Part 15

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Tony's POV:

I don't think Steve and Nat realize I have a camera in the jet. I also don't think they realize they are in direct view of it. I'm sitting in the kitchen drinking my 4th cup of coffee when I bring up the footage of the quinjet to see if they are on their way home yet or not. What I did not expect to see was Cap and Widow kissing in the middle of the quinjet. It startles me so much that I spit out the coffee in my mouth, I pause the screen. "Pepper!" I yell, running up the stairs. "Pepper where are you!"

"What? I'm right here, calm down." She comes out of her office, clearly distraught about my yelling. I hand her the tablet, I see her eyes come out of her head as she sees what's on the screen.

She hands me back the tablet, eyes still wide. And then a huge smile appears on her face. "I'm gonna have some fun with this." I tell her as I walk back downstairs to finish dinner. A few minutes later I go on the intercom to Peters room, I could just get Friday to tell him but this is more fun. "Hey Pete, dinner's ready when you want it, Ned you can have some too."

I pull up the footage from Peters room, I only do this when Ned is over, to see Neds reaction the the speakers that are so well hidden it's like they aren't even there. There is no audio but I can see Ned looking around clearly confused. He has dropped his controller and his headphones are now on the floor as he is looking all around the room. It's quite entertaining. All Peter does is gives the room a thumbs up, knowing that I would be watching the cameras.

I pick up a bowl and fill it will it with the I made spaghetti, I flip back over to the jet cam and see Natasha laying her head on Steve's shoulder. "Aw," I say, they really are cute together.  I sit down on the couch and turn on the tv, it's gonna be a while until they are back and I need to confront them, I at least need to interrogate Cap.

I'm half way through my second episode of Law and Order when I hear laughing coming from the hanger, I turn around smirking as I see Steve with his arm wrapped around Natasha's shoulders and Natasha punching him in the side.

When Steve sees me he brings his arms back down to his side and Natasha stops laughing. "So, how was the mission?" I ask them.

"It was fine, nothing special." Natasha says as she walks passed me into the kitchen.

"Right," I say, "Nothing special, no one was, I don't know, kissing on the quinjet?" I ask, Steve freezes in his place and Natasha looks up from what she is doing. For a spy she really can get thrown off, and as for Cap, I expected nothing else. I see Steve blush and try to hide it, failing miserably. I burst out laughing at their reactions and bring up the security footage from the jet, still laughing, I hand Steve the tablet and he blushes even more.

Natasha seems to re-gain her composer as she goes back to what she was doing and say, "What are you talking about, Stark?" Steve just hands her the tablet and she looks at it. Putting down her bowl and picks it up, she then chucks it at the wall, effectively ruining it.

"Hey!" I say, she rolls her eyes at me.

"Relax, it's not like you don't have a million of them." She picks her bowl back up and takes a bite.

"That was Peter's." I say, she stops chewing mid chew and looks at the tablet on the floor, the screen is shattered and is missing pieces, it's slightly bent and there is a chunk missing from the back. There's no was to save it. "Now you have to tell him you broke his tablet, and why you broke it." I smile like a little kid who just got an ice cream cone.

She curses under her breath, Steve glares at her knowing it's not the right time to "Language" her. I can't tell if she's cursing about having to tell Pete she broke his ipad or about being caught kissing Steve. Either way I'm pleased. She walks over to me with a death glare. "Tell anyone what you saw and you're dead Stark." I back up as she's walking to me, she has this face that says 'I will kill you before you can blink' and I'm not ready to be murdered.

"Well," I say as I hit the couch behind me. "To late, I already showed Pepper and she basically died." Nat takes out a knife that I didn't even realize she had, Steve runs over and takes the knife out of her hands before she can do anything, he grabs her arms and tries to pull her away from me, she struggles for a while before she eventually gives up, knowing she is not going to be able to get out of his grip. I smirk and plop myself back down on the couch and turn back on the tv.

"Good luck with Peter, oh and Neds over. You know how he basically swoons whenever he sees one of us."

This time when she curses she doesn't even try to hide it, she just yells it to the whole world. I shake my head and return my attention to the tv.

Natasha's POV:

Why didn't I think he would have cameras on the jet? Of course he would! It's a multi-million dollar air craft and I just assumed it wouldn't have any cameras? Why do I even care this much? Damn it, I want him.

A couple days ago when I was asking him to get pizza, I didn't even realize I was asking him. Of course he said yes, he's too polite to decline. But he actually seemed to have a good time, and then he took me to Central Park, to a little clearing but the water. This one huge tree was in the middle of it and he cleared some snow. We sat there for hours, eventually he pulled me closer into him and I could feel my heart beating in my ears. When we kissed that first time, that real kiss, it sent butterflies throughout my body. I never want to be without him.

I'm walking towards Peter's room, a third thinking about what I'm going to tell him, another third thinking about how I'm going to kill Stark later, and that final third is thinking about the blond super soldier who sleeps down the hall. I knock on Peter's door.

"Peter, can I come in for a second?" I call out as I stand in the hallway, I know how important privacy is, especially when you never had any as a kid. And yes I barged into his room at 6:30 in the morning, but that was only because I knew for a fact he would be asleep and it was just hilarious.

I hear him make his way to the door, he opens it and says, "Hey, Nat whats up?" He crosses his arms and leans on the door frame.

"Yeah, I broke your tablet. I thought it was one of Tony's but I guess it was yours and it's pretty much smashed beyond repair." I stand in the hallway, I so badly want to just walk away and leave the subject forever but I know he isn't going to drop it that easily. "Hey, Ned." I say and wave slightly at him. He just stares back in return, I'm used to it, he always freezes around all of us.

"Wha- um, how- wha- what happened exactly?" He asks me, I know how important that iPad is to him. He's clearly flustered and can't speak properly.

"Tony had something he shouldn't have had, how did he even get it anyway? Isn't it like either always in your room or in your backpack?"

"I left it on the counter when I grabbed dinner." He doesn't ask anymore questions so I figure everything is fine, "You owe me an iPad!" He says, I smile at him and give him a high five before walking away. I hear the door close behind me and my thoughts return to how I'm going to murder Tony.

Unfortunately my thoughts don't get very far, as a tall blond stands in front of me, clearly knowing my intentions. I roll my eyes at him and say, "Wanna go watch some more Grey's Anatomy?" He stands up a little bit taller and his eyes seem to sparkle for like a second before he regains his composer, he agrees trying to make it seem like he doesn't really care. I laugh at how awful a lier he is and we head towards the elevator.


Tony saw them kissing ahahaha sorry I feel like I had to. This is so cringy hope you enjoyed it tho! WandaVision is now done and I wish there was like 100 more episodes, how did you like the finale? Anyways hope you have an amazing day:)


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