Part 55

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Steve's POV:

"I'm sorry, who called you?!" Tony yells on the other end of the line so loud that I have to move it away from my ear.

I shake my head even though I know he can't see me, "It wasn't actually her, Tony. Just someone who had her phone for some reason."

I hear him scoff through the phone, "Right cause what sort of creep would have a dead psycho girls phone."

I roll my eyes at the comment.  "Tony-" There's so much disappointment and disapproval in my voice that he cuts me off before I can say anything else.

"Yeah, yeah I know. Don't speak ill of the dead or whatever." He replies with more sarcasm in his tone than I thought possible.

I sigh, "I was actually going to agree with you but whatever."

"10 bucks says the guys a serial killer."

"Goodbye, Tony." I hang up the phone and look back out across the lake for a few more minutes before standing up and walking back to the tower.

When I get back it is close to 3 o'clock and someone still has to go get Peter from school or he has to take the subway back. The kid might be a genius and have super strength but none of us trust him enough to not miss 4 trains and then get off at the wrong stop. He might be the second most stupid genus in the world. Right after Stark of course, he's the biggest dumb ass of them all.

Tony looks surprised when I volunteer to pick up Pete. Before he can say anything I text Peter to let him know I'll be picking him up.


I'm picking you up today



ok... why?

I don't respond to his question and instead head down to the garage and get in my pickup truck since I'm not taking Peter on a motorcycle. The kid has a death wish which I don't wish to encourage. I punch in the name of Peter's school into the GPS and make my way through the city towards the high school.

I pull into the pickup lane just after the bell rings to release the students and Peter comes out a couple minutes later, spotting the truck he walks over and gets in the front seat. "Hey, Pete." I reach over and ruffle his hair as he attempts to dodge, I pull out of the line as he fixes his hair.

"Hey, Cap." Peter replies, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "When did you get back?" He asks me after a minute of silence.

I sigh and turn on my blinker. "This morning. I wanted to get out of the tower." I answer his next question before he even asks. He seems satisfied with my answer as he bobs his head and looks out the window. "So how was your day?" I ask, he goes into a full blown rant.

*time skip brought to you by my lazy ass*

Natasha's POV:

The Red Room has been slowly coming to trust me, or they at least trust that I am in charge of the Winter Soldier. Not true. They gave Bucky and I an actual room about a week ago with actual beds, there's a security camera but it doesn't have a microphone so we can talk freely as long as we keep one ear open for anyone outside the door.

Right now Buck and I are sitting on our separate beds facing each other, I'm trying to get someone to get us a deck of cards or something but it's slow moving. There's not much for us to do besides talk, and have staring contests.

"So how are things you and Wanda." I ask him and his head snaps up from the place on the floor he was staring at.

He furrows his eyebrows in confusion, "H-how did you..." He trails off.

I smirk at him and fold my hands behind my head and lean against the wall. "I'm a spy, Bucky. Believe it or not I notice things."

"Yeah well," He starts and rolls his shoulders, "How are things with you and Steve?"

I sigh and move my hands back down to my lap, "Fair point." I say and look to the floor, it's silent for another minute. "I had a dream last night." I look back to him, "For the first time in a long time I dreamed outside of Steve's arms and it wasn't a nightmare." I give him a small smile. "It was a good dream. A really, really good dream." I think back to last night.

I walk through the front doors of tower, Steve's hand swaying slightly with mine as we walk through the doors. Gary the security guard greets us as always but this time he has a huge smile on his face when he looks to the precious cargo Steve is carrying. We get some looks as we walk by but that is to be expected, neither of us have been back here in almost a month and everyone knows why.

We enter the elevator to head up to the common floor, Steve puts down what he was holding and wraps me in a tight hug. He kisses the top of my head and I look up into his eyes. I smile up at him before leaning up on my toes to connect our lips, Steve pulls back and whispers into my ear. "Thank you for giving us our family." The baby coos beside him and I smile at our tiny little miracle.

The key jangles in the lock to our room, signalling someone is about to come in. I sit up straight on my bed and look over to Bucky and take synchronized breaths as we have done the past couple days before guards come in. Today seems different though. Maybe it's how long it's taking for them to come in as they usually barge in with little warning. Or maybe it's the squeak of the door instead of the usual slam. Either way it's not very comforting.

A little girl walks in, she's maybe 8 years old, and I stop breathing for a second trying to figure out what she is doing as whatever she plans to do doesn't seem like it will end in her favour. I see the key in her hand and I look behind her and see 4 guards either unconscious or dead. I can't quite tell from here.

I look back at Bucky before looking at her again. "Take me with you." Her soft high pitched voice whispers. I look at the security camera in the corner and notice it has been turned off, I take this as my opportunity to turn on my tracker and make contact with Clint for the first time.

"Come on." I say and hold out my hand for her to grab and I take a couple guns off the guards, throwing one to Bucky we proceed to make our way through the mansion.

Clint's POV:

I came back to the tower a couple days ago, I haven't really done much since I got here. Mostly I've watched the monitors waiting for any signal from Nat. When I first got back Steve was on my butt every 5 minutes with an update which I never had.

When Steve got that call earlier today I tracked it back to its source which turned out to be from a few hours away from the Red Room base. Unfortunately we still don't know who it's from so we don't know their actual intentions or anything about them.

I'm sitting on my spinny office chair eating a bag of potato chips in front of one of the many computers when a new notification pops up. I stop spinning and chuck another chip in my mouth before dusting off my hands and typing at the keyboard to see what it is. Sure enough the tracker that no one knew Nat had has been activated and it has a very encrypted message with it.

"Hey Friday, what's this say?" There's a short pause as the numbers and letters are untangled to reveal the short message Natasha left.

'Mission compromised. Backup needed. Agents only.' Seems like she's not planning on leaving yet, otherwise she would have sent for all of us. I reach over and press the button that will alert the entire tower that something is up, it's an automatic sign for all Shield agents in the building along with every Avenger and anyone else to head to the hangers.

I push myself off the wall as the alarm starts to blare and press the intercom to the one place Steve would be right now, "Steve? We got her." With that I download the data onto a hard drive and make my way to the staircase to go to where everyone is meeting.


It seems to be becoming a common theme where I write this instead of doing my school work... oh well hope you enjoyed and have a great day:)


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