Walk with Lena

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Lena is presently holding an ice pack to her throat. She can already see marks beginning to form around her neck from where Superman had her in a choke hold. Of course Lena understood where Superman was coming from. He just saw Lena as a Luthor with a needle standing over his niece. When he sees her he just sees Lex and all the horrible things he's done to him and a lot of other innocent people, just like most of the public. Lena however was relieved and surprised at Alex not backing Superman and putting her trust in Lena, if only it is because Kara trusts her. It is better than nothing.

During the whole ordeal with Superman it was noted by Lena Alura's reaction when he tried to speak to his niece afterwards. Alura did not want to be anywhere near Superman after witnessing him hold Lena by the throat. 'You hurt 'ena', repeats through Lena's head. Lena could tell from the beginning that Alura is special, but almost every interaction with her makes Lena care for this girl more and more. Lena knows that she is now willing to do anything to save this girl. Alura deserves to survive, and the world deserves to have someone like Alura in it. Lena will save this wonderful kind hearted beautiful girl if it's the last thing she does.

Lena spends the next few hours after Superman's attack on her going over some more data as Alura's blood is analised via various tests that Lena is running. All the while Lena holds an ice pack to her throat to try and stop it from swelling too much. As she does this Kara is more than happy to replace the ice packs every 30 minutes when she can tell they are beginning to melt.

As Lena works in the background she can hear Kara talking to her daughter. Lena recognises that Kara must be in unbearable emotional agony, but she doesn't let that show to anyone. Just like her daughter Kara keeps a smile on her face, trying to keep her daughter amused and happy, taking her mind off her worries. However Lena does see moments when Kara looks away briefly from Alura, when Kara thinks that no one is looking at her, and a sad frown appears on her face for a few seconds before she quickly turns back to look at her daughter with a smile. But Lena just happily listens to Kara talking to Alura as she goes over the data.

"You know it's going to be winter soon honey. Christmas is fast approaching." Kara smiles.

Alura's eyes light up.

"Really?" Alura asks.

"Uhuh. I was thinking this year we could go away for a trip to the mountings to see some snow. We could be cozy in a cabin with a fire." Kara explains.

Kara is trying to be hopeful and make plans for them, not only for her daughter but for herself. Kara knows that if she loses hope and stops planning for her future with her daughter than she's giving in. Kara will never give in.

"Just us?" Alura asks.

"Maybe. We could ask grandma or aunt Alex or Winn and James to come with us." Kara suggests.

"And 'ena?" Alura asks her mother.

Lena's heart once again skips a beat. This little girl has known her for less than a full day yet for some reason she's already grown an attachment to her, and wants to include her in her family plans.

Lena turns around to look at Kara and Alura.

"Uhh well.... uhmm.... Lena might have other things to do and.... uhhh....." Kara says flustered.

"If you'd have me I'd happily come with you both." Lena comments.

"Re....really?" Kara asks surprised.

"Yes. It sounds wonderful.... unless uhmm..... you think.... uhmm..... that I'd not be able to...... use internet for..... L-Corp stuff." Lena says, trying to give Kara a subtle way in front of Alura to give an excuse as to why Lena can't come. Lena hopes that if she has pushed boundaries and Kara is uncomfortable with the idea of Lena going anywhere with them she will catch on to what Lena is saying and just say that there wouldn't be internet.

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