Part 8

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Steve's POV:

I don't know what happened. Not really anyway.

There's a guy twitching slightly on the ground from Natasha's Widow Bite, and then Natasha falls. Goes completely limp. Like she was shot in the head, which she wasn't thank god, she falls backwards, "Crap, Natasha!" I yell, catching her before she hits the ground. I look at Tony briefly before I scoop her up in my arms. Clint runs closer to us, he is frantically trying to get Nat to wake up

"Clint." I say simply, he knows by my expression that it's not going to work. We walk out of the facility towards the quinjet. I set Nat down on the medical bed where Tony hooks her up to an IV to keep her hydrated. I stay by her side and close the curtain so no one can see in, I grab her hand and give it a light squeeze so she knows I'm there. About 30 minutes after we got on the jet, we are back at the tower and Tony is bringing Natasha to the hospital wing, where he will give her the shot which is apparently ready, and hopefully she will wake up soon.

"Are you sure about this?" I ask Stark as he's filling a syringe with a clear liquid.

"Relax Rogers," He say, heading over to her IV, "These are just antibiotics so she doesn't get an infection. She's got some nasty cuts and bruises."

At this I look up at him, my face filled with different emotions, worry, anger, disbelief, I think about how Nat was when she came back earlier. How if I had payed a little more attention to the pain in her eyes, on her face, the way she slumped her head on my shoulder, how she kept squeezing my hand, at the time it seemed like an innocent gesture but I now see that it was to relive pain. God I'm so stupid. I could have protected her. Why didn't I protect her?

Tony comes over to where I'm sitting next to her bed and places a hand on my shoulder before walking out of the room to do something else. I don't know how he could just go watch a movie right now. He should be helping her. He needs to help her.

Why doesn't he have the damn vaccine?

Tony's POV:

I leave the room, knowing what Steve is thinking, that I'm gonna go waist time doing something stupid. What I do instead is head straight for my lab, where I've been studying and restudying Natasha's DNA, labs, scans, anything I can think of. Every time I get close, something goes wrong, or it was a glitch in the sequence, or nothing at all, just my hopeful imagination getting the best of me. Damn I could really use Banner right now.

I don't know how long its been but I hear a knock on the door of my lab, I turn around to see Pepper standing there, Morgan sleeping resting her head against her shoulder. "Tony you should come to bed." She says walking farther into the room.

I shake my head, "I can't Pep," I look up at her, "Cap is going to kill me if I don't make Nat okay." I look back down at the floor and shake my head again.

"Tony," She says threateningly, it's the only way she could make me come and she knows it.

"5 more minutes." I plead like I'm a child at the playground. I feel stupid but it seems to work as she walks away, Morgan shifts slightly in her arms before returning to a deep sleep. I smile at my beautiful wife and daughter. I make a mental note to take Morgan somewhere soon, like Disneyworld, yeah, I'll bring her and Peter, Steve, Nat, Pepper, Maria, Thor, Rhodey, Sam, Clint and all his kids along with Fury, Maria and a few others for a vacation.

I grab a cup of coffee and sit back at my workstation analyzing text for the millionth time, even though I know I wont find anything new, I look anyway. Her numbers have shifted slightly over the past couple hours, normally that would send me into some form of excitement that I have something new to go off of. Except I don't know why they shifted, how they shifted, or what they mean.

When I look at what time her numbers change, there is a clear difference between before and after I gave her the antibiotics. They seem to be helping her heal, and flushing out the bad bacteria in her body, but they are also taking out the good bacteria. The bacteria that she needs. "Crap," I say, how could I have not seen it before?

I rush back up to the hospital wing where I give Natasha a counter to the antibiotics. I watch as her vitals become more stable before I sigh and look at Steve who is passed out half on the bed half in the chair. His body is draped beside her legs, he's holding her hand like his life depends on it and his head looks like it's about to fall off the bed. I write a quick note to Steve saying I'm in the lab if he needs anything and he should get something to eat. I leave the room and head back down to my lab where I have a kind of productive night.


I work, I don't stop. I only stop to get more coffee and to grab a cheeseburger from the kitchen which I get from UberEats. I'm so close I can taste it. I haven't been to Natasha's room except to get more vitals and labs, this of course piss's Steve off but he wanted me to fix her, so this is what he gets. Endless work and no breaks. Pepper has been nagging me for what seems like ever now to take a break and do something with Morgan.

"Yo, Friday how long has it been?" I ask one day, not really knowing what I'm talking about exactly.

"It has been 122 hours since you last slept, 5 days since Ms. Romanoff's episode, and 8 days since you last spent time with the children." Friday's robotic voice replies.

"Has it really been that long? Wow." I put down my cup of coffee and head out to the common room. Clint and Sam are sitting on the couch. They look up when they hear me walk in.

"Oh look, still alive." Sam says sarcastically. I roll my eyes, not wanting to deal with him I head to Morgan's play room where I find her and Peter playing Jenga.

"Hi Daddy!" Morgan says not moving away from the game. I walk over to them and plant a kiss on the top of her head.

"Hey Mr. Stark." Peter says from across the table.

"Kid, how many times have I told you its Tony?" I roll my eyes a little bit which makes him laugh. He takes a piece from the middle and places it on the top with very steady hands.

Morgan has only one expression on her face as she lifts a piece from the bottom, concentration. The piece comes out easily and it placed on the top with a little more difficulty, as at this point the tower is taller than her as it sits on the table.

I grab her a step stool so she can see easier to which I get an annoyed look from Peter. I stay with them for about an hour before I take a quick nap and shower before I head back to the lab, freshly woken and full of new ideas.


This is so cheesy I'm so sorry. 

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 200 READS!!!!! I never thought a single person would read this so thank you to each and every one of you who have!!!

Also I just realized that in the first part I said that Bruce was gone but he's in the first battle scene so thats sort of confusing sorry! Theres not gonna be anymore Bruce besides the occasional mention hope thats ok! Anyways thanks so much for reading hope you enjoyed!



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