Part 10

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Natasha's POV:

Everything hurts, in a 'I haven't moved in years' sort of way. Which is why I don't move or even open my eyes when I first wake up. Theres a light on inside the room I'm in, it seems to be right over my head as it is unbearably bright. I squint a little bit as the light continues to blare down on me. I open my eyes and look around, I'm in the hospital ward of the tower, based on the sliding glass door, monitors all around me and the super soldier who looks like hasn't slept in days.

"Hey, Soldier." I manage to croak out, my throat is unbearably dry.

At the sound of my voice his head jerks up, his eyes start to fill with tears which makes me smile a little bit.

"Oh thank God," he says so quietly that it's just barely audible. He lets go of my hand, which I only now realize he was holding and comes up near my head to give me a hug. He holds onto me for a long time, like he's scared he's going to lose me again.

"Steve," I say after a while, he looks at me still holding on, "Too tight. Can't, breath."

His face goes red and he releases me, "Sorry," he mumbles looking at the ground. I smile at him for a second before he stands back up to go get Tony.

A few minutes later they return to the room, just as I was sitting up and trying to rip the IV out of my arm. Tony gave me a quick shocked look while Steve gave me one that said 'get back in bed Romanoff'. I roll my eyes at them and swing my legs back onto the bed, bringing it up to more of a sitting position.

 "Tony I know I didn't pass out from the cold." I say getting straight to the point. This was the second time in a week that I had passed out which was definitely not normal.

He looks at Steve for a moment before looking back at me, "No you didn't" he says quietly, this makes me nervous as he is always loud and loves voicing his opinion, even when no one wants to hear it.

"Tony." I say, wanting, needing him to explain.

"It's no big deal, you're fine now." I give him the look that says 'tell me our I will rip your head off'. He takes a deep breath before saying, "You have, or had I guess you had Heamotrostac disease, no big deal I took care of it." He says it so casually it makes me sceptical.

"Okay, so if it was no big deal then how long was I out for?" This time I look at Steve because I know there is no way he could lie to me right now.

He swallows quickly before he says, "8 and a half days." he looks at the floor, refusing to meet my eyes. I look at Stark for conformation, he nods slightly before he walks out of the room.

I reach for my phone which I now realize is on the bed side table and scroll through my notifications, nothing important so I put it back down and stare at the wall, I'm very aware of Steve looking at me. "What are you looking at?" I ask him, now turning my head to look at him.

I was expecting him to say 'nothing' or something on the lines of that but instead he says, "You." and then looks at the ground blushing. Despite my best efforts I catch myself blushing a little bit as well. I think back to that dream I had, certainly hadn't had one like that before. But that was also before I had been half dead for a week, I have a feeling Steve didn't leave my side for a second of it.

Just as I'm about to say something Clint walks in, "Hey! I heard you were awake!" He says enthusiastically. 

"Yeah now get this damn thing out of my arm." I say with a smile and I reach my arm out for Clint to take out the IV.

"Language." Rogers says from the other side of the room. I chuckle slightly at his comment, Clint rips the needle out of my arm and toss's me some clothes to change into. He and Steve leave me to get change and a minute later I walk out of the room.

"I'll walk you to your room." Steve says coming up beside me. We walk towards the elevator not really saying anything.

The doors click open and we step inside. Out of the blue Steve says, "Tony's having a party tonight." I look up at him and cringe a little bit at the thought of dressing up.

The elevator climbs when Steve wraps me in another hug, this time he rests his head on top of mine, as he is quite a bit taller than me, I wrap my arms around him and he just holds me. Not letting go. I look up at him after a couple seconds and he looks down at me, his blue eyes sparkle as the sunlight hits them, lighting up his face. His eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips for 0.1 of a second before returning to staring into my eyes. He leans down a little bit, and I lean up. The space between us is so small, and then...

The elevator doors ding open.

Steve's POV:

We were so close, of course the damn elevator had to open.

We break apart and head to our separate rooms to get ready for another one of Starks ridiculous parties. I take a quick nap before hopping in the shower and putting on some black dress pants and a navy shirt. Just as I'm leaving my room, Natasha leaves hers.

She's wearing a white dress and her long red hair is pined neatly to her head, we walk towards the elevators together and step inside, this time we are on opposite sides of the small room. We don't face each other or speak until Natasha says, "Wanna get a pizza later?" I turn around from facing the window, slightly shocked by what she said and I'm not really sure why. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out, so I just nod.

And then the doors open. This is going to be a long night.


This chapter is so short and it sucks I'm so sorry, next part is the party:) I hope you enjoyed have a great day!!!


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