Chapter 198 - Nia Apartment Hunting

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It is now Sunday, and after Kara and Lena got back home to their penthouse on the Saturday, the entire family just had a nice relaxing day together. However, this did mean that unfortunately Alura remained in bed for most of the day, but thankfully she wasn't sick anymore. The adults, including Eliza, Lena, Kara and even Nia, took turns watching over Alura, even while she was asleep, and lying next to her on the bed. This just meant that Morgan got a lot more attention from the four adults, which the young girl didn't mind one single bit. Morgan absolutely loves her family.

Presently, Kara, Lena, Morgan and Alura have just said goodbye to Eliza, who has headed back to Midvale. However, Morgan and Alura were both not too sad this time at Eliza leaving, because they know they will see her again in a couple of days, when she comes back down to National City to help them all prepare for Kara and Lena's wedding. Nia, for her part, was not around when Eliza left, and is still not at the penthouse because this morning she was going around a few different apartments, as she still plans to stick to moving out after Kara and Lena's wedding is finished. Of course, Kara and Lena are still not bothered either way, but they know this is something that Nia really wants to do, so they have tried their best to not get in her way at all.

Right now, Kara, Lena, Alura and Morgan are all sitting on a couch in the living room together, watching a movie, while all snuggled closely together. Thankfully, Alura is feeling much better today, and both Kara and Lena think that Eliza was probably right in her assessment that Alura just had a bug. The parents are both glad that it only lasted a day, and isn't something that lingered all weekend, which would have really ruined things for Alura if she was ill all weekend, and better on Monday, when she has to go back to school.

"Girls, now that we are alone for a bit, momma and I thought now would be a good time to talk to you all about what is going to happen with the wedding." Kara says, "Or at least to remind you both what is going to happen."

"Okay." Morgan nods, happily.

"Alura, you up for this?" Lena asks, with her oldest daughter snuggled into her side.

"Yeah." Alura replies.

"Perfect." Lena says, "Let me just pause this, and we can talk."

Lena pauses the movie that they are watching, so that both Morgan and Alura don't get distracted by the movie. Both Kara and Lena know that it is important that Alura and Morgan know clearly how the wedding is going to work and everything. Kara and Lena don't want Morgan or Alura getting distressed or anything during or leading up to the wedding, both for their daughters' sake, and because they each know they'll already have a lot to do during the wedding and everything.

"Okay." Kara nods, once the TV is paused, and she knows that she has both Alura and Morgan's attentions. "So, momma and I are going to get married this coming Saturday. How things will work, is this next week will be completely normal for the both of you. Then, on Friday afternoon, we are all going to drive a few hours out of National City, to a hotel we will be staying at for the wedding, throughout the weekend."

"Yes." Lena says, "And by mommy saying 'we are all going to drive out of National City', she doesn't just mean the four of us. A lot of people will be coming with us, including grandma Eliza, aunt Alex and aunt Sam, Ruby, both of my moms, J'onn, Winn, Jess, and Eve, as well as a few other people."

"There will also be multiple other people who will meet us at the hotel who you both have not met before. Friends that momma and I have who will be attending our wedding." Kara explains.

"Why don't we know them?" Morgan asks, curiously.

"Because they don't live around here." Kara replies.

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