Chapter 76 - Leaving Midvale

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Lena wakes up first this time, on their penultimate day in Midvale. Tomorrow, the Sunday, she, Kara and Alura will be driving back to National City just after 12. Lena admittedly has had such an incredible time here in Midvale, getting to know Kara even more intimately, with the stories she has shared with her from her childhood, and from the various 'fun' things they have done over the last few days. It has made Lena's heart swell, and she just feels so happy, in a way that she never thought was possible. But as much as Lena has enjoyed her time in Midvale, she is looking forward to going back home to National City. Lena may like visiting the rather out of the way rural town of Midvale, but she much prefers to be in the city, with the many things that a city offers. The only big negative Lena can think of, about National City, is that when they return home, they are going to go their separate ways, with Kara and Alura heading back to Kara's apartment, and she heading back to her own penthouse. Lena obviously is very attached to Kara and Alura, and she doesn't like the prospect of being apart from them anymore, even just for an evening. But for now, Lena is going to enjoy the last full day she has left in Midvale.

Once Lena wakes up, she grabs her phone off the night stand, noticing that Kara is still asleep next to her, tucked into her side. Lena looks at her phone and sees that it's only 7AM, meaning that she can get some more sleep. However, just as Lena thinks about getting more sleep, she remembers how Alura threw up last night, and wasn't feeling well as she went to bed. Lena decides then, because of that, she should check on her daughter, just in case.

Lena slowly slips out of bed, wanting to make sure that she doesn't wake Kara, as she does plan to get back into bed with her in a few minutes time. Slipping out of Kara's grasp was a bit of a struggle, as Kara was firmly snuggled into her, but eventually Lena was able to do it. Once Lena is out of the bed, she then tip-toes out of the room, and heads in the direction of Alura's bedroom. Lena opens the door, which was put to, and sees that Alura is still lying down on her bed, but seems to be awake.

"Alura?" Lena calls out, in a hushed tone, checking to see if the five-year-old is awake or not.

"Hmmm.... momma?" Alura replies.

Lena makes her way further into the room and sees that Alura is rubbing her eyes, slowly waking up.

"Hey, darling. How are you feeling?" Lena asks, with sympathy in her voice, remembering how badly Alura felt last night.

"I need to pee." Alura says.

"Okay." Lena nods, "You go to the bathroom then."

Alura bites her lip slightly, as she looks at Lena.

"Can you carry me?" Alura asks, sleepily.

Lena feels her heart strings being pulled, as usual, by Alura's request, and a smile breaks out on her face.

"Of course, darling, let's go." Lena says, and then leans over the bed and takes her daughter into her arms.

Lena then carries Alura out of the room and into the bathroom, placing her down on the toilet. Alura then does her business, with Lena remaining inside, wanting to keep a close eye on the still sleepy five-year-old. Alura then soon finishes, and after Lena helps Alura wash her hands, she picks up the young girl again, and carries her out of the bathroom. Lena and Alura then walk down the hallway, and soon walk past the bedroom Alura was sleeping in.

"We walked past my room, momma." Alura points out, still in a tired voice.

"I know." Lena nods, "I thought maybe you'd like to sleep with mommy and I for the next little while."

"Okay." Alura replies, while Lena feels her nod into her shoulder.

Lena smiles once more, and then carries her daughter into her bedroom. Once the two are inside, Lena sees that Kara is still sound asleep, and thankfully hasn't woken up from her not being there.

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