Chapter 152 - Lena Finds Out

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Alex and Lena come rushing into Kara and Lena's penthouse, having both quickly made their way there, right after Lena received the call from Kara. Needless to say, the car ride there was filled with worry and anxiety from both women.

"Darling, are you okay?" Lena asks, quickly rushing over to Kara's side, and taking her in for a hug.

"I'm fine." Kara replies, hugging Lena back.

"Are you sure?" Alex now asks, "Leviathan didn't try and do anything to you?"

"No. Talia Al-Ghul just wanted to talk.... or warn me.... or whatever....." Kara replies.

"What did she have to say?" Lena asks.

Kara sighs, knowing that this next bit of information isn't going to be the best thing for Lena to hear right now. But Kara also knows that Lena deserves to know the truth, as right now her mom can't give that to her, as her own memories are lacking this information. In fact, Kara hates how she knows the truth about Lena's mom before even Lena does.

"She basically tried to warn me off of fighting Leviathan, threating innocent people and things.... So normal bad person stuff, which obviously I told her I won't listen to.... But before that.... she did tell me some things that.... I think you'll want to know...." Kara explains, looking at Lena specifically.

"What did she tell you?" Alex asks.

"It's about your mom, Lena, and why she joined Leviathan in the first place, and why she faked her own death." Kara explains.

Lena's eyes widen at Kara saying this.

"Oh..." Lena says, seriously not expecting Kara to say that.

Kara turns to look at Alex.

"Maybe... you could just give us a few minutes alone.... while I explain it all to Lena?" Kara suggests.

"Of course." Alex nods.

"No.... she can stay..." Lena says, "I.... I want her to...."

Alex looks at Lena, and then nods her head, realising that her future sister just needs her here for emotional support right now, so that is what she is going to be.

"Okay..." Kara says, taking a deep breath, "Shall we sit on the couch?"

Lena nods her head.

Kara, Lena and Alex then make their way over to one of the couches, with Lena sitting in the middle, and Kara and Alex either side of her, ready to support her in any way that they are required to.

"Alright." Kara says, taking another deep breath.

Kara then tells Lena everything that Talia Al-Ghul told her about Elizabeth Walsh, from how she first got in contact with Leviathan, all the way to why she had to fake her death. All the while Kara tells Lena this information, she keeps a worried look on her face, because she honestly doesn't have any idea how Lena may react, she could get angry, cry, or maybe even break out into laughter again, the latter scares Kara the most.

Once Kara finishes recounting everything the leader of Leviathan told her, there is then a silence in the living room, with Alex and Kara simply waiting for Lena to speak next, and until then, they will just sit and support her with their presence.

"So.... she..... joined Leviathan...... to protect me?" Lena eventually asks.

Kara's features soften at Lena asking her that.

"It seems that way." Kara replies, "From what I can make of it, it sounds like the last thing she wanted to do was lose you, but ultimately she just got herself into a situation where she gained those powers, and Leviathan didn't give her much of a choice as to any other options."

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