark took care of it somehow." I immediately relax, Peter would become a huge target if anyone knew the truth.

Natasha takes the muffin out of my hand and takes a big bite, I smile at her. "You know, Grey said you'll be out of here by Thursday."

"Alright, I'll be home by Wednesday then." She smirks at me between bites of her muffin. Of course she would want to push the doctors to let her out early. I give her a look that says, 'don't force it, you'll be out soon enough' she rolls her eyes at me and says "You're so annoying sometimes, Rogers,"

I raise an eyebrow, "So I'm 'Rogers'?" I start to get sceptical and my eyebrow goes back down, "Am I in trouble?" Even before we were dating she always called me Steve, or Cap. She would only call me Rogers if she was mad at me.

She laughs a little bit and shakes her head, I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding. "What's going on then?" I stroke her cheek, forcing her to look into my eyes.

"Nothing, I just," She starts, looking around the room for something. "I just want to get out of here."

I stare at her for a second, "Nat when you get back to the tower you're going to be doing exactly this but with Mario Kart and ice cream for at least a month." She smirks at me.

"Mario Kart makes everything better." I laugh at her, she joins me before we settle into our usual conversation about nothing really.

Tony's POV:

After I pick up Peter from school we stop off to pick up Morgan. I send Morgan to go play and get Peter to do some work in his lab, occasionally checking on him to make sure he hasn't blown anything up.

Clint ordered pizza for dinner and calls everybody to the table to eat. The 2 seats in the middle have been sitting empty for too long now. I grab a couple piece of pizza and put them on my plate. After a few minutes of random conversations floating around I say quite loudly, "Peter, you excited for your field trip?" I smirk.

His eyes go dark as he stares daggers at me he yells, "It was you!"


Alright so I know not all of you are going to love the field trip but it sets something up for the next couple chapters so I kind of had to put it there:/

In honer of Lexi coming back to Grey's tonight after 9 years I had to at least mention her:)

Also I'm off school for the next 4 days so be prepared for a couple random 'im really bored im gonna post something' chapters


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