Part 46

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If anyone speaks Russian and would like too translate the Russian bits and tell me if it's right that would be very appreciated, I used google translate and frankly don't remember what anything means so that's my fault for not writing it down... oops. i'm putting what i believe it means, sorry if it's wrong

Natasha's POV:

I knew they wouldn't be far behind Yelena. But they couldn't have given me more than a half hour? I see her fall from the helicopter and immediately know who she is and what she wants. She lands and looks Tony dead in the eye, Clint seems to know who she is as he has a slight look of realization on his face. He draws an arrow but I hold his arm back before he can release it. I walk out of the bushes and towards her.

"Melina. Leave them alone." I power my Widow's Bites knowing that she has similar weapons. Melina's long brown hair is pulled into a pony tail at the back of her head and her suit is very similar to Yelena's except it's black not white.

Melina looks at me, I see Tony tap his arc reactor twice and his suit forms around his body. There's a small glint in her eyes, I haven't seen her in years, a part of me thought she was dead.

"Natalia," She says taking a step towards me, "It's been so long, дорогая дочь."

No emotions crosses my face at the name, "Я не твоя дочь," Melina doesn't react either, why would she? (I'm not your daughter)

"ты знаешь почему я здесь, Natalia." (You know why I'm here)

I take a step towards her, "Да. Это не значит, что я позволю тебе." (Yes. It doesn't mean I will let you)

"Natasha," I hear Steve say from the bushes, I don't turn around knowing the second I do Melina attack either me or the team.

"Здесь есть мирные жители, Melina. Давай не будем этого делать, не здесь." I try to reason with her, I forgot how well she was trained. (There are civilians, Melina. Let's not do this, not here)

"I know that. You know that, everyone here knows that." Melina switches back to english making everybody, except Wanda and Bucky, look at me for what our conversation just was.

"Melina-" She cuts me off before I can continue.

"Let's make this quick, shall we?" She says, with that she lunges at me with a knife I didn't realize she was concealing. I dodge the attack and Wanda comes into action removing the knife from Melina's grip and lets it fly into a tree.

I throw a punch at Melina, she blocks it and throws one at me which I block. This goes on for a while, punches and kicks hurtling at each other just for the other one to block or dodge. I get in a kick on her side making her hunch over, I use this to my advantage and slam the butt of my gun into the back of her head but it isn't enough to make her unconscious.

When people started coming back into the park Sam, Rhodey, and T'Challa went to keep people out of the way while Bucky and Wanda hold Steve back and Peter shoots random webs. They know this is my fight, Steve just doesn't want me to get hurt, I know that, but I really want to yell 'STAND DOWN ROGERS, BEFORE I END YOU'.

Melina jerks her elbow into my stomach making me hunch over from both the place of impact and the force of the blow. Out of the corner of my eye I see Steve break out of Bucky's grip and take an angry leap towards Melina, Wanda holds him back the best she can but I know it's no use. Melina kicks out one of my knees making me kneel, I take this as my opportunity to sweep out her legs and maybe get an edge on my former motherly figure.

I grab her hair and attempt to slam her head into the concrete, be Melina seems to have other plans. She rolls out of my grip and kicks hard at my shoulder throwing me back and making me land hard on the ground. She stands overtop of me as she raises an arm to punch me in the nose, I block her punch but she uses her other fist to punch me instead. I feel and hear my nose crack from the impact and immediately feel the blood start to trickle out of my nose.

I jerk my knee hoping to hit something, it hits her stomach and I roll out from under her. I wipe away the blood that has made its way down my face and stare daggers at her. That's when the shield comes and hits Melina square in the head making her fall and land on the pavement. I take a couple limping steps over to her and punch her face, hard. Flashes of my life before Shield flash before my eyes, so I keep punching. I don't stop when she cries out, I don't stop when she's unconscious. I only stop when someone grabs my arm.

Steve's POV:

Wanda looses focus for a split second, I use this to my advantage and throw my shield at Natasha's attacker. When Natasha continuously punches her in the face even after she passed out Wanda let me go completely. I run over to Nat before she can punch her again and grab her arm, pulling her away from her victim.

She struggles against my grip until I pull her close to my body and wrap my arms around her, I rest my chin on the top of her head and try to calm her down. Eventually she calms down enough and I pull back, I study the cuts on her face and the steady flow of blood coming from her nose.

"Come on, let's go get you cleaned up." I say looking into her eyes, she doesn't say anything but nods and leans against my side as I lead her towards the nearest washroom. Wanda and Sam loosely follow us, I open the door and Nat walks in the others follow and lock the door behind them.

Wanda grabs a roll of toilet paper and hands it to Natasha to help the bleeding from her nose. Nat sits on the counter top while Sam searches the room and finds some rubbing alcohol, I pour some onto a wad of paper before lightly tapping it on Natasha's cuts. She winces, "Sorry, sorry." I quickly apologies, she looks at me with her big green eyes, one of which already is bruising and starting to swell, I go back to tapping at her cuts. Once her nose stops bleeding and the cuts on her face are all taken care of I grab her hand and wrap her knuckles as they are split and covered in blood.

Natasha hasn't said anything since she started fighting, "Hey everything's fine, Nat." I cup her cheek and give her a small smile she returns it and nods her head jumping off the counter. We clean up the bathroom slightly before walking out to find a swarm of people. We push through the crowd and make our way over to Tony.

"Fury came and picked her up about 10 minutes ago, she's on her way back to HQ for questioning. Nat, anything you want to tell us about her?" Tony says while scrolling through his phone.

Without skipping a beat Natasha clears her throat and replies, "Melina Vostokoff, went through the Red Room several times and as far as I know is still working for the KGB. She is extremely dangerous and wont stop until her mission is complete." Nat warns us, in a threateningly low voice she adds like it's an afterthought, "Also, she was my mother." She walks away leaving everyone standing there, frozen in place.

After a second I say, "I'll take her back to the hotel." Tony, Wanda, and Bucky nod and I race after Nat. Both to keep her safe and get some answers.


I feel like this was slightly less of a cliffhanger right? No? Okay ill leave now


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