Kara is the first one to wake the next morning. As she wakes up she finds that Lena is still in her arms cuddled to her. But unlike last night when they originally fell asleep, they are no longer spooning. Instead some time during the night Lena moved so that her head is cuddled into Kara's chest. Lena's IV drip has also been removed from her arm, presumably Alex or Eliza did that at some point during the night. Kara can't help but feel happy with Lena's head cuddled into her chest, essentially on her breasts. It feels right. Like it is meant to be. Almost as if Lena fits perfectly into her arms, just like a puzzle piece. As Kara admires Lena and takes in the moment she gently strokes the side of Lena's body, a small smile appearing on her face. After a few minutes Lena begins to stir.
"Hmm....." Lena says as she wakes.
"Hey, I didn't mean to wake up." Kara says softly.
"Hmm.... your heart woke me." Lena mumbles, sleep still in her voice.
"My heart?" Kara asks confused.
"Hmm.... it's gotten louder." Lena mumbles.
Kara blushes profusely. Obviously Kara's heart has begun to beat faster since she woke up and began admiring Lena, and enjoying their cuddled intimacy.
"Oh.... I uhhh...." Kara says flustered.
"Shhh.... sleep." Lena mumbles back.
Kara just nods and pulls Lena closer to her again, closing her eyes. Kara however does not go back to sleep, her mind is too occupied for it. Of course it's occupied thinking of checking on Alura, and what might happen to her, and how today could be the day they've been waiting for, the day they save Alura. But Kara's mind is also occupied by what it means that her heart was beating so fast, and what it means by how much she enjoys these cuddles with Lena, and how much she will miss them when this is all over.
Lena for her part spends the next 5 minutes just drifting in that place between being awake and asleep. She obviously doesn't have her whit's entirely about her. But after 5 minutes she starts to really wake up, and that's when she realises where she is laying. Her head is laying on Kara's chest, basically on her breasts. Lena can literally feel Kara's boobs with her face. This results in a thought quickly flashing through Lena's mind, thinking about how she didn't want the first time she feels Kara's breasts to be when she had sleepily cuddled into her. But before Lena can explore that thought further she dismisses it, they are not dating or together, or anything like that after all. They honestly barely know each other. Lena doesn't know much about Kara beyond her daughter and the people who have been by her side through this. She doesn't know a significant amount of things. In fact she knows so little about Kara that it kind of scares her with how close and connected she feels to her. Lena doesn't even know if they are even going to have a relationship after this, let alone if they could have a potential romantic one. Lena can't even begin to think to go down that road as she doesn't even know if Kara likes women, then if she does like women, then if she does, Lena doesn't know if she even likes her that way. Then the most important and basic question, Lena doesn't know if Kara even likes her, as a person, let alone is attracted to her. There are so many questions, and not enough answers for Lena's liking.
"Now whose heart is the one beating loudly." Kara says, interrupting Lena from her spiralling thoughts.
"Wha'?" Lena asks as she clears away the sleep from her voice.
"I can hear your heart beating really fast now." Kara explains.
"Oh..." Lena says as she slowly begins to move her head away from Kara's chest. She could swear she saw a brief disappointed look on Kara's face as she does. "I just realised where my head was, so I was freaking out. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have invaded your privacy like that."

A Leap of Faith (Part 1)
RomanceKara has a four year old daughter, and only recently has met Lena Luthor. Lena and Kara are not quite friends yet, more so acquittances. Kara's daughter, Alura Danvers, becomes ill, and no one can figure out what is wrong with her. This is when Kara...