Part 24

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ok I'm just going to apologies right now for all of the Grey's Anatomy and Station 19 references and I am aware they are in New York and Grey's is in Seattle, idc. Grey's has taken enough of my mental stability and Marvel has taken everything that is left so enjoy.

3rd Person POV:

The car does three flips in the air before hitting the ground and rolling four times before coming to a stop. Natasha has a large head wound and passed out around flip 2, Peter isn't doing much better as he cries out in agony. He can clearly see his arm is broken and there is glass sticking out from one of his legs. His head is bleeding and feels like it is going to explode.

Most of the people who were driving down the highway alongside Natasha and Peter pull over to help. Some are calling 911 while others are screaming for someone to get help. A lady and a man run up to the smooshed, black car.

"Christine check that kids pulse, I got this one here." The man says as he reaches the car, he runs up to Natasha in the car, checking for any and all signs of life. He feels a weak pulse beneath his fingers and can hear shallow breathing.

"The kids alive, awake and responsive." Christine yells towards the other side of the car, "What's your name? How old are you?" She asks Peter trying to keep him calm.

"M-my name's Peter. Peter Parker I-I'm 16." Peter stutters out, he coughs up red blood before he tries to look over at Natasha.

"No, no. Look at me. Keep your eyes on me. That's it, Peter." Christine snaps her fingers in front of Peters eyes to get a reaction from him. "How's she doing over there Stephen?" Christine is still helping Peter, there are sirens coming in the distance.

"Well it's probably a good thing she passed out." Stephen replies, holding pressure on a large wound on Natasha's stomach. "Peter, what's her name?" Stephen asks Peter who is now slowly turning his head towards him and Natasha.

"N-Natasha."Peter lets out a scream, his arm was knocked by Christine as she was reaching to grab something. "Oh my god don't let her die! Nat, please Nat!" Peter starts crying, unable to keep it in any longer.

"Okay, Peter."Stephen says, looking around to see if the ambulance is here yet. "How do you know Natasha? What's your relationship with her?"

Peter is still looking at Natasha, unable to get his eyes off of her. "She's, she's, I don't know how to explain it." Peter gulps back another sob. The sirens are getting closer, Christine and Stephen try keeping Peter distracted from Natasha who seems to be dying right next to him.

"Okay Peter, we are gonna get you out of here now okay?" Christine smiles as the ambulances pull up.

Christine walks towards the paramedics, "Dr Christine Palmer, that over there is Dr Stephen Strange. We got 2 victims in the car, the driver of the truck that them took off. Theres a lady with a large head injury and abdominal wound. And a teenager with a very, broken arm, head lac, and shards of glass in his leg." The paramedics nod and run over to the car with tools to help them extract Natasha and Peter.

"Hey, I'm Vic and that's Travis. We're gonna get you out of here okay?" Victoria says walking over with a crowbar as the the door is more smooshed metal than door. There are lots of people standing around, the police have arrived and have closed down the highway they are taking statements from witnesses and are taking picture of where the truck hit them.

Victoria is working on the door while Travis is getting a collar around Peters neck to keep him still. Peters hands are shaking, his breathing is hitched and he still has tears running down his face. Vic gets the door open and she and Travis get Peter out of the car, when they are removing Peter he gets a proper look at Natasha, her head has dried blood and 2 other paramedics are working on getting her out and to the hospital. Vic and Travis get Peter on a stretcher and load him into the ambulance, Peter keeps yelling out for Natasha as he goes not wanting to leave her.

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