Chapter 178 - Medical Tests

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Lillian soon arrives in her room inside the Leviathan base. It is the exact same room as before, and it looks just as pristine as she left it. Lillian even sees that her bags are already on the bed, with the Leviathan agent who put them there nowhere to be seen.

"Get settled here." The shadow woman says, "I'm sure Nyssa will be with you shortly."

Lillian nods her head at the shadow woman, and is then left alone in her room.

Once Lillian is alone, she spends the next few moments unpacking her bags, trying to get her nerves about meeting Nyssa under control. Admittedly, a part of Lillian is worried that maybe she is meeting Nyssa now because Leviathan has found out that she's betrayed them, and she is about to be brutally murdered by the Leviathan leader's sister. However, after thinking it through a little more, Lillian comes to the conclusion that it's unlikely that she has been brought back all the way to the Levithan base, which she is pretty sure is in a mountain range in Italy, just to be murdered. It would have been much easier for Leviathan to murder her, and dispose of her body, in South America, where there are a lot more remote areas and corrupt officials.

"Ah, I see you are unpacking." A voice suddenly says from behind Lillian.

Lillian jumps in fright and quickly turns around and sees that a woman dressed in mostly black, with some dark red here and there, is standing in the entrance to her room. The reason Lillian jumped was simply because she didn't hear the woman enter the room, and she knows from previous experience that her door isn't exactly silent when someone opens it. So, Lillian is very surprised to see this woman standing before her.

"Oh.... you.... you must be Nyssa." Lillian says, her heart still racing from being scared, and Lillian is pretty sure Nyssa meant to do that.

"I am." Nyssa replies, walking closer to Lillian, "It's..... interesting..... to finally meet you in person."

Lillian knows in more normal circumstances in this situation a hand shake would be offered, but she already knows Leviathan doesn't do things like that, so she doesn't even move her hand to make an attempt to offer Nyssa to shake her hand.

"Yes." Lillian nods, regaining more of her composure now, "I... honestly didn't even know Talia had a sister."

"Most people don't." Nyssa replies, not showing any form of emotion on her face.

As Nyssa walks closer to Lillian, the Luthor matriarch finally gets a good clear look at Nyssa, and she sees that the woman has dark hair, just like Talia, a rather clear complexion, and dark brown eyes. As for an age, Nyssa doesn't look more than 30 years old. From this information, usually people would come to the conclusion that Talia and Nyssa cannot be sisters, as Talia looks around 60, or older, while Nyssa looks at least 30 years younger. However, Lillian very much doubts that the ages that the two sisters look actually reflect their true ages. Lillian suspects they are much much older than they seem. Lillian just isn't sure if it's because they are alien, or due to something else entirely.

"I see." Lillian replies, with a nod of her head, "Well.... I guess I should feel privileged to have that knowledge."

After Lillian says this, Nyssa grows a smirk on her face for the first time, but it's not a friendly smirk. As Lillian looks at Nyssa's smirk, she can't help but be terrified by it, even after all her years of being a Luthor and controlling her emotions.

"You should be fearful, nothing else." Nyssa says, in a cool voice, "Usually if someone learns of my existence, and I meet them, they don't live much longer."

"So, you are here to kill me?" Lillian asks.

Nyssa now grows another smirk on her face, but this one is a bit more friendly.

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