Chapter 78 - Sister's Night Plan

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Lena and Kara finish their lunch, having just discussed the logistics of moving in together, and the changes Lena wants to make to her penthouse. The time then ticks to 2PM, and Kara and Lena are both sad by the fact that they know their lunch has to come to an end. Although they know that unlike previous times, that they will see each other again, this evening, because they live together now.

Alura, Ruby, Sam and Alex walk into Lena's office right on 2PM, making sure to knock first. Alex was the one who very much insisted that they knock, thinking that seeing as Kara and Lena were left alone in Lena's office, they could have got up to all sorts of things, away from prying eyes. Thankfully, for Alex, Lena and Kara were not doing anything like that, and called out for them to come in.

"I hope you two had a nice lunch together." Sam smiles, as she walks inside the office.

"Yeah, we did." Kara smiles, "What about you guys?"

"Yeah, I think we all had a great time. We got some sandwiches and then sat in a nearby park to eat them. Alura and Ruby then got up and ran around with Alex for a bit." Sam explains.

Kara and Lena both smile upon hearing that.

"It sounds like you all had fun then." Kara smiles.

"Yes, we did mommy." Alura says, nodding her head with a big smile.

"Yeah, they sure both have a lot of energy." Alex says, smiling now too.

Kara, Lena and Sam chuckle at that.

"Okay, well I need to get back to work." Sam says, noticing the time.

"Yeah, me too." Alex says, sadly.

"Owwwwww." Ruby groans, not liking the prospect of being stuck in her mom's office for more of today.

"I'm sorry Rubes, but there's nothing else I can do." Sam says, with a sympathetic look on her face.

Kara looks at Ruby, and sees how Alura is still standing next to her, looking so happy to be in the 12-year-old's presence.

"Well, if it's okay with you Sam, and Ruby wants to, she could come hang out with Alura and I for the rest of today." Kara offers, "I can finish my CatCo work at home, from my laptop. Then that way Alura and Ruby can spend time together in Alura's room."

"YES, can I mom?" Ruby, asks, being excited over Kara's offer.

"Uhhhh.... If you are sure about it, Kara?" Sam asks, looking at the blonde.

"Of course I am." Kara smiles, "It'll be no trouble at all, and I know Alura will be happy about it. Isn't that right, Alura?"

"Yes." Alura replies, nodding her head, happily.

"Okay, then." Sam smiles, "Thank you Kara. I'll come pick Ruby up from your place once I've finished work."

"Sure." Kara smiles, "There's no rush."

"Alright then." Sam says, turning to look at Ruby. "Now, Ruby, you be good for Kara, okay?"

"I will mom." Ruby says.

"That's my good girl." Sam smiles.

Ruby groans, being embarrassed by Sam.

"Okay, well, I'll leave you to it. And I'll see you later, Ruby." Sam says.

"Bye, mom." Ruby says.

"Bye Sam." Lena, Kara and Alura say.

Sam then begins walking out of the office, with Alex walking slowly behind her.

"Bye, guys." Alex says.

"Bye, Alex." Kara, Lena and Ruby say.

"Bye aunt Alex." Alura says.

Alex then walks to the door, and just as she is about to step out, following Sam, she turns back and looks at Kara.

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