Part 4

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Natasha's POV:

        I'm sitting on my bed, scrolling through instagram when I come across Steve's page, I didn't even know he knew how to use a phone let alone social media. I find a video that Sam must have taken when we weren't looking, of us sparing, ultimately with me pinning him down hard and pulling him back up just for him to sweep my legs out from under me. I smile at the memory, looking at when it was posted I see that it was 4 days ago. I go down to the comment section where there seems to be a debate over who one.

I head over to my page and decide to post a video of Steve and I sparing, one where we are kind of equal, letting the comments decide who wins is gonna be fun. I tag Steve in the post wanting to get his reaction, he comments almost right away 'I won, no questions asked.' which I reply by saying 'we'll see about that'

I have a quick shower, changing into some comfy clothes and as I'm leaving my room I see Steve exiting his. "Really, Romanoff?" he asks me while holding up his phone.

"Well I had to show the people what it's really like when we spar and not when I'm going easy on you." I reply with a smirk. We step into the elevator to go to the more communal floors, basically where everyone goes when they are bored.

As the doors close behind us Steve says, "Nat, can I talk to you? In private?" he adds that last part kinda suddenly. But before I can answer the doors open and I see Tony rushing towards us.

"Oh good you guys are here." He says motioning for us to come take a seat.

"What's going on?" I ask slightly confused.

"See for yourself." Sam says sitting on the couch, a bagel in one hand, his phone in the other.

On the screen in front of them is what seems like a normal warehouse, nothing we hadn't seen before. But outside are 12 armed guards, 3 tanks, and what seems like a bad replica of an Iron Man suit. I turn to Steve waiting for instructions as he always boss's us around.

Steve's POV:

      On the screen is a Hydra base, one that seems to be heavily guarded from the outside which means there's even more on the inside. The large suit/monster thing seems to be double the size of Tony's but not very advanced.

After quickly annualizing the screen I say, "Suit up. We leave in 5."

Exactly 5 minutes later we are all on the quinjet with Tony at the wheel, flying towards the warehouse I brief everyone on the plan. "Wanda, Clint, Peter you guys deal with the guys out front. Rhodey, and Sam you take anyone who fly's or shoots skyward and take out the tanks. Stark, you take the suit and then meet Natasha and me in the warehouse. Nat, we're getting the hostages out and taking Rumlow with us. Everyone has their assignments. When you're finished, there's going to be more. Stay sharp." I say taking a seat by Natasha, hoping to talk to her but not wanting to be pushy.

"Cap, we are here." Tony says a couple minutes later. Opening the doors we pile out. Bruce stays on to gather more information, not wanting to hulk out means we have someone there who actually knows what they're doing so it's the best possible situation for all of us.

Tony, Rhodey and Sam leave first, wanting to spread it out a little bit. Wanda leaves next, flying over the the large wall. Peter swings over bringing Clint with him leaving Nat and I on the quinjet. I grab my shield and put on the helmet of my suit. Nat grabs her batons and a couple extra guns before we head out. We run in together, dodging the guards outside and briefly knocking a few down as we do so. I kick down the front door and am immediately greeted by dozens of guns around my head. Nat isn't beside my though, I know she's gone through a different exit and this though is confirmed a second later by a few guards lying on the ground. Some of them by me turn to attack her but I throw my shield knocking them out before they can take one step. I quickly smile at her before heading off to knock some more people out and find the hostages.

Peter's POV:

         I'm webbing up some bad guys when I hear through my comms "Hey, Parker a little help over here!" It's Clint from the other end on the building.

"Coming!" I say as I shoot a web at a guy coming towards me. I swing across the building and land beside Clint, webbing a couple guys while he knocked them to the ground and shot a couple others with his arrows.

Just then my spidey senses go off just in time for me to web a gun that is pointed at my head, I turn around to see 20 soldiers coming my way. "Oh shit!" I say, my comms are on so everyone heard me curse.

It is followed by "Language!" from Cap and "Steve, Peter said a bad Language word" and "Steve doesn't like that kind of talk" along with "You kiss your mother with that mouth Parker?" from the others.

I reply to that last one by saying, "Well jokes on you I don't have a mother. And there are like 20 huge guys that have huge guns pointed at my head so a... little help please."

I shoot a web at a couple of the soldiers, knocking them together making them fall while Sam fly's overhead shooting down at them. "Thanks Sam!' I say when most of them are down and it's a much more reasonable amount left. He answers with a small groan, it seems like he still doesn't like me for some reason.

While all of this is happening there is one thought that goes through my mind very suddenly. "Hey Karen, what time is it?" I ask the AI in my suit.

"It is 3:49pm Peter." Crap. I was supposed to pick up Morgan from school half an hour ago.

"Call Pepper." I say, someone needs to pick her up and I remember how Happy has a conference in Jersey so he can't pick her up, and Mr. Stark is here along with everyone else who would ever pick her up from kindergarten.

"Calling, Pepper Potts" Karen says too me and I gulp getting ready to be yelled at, Pepper doesn't yell much but she does yell when it comes to her daughter and her whereabouts

"Peter where the hell is Morgan?!" I hear as Pepper picks up the phone, she is clearly angry.

"Well hello to you to." I say sarcastically. "And I would hope she is still at school as I was supposed to pick her up a half hour ago and- and I'm not there." I have to pause for a second as some more guys come towards me with guns and flaming batons. "Just, turn on the TV!" I tell her as I was pretty sure there would be something to do with this on some form of news station.

"Damn it Peter! You couldn't have called me to pick her up?" She sounded annoyed but slightly less mad then she was a couple second earlier.

"I did call you." I say panting, "I'm calling you right now!"

"Yeah well, it's a little too late for that Peter. Be safe." She says and then hangs up. Probably going to call Tony to yell at him now for not thinking about Morgan and how she was getting home.

After knocking out a few more bad guys my comms go down and I call to Wanda who isn't far away, "Hey, did your comms just go out?"

"Yeah... they did." We look at each other, she cant see my expression through my mask but we have the same one plastered on our faces.



Hey guys hope you're doing good! Let me know what you thought of this chapter!

- agirlwholikesmarvel1

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