Waking Up

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Lena wakes up the following morning to a small amount of sunlight seeping into the DEO room she has slept in, through the small windows at the top of the walls, making it clear this room is below ground level. Lena feels very at ease and comfortable in the position she's in. She's laying in bed, with covers over her, with someone snuggled into her side, wrapping their arms around her body. It feels very soothing and very relaxing. Lena even allows herself to move her head to snuggle further into the person, who in response pulls her closer in their sleep with there arms.

All of this last a few seconds before Lena can actually really wake up and realise that she has no idea who this person is or what is going on. Lena opens her eyes and looks over and immediately and suddenly pulls away from the person with long blonde hair. This causes the person to lose their grip around Lena and Lena falls out of the bed with a thud.

"What the...." A familiar voice says, being awoken.

Lena stands back up and looks at the figure on her bed.

"Kara?? What are you doing in my bed?" Lena asks, not really annoyed, just feeling very awkward.

Kara suddenly jolts awake.

"Oh Rao!!! I'm so sorry Lena!!! I didn't mean to!!! I.... this is the room I sleep in... it's not the one I was telling you to go to..... I came in here last night.... I was so tired that I didn't notice you were in the bed until my head hit the pillow... Then when I did realise I just gave into my exhaustion and fell asleep. I'm so sorry. This is a total break of your privacy. I.... I understand if you want to leave...." Kara rambles.

"It's.... it's okay Kara.... I should apologise for choosing the wrong sleeping quarters." Lena says.

"No! You've not been here before! My description must have been bad! Plus I still violated your privacy by.... hugging you like that in your sleep.." Kara says, beginning to get into a panic.

Lena sits back down on the bed and places a hand on Kara's arm.

"Kara, it's okay. I was just surprised. You've obviously been under a lot of stress lately. I can't blame you in the slightest.... and frankly..... it's not like I'm complaining about waking up being snuggled next to you.... it felt very..... soothing." Lena explains, wanting to relieve Kara of her worries.

Kara lets out a sigh of relief.

"Okay..... I.... thank you.... and.... I liked it too..." Kara admits.

Lena gets a look on her face.

"Oh Rao I made you uncomfortable sorry." Kara says in response to Lena's look.

"No, not at all. I was just surprised you enjoyed it. I'm just a touched starved Luthor. I thought that's why I enjoyed your snuggle so much." Lena says.

"Oh... well.... I did.... like it..... I.... uhh...... I haven't really slept very well since everything.... happened with Alura..... but I.... I slept very well last night." Kara says.

Lena smiles at Kara.

"Well tomorrow night I'll find another room to sleep in." Lena says.

"No!" Kara quickly says and then blushes, "I mean.... uhhh..... you can totally go home if you want to..... you don't need to be here at night....... but..... but if you want to stay ....... there are two beds in this room..... and..... Alex usually sleeps here with me so I'm not.... alone..... but when I'm sleeping now she's watching Alura.... so.. it would be nice to.... have some company..... if you want that is." Kara rambles nervously.

Lena smiles at Kara once more.

"That's fine by me." Lena smiles, clearly telling that Kara obviously needs someone in the room with her to help her sleep. Lena is more than happy to be that person. It is important that Lena not only takes care of Alura, but her mommy too.

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