Part 12

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Natasha's POV:

Everyone has headed to bed, but I stayed on the couch with Steve. "Let's get that pizza." He said standing up.

"Steve it's like 2am, what pizza place is gonna be open?" I question him, although I stand up as well and walk with him towards the elevator.

"I know a place." He says looking down at me as we step into the elevator. "Come here," he says opening his arms, I gladly go into them, wrapping my arms around him,  he wraps his around me and rests his chin on the top of mine, just like he did earlier.

We step out of the elevator and head down the street. After about 5 blocks of walking I say, "Rogers if you were gonna make me walk forever you could've at least let me change out of these ridiculous shoes." referring to my heals, which were already starting to kill my feet. I stop to take off my shoes but Steve gives me a glance that says, 'yeah right'.

I smile at him as he crouches down so I can hop on his back. I take off my heels and hold them in one hand as I wrap my arms around his neck so I don't fall off. He raced down the street, making me scream as a bug flew into my open mouth.

A couple minutes later Steve stops outside a small pizza place, I raise my eyebrow wondering why it's open at this hour, but I don't question it for long as Steve lets me off his back and I shove my toes back into my shoes. We walk in and order a large pizza as we are both starving and because of Steve's metabolism, he could probably eat 2 larges.

We sit down at a table in the back, even though there's no one else around and start to eat the pizza. "Not bad for a random 2am pizza place." I say between bites.

"Right!" Steve says finishing off his first slice and going in for another one. "How'd you like the party tonight?" He asks me, still stuffing his face with the pizza.

"It was alright," I say taking another bite, "Would've been better if you'd stuck around a little longer." 

We continue eating in silence until finally the pizza is done, we pay and head for the door. I start to head the way of the tower but Steve grabs my arm and leads me in the opposite direction. When I ask him where we are going, he just smiles and pulls me a little harder down the street.

We continue like that for a couple of blocks before I realize where we are and what we were going to do. "Central Park, Steve?" I ask raising an eyebrow. I run through this park three times a week, he knows that he comes with me on Tuesday's.

"Just wait." He rolls his eyes a little bit making me laugh. He leads us over to a spot in the park I didn't even know existed. He leads me down towards the lake to a large elm tree and we lean against the trunk of the tree, clearing snow from a small area and sit. We just kind of sit there.

After a while I start to get cold, I shiver and Steve pulls me close to him. It feels like we've been sitting here for hours, but like it's been seconds at the same time. Eventually the sun starts to rise so we have to head back to the tower. I go to stand up out of Steve's grip but he pulls me back down, refusing to let me leave. I give up easily and just lie there, my arms tucked around him and my head buried into his chest. He kisses the top of my head and I look up at him.

And then.

He kisses me.

Peter's POV:

Last night seemed to go on forever. Usually I wake up to either my school alarm going off or Friday telling me breakfast is ready, so I never really get a choice of sleeping in. But this morning when I wake up I'm sprawled out on my bed, still in my clothes from last night. I guess I was too tired and just went to sleep.

I grown at the light coming through the top of my curtains, I look at the clock across the wall, 10:36, that's the latest I've slept since I moved in. I roll off my bed, quite literally, and change into sweat pants and a hoodie. I walk out of my room, very zombie like and somehow end up at the kitchen island.

"You alright there Pete?" Tony asks me as I slump onto a stool and put my head in my hands.

"No." I grumble into my hands, Tony pushes a plate of pancakes over to me and a large jar of maple syrup. I drench the pancakes in the syrup and they are down in a matter of minutes. There is no way I'm gonna get through the day without coffee, although the last time I had coffee I was literally bouncing off the walls.

I head over to the coffee pot and pour myself a small mug, pouring a bunch of milk and a lot of sugar in it. Tony gives me a look from the other side of the kitchen, the only thing I can say is, "You had me up till 2am on a Friday night right after exams playing truth or dare. I'm drinking coffee."

"Actually I was gonna comment on the amount of milk and sugar in that mug." He says taking a sip from his own coffee. "Oh, and hurry up I'm taking you and Morgan sledding." I lift my head at that, we never go anywhere. "Oh don't be so surprised, I found a hill outside of town, no one will bother us."

I smile, quickly finishing my coffee and race back to the elevator to get into "actual clothes". Just as I'm heading to my room, Pepper comes up to me, along with Morgan.

"Morgan meet me downstairs in 10!" I yell racing past them and into my room. I change into some jeans and a t-shirt. I brush my teeth and head back downstairs where I find Morgan already getting into winter gear. I don't really have much winter clothes, but I know that it's all stored by Natasha room, and she's the only one who has the key to the storage room. "Has anyone seen Nat? Or Cap for that matter?" I say, still running around trying to find stuff.

"No, I haven't actually." Pepper says walking over to where I was, putting both her hands on my shoulder to stop me from bouncing. "Friday, where are they?"

"Miss Romanoff and Captain Rogers went out for pizza last night after the party and haven't returned since." The AI responded.

"Huh, would you look at that." Tony said from the other side of the room with a chuckle.

Steve's POV:

I don't really know what came over me. She's just so perfect. It's not like it was our first kiss, we kissed in DC a couple years ago, but that was for a mission and I didn't have time to react. This one was different, this time I could tell we both wanted it.

We stayed where we were for a while before we got coffee and breakfast. We talked for hours, about nothing in particular before we decided we absolutely had to head back to the tower. It was about 10 when we started to head back, we took our time and stoped at different places. Eventually we got back to the tower and went through a "secret" entrance at the side of the building, it's only secret because the press don't know about it, we head to the elevator and get in. As the elevator starts to rise I bring Nat into my arms and look down into her green eyes. She leans up just a little bit, and I lean down. Our lips touch lightly and then the elevator dings, signalling it is about to open.


Ah! Finally some romanogers!!! Sorry that took so long, anyways hope you enjoyed and have an amazing day!!!!


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