Monday morning arrives and Lena and Alura have already fallen in to a bit of a routine. Lena showers and dresses, wakes Alura up, feeds them both breakfast, has Alura go shower and get dressed, then they are both out the door before 8.
"Lena?" Alura asks as they drive to Alura's school.
"Yes daring?" Lena replies.
"Why don't you have a Christmas tree?" Alura asks.
"Oh.... I don't really celebrate Christmas." Lena replies.
"Why not?" Alura questions.
"Because I've never really had anyone to celebrate it with. I'm usually alone on Christmas doing work." Lena answers.
"You're not alone now." Alura says.
Lena looks in the rear view mirror and smiles.
"I guess not." Lena says.
"So you should get a tree." Alura says firmly.
Lena giggles.
"I'll tell you what. I'll have Jess get a tree for my apartment and we can then decorate it together. How does that sound?" Lena asks.
"Good!" Alura nods with a big grin.
A while later Lena is sitting in a meeting, it's just after 1. The meeting she is currently in has several people droning on about stuff that Lena couldn't care less about and frankly doesn't need to know about, but as CEO she has to keep up her appearances. The meeting drags on until Lena spots Jess outside the conference room, through the glass wall, looking worried. Lena looks over at her assistant and she sees that Jess is gesturing her to come out of the room and talk to her. Lena hopes that Jess is just being amazing and trying to save her from the boring meeting, but she doubts that. Lena presumes that there is some other bullshit with L-Corp that she urgently has to deal with.
"Excuse me." Lena announces as she stands up from her chair.
"But Miss Luthor...." The man who was speaking begins.
"I won't be but a moment. It seems there is something that requires my urgent attention." Lena replies, not even looking at the man.
Lena then heads out of the conference room and joins Jess outside, breathing a sigh of relief before she deals with whatever the next situation is.
"Miss Luthor!" Jess says, urgently.
Lena sighs, obviously it's a situation, not Jess helping her get out of a boring meeting.
"What is it Jess?" Lena asks.
"I got a call from Alura's school. She's been hurt." Jess says quickly, clearly panicked.
"What?! What happened?!" Lena asks, now panicking herself.
"The school said they tried to phone you on your numbers, but they couldn't reach you, so they called mine that you gave them. They said Alura got into a fight at school and hit her head. Apparently she's okay and there is no permanent damage but they'd like you to come pick her up." Jess explains.
"Yes alright." Lena says, quickly getting a move on and heading in the direction of the nearest elevator. "Please tell the conference I'm leaving for today and cancel all my meetings for the remainder of the day."
"Yes, of course Miss Luthor." Jess nods.
"Oh and could you also look into getting me a 6 - 7 foot Christmas tree to be delivered to my penthouse tomorrow?" Lena asks.
"Of course, right away." Jess nods.
"Thank you." Lena says as she steps inside the elevator.
"Please tell Alura I hope she's okay." Jess smiles.

A Leap of Faith (Part 1)
RomanceKara has a four year old daughter, and only recently has met Lena Luthor. Lena and Kara are not quite friends yet, more so acquittances. Kara's daughter, Alura Danvers, becomes ill, and no one can figure out what is wrong with her. This is when Kara...