Part 39

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Tony's POV:

Natasha, Steve, and I walk over to the rest of the group, they seem to be trying to figure out which park we should go to. Some are saying we should do the classic rides while others are saying we should do some of the newer stuff.

I butt into a conversation, "I know what we're doing tomorrow." Everyone kind of just looks at me, "Well it's the whole reason we're here really." Still, nobody has any clue what I'm talking about. "Avenger's Campus guys. It opens tomorrow, come on!" A look of realization falls over everybody's faces.

A few minutes later we decide on where we are going and we head down to wait for a shuttle to take us to the park. It must be a strange sight to see, 12 Avengers, the King and Princess of Wakanda who is filming a teenager chasing a 5 year old, 3 random kids, space people, and the CEO of a multi-billion dollar company.

I see the bus coming down the street, "Peter!" I yell out to him, he stops in his tracks and looks at me, "Stop chasing Morgan, the bus is here." Morgan stops running and Peter grabs her hand, they walk over to the rest of the group and we all file onto the bus. We start off at the back of the bus and make our way towards the front filling up most of the seats.

The bus starts moving in the direction of Magic Kingdom, stopping at other resorts to pick up more people. Pepper is sitting beside me on the bus trying to get everybody to calm down. I put an arm around her shoulders, "Let em run loose for a little, Pep." I smile at her, I gulp when she gives me a murderous look. It's the same one Nat gives people who get in her way.

A couple minutes later the bus pulls up outside of Magic Kingdom, we let everyone else file off the bus before our large group does. Both Pepper and Natasha do a head count to make sure we are all here. Once they determine we all got off the bus we make our way to the security checkpoint. We wait in line for a while before Steve and Natasha get to the front of the line. They take off their hats and sunglasses, scan their magic bands and place their bags on the inspection table, one of the security guards seems to recognize them as he stares at them, watching as they walk through the metal detector. Before Natasha walks through I hear her tell the guy she has a leg brace, which is clearly visible, knowing it is going to set off the alarm. The guy just slowly nods his head, his mouth slightly open as he has to take his hand help metal detector and quickly scan her body. This goes on with all of us except Peter, Laura, Maria, the Barton kids, and Morgan. With them he lets through like they are just normal tourists coming through.

Once we are all through security there are more head counts and then we walk down Main Street, heading towards the castle in the centre of the park. Once we get to the statue of Walt Disney and Mickey holding hands we all stop. "Alright, you have 4 hours. We meet back here at 4:30. Don't be late or we will go full-Avenger to find you." I say, looking directly at Peter and Shuri as I say that last part. Peter goes red and looks down at the ground while Shuri smirks and says something to him which makes Peter burst out laughing. After that we split into smaller groups and head in different directions.

Natasha's POV:

"Nat, this is already Tomorrowland, why do we have to go farther into the future?" I laugh slightly at Steve's words as I pull him towards the section of the park.

I stop trying to pull him and just walk beside him, my fingers laced with his I look up at him. "You sound so old." He looks at me with a fake hurt look on his face, I laugh and kiss his cheek. I take my phone out of my bag and open the Disney app so I can see a map of the park and the wait times, "Oh come on it'll be fun. We'll do the Buzz Lightyear shooting game and the tall spinning one, and we have to do Space Mountain."

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