Chapter 144 - Lena Wakes

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Kara wakes up the following morning, and the first thing she does is look at Lena, to check on her. However, as soon as Kara looks at Lena, she is a bit saddened to see that her fiancé is still in a deep sleep. A part of Kara had hoped that maybe Lena would be awake, so they could talk. Or at least so Kara could tell if Lena is going to be mentally okay once she is awake.

Kara proceeds to simply look at Lena for the next couple of minutes, before she finally rolls over on the bed, and then has a look at her phone on the night stand. This is when Kara realises that it is still pretty early in the morning, only 6AM. Kara usually doesn't really need much sleep anyway, because of her Kryptonian DNA, but over the last year that hasn't been the case, because she has enjoyed sleeping with Lena so much, so she has slept longer. However, Kara thinks that right now her body is just too stressed, and worried about Lena, to allow her to relax and do that.

Kara sighs once she is out of bed, and then walks into her bathroom, going about her morning business, before then heading out of the bedroom, and walking along the corridor. As Kara walks along the corridor, she first pokes her head into one of the bedrooms where she can tell there are two adult heartbeats coming from. After doing this, Kara sees Alex and Sam, both wrapped up in each other, fast asleep. Kara then closes the door to the room and walks further along the hallway, eventually arriving at the room Alura and Ruby were sleeping in last night. Kara then pokes her head in that room also, and she sees that Alura and Ruby are still sleeping just like they were last night, cuddling each other closely, with Ruby even snoring lightly. Upon seeing the sight again, Kara can't help but grow a small smile on her face.

Kara then takes a few moments to simply look at Alura and Ruby sleeping, and after a little while, she makes her way downstairs, and gets herself some food. Right now, Kara knows that the best distraction she can give herself, until other people wake up, is to just eat a bunch of food. So, this is exactly what Kara does, stuffing her face with a bunch of bowls of cereal, before then finally deciding to make a bunch of pancakes, which she thinks everyone will be able to eat once they wake.


It is now a few hours later, and Kara is sitting on one of the couches in the living room, watching the news on TV, not really paying attention to it. Over the last few hours, other than eating, Kara has been completely restless, just worrying so much about Lena, and hating that she has no one else who is awake to at least keep her company.

"Morning, Kara..." Sam says, coming walking into the kitchen area, followed by Alex.

"Hey..." Kara says, with a forced smile, as she turns to look at Alex and Sam.

"God... how much did you have to eat?" Alex asks, looking at the mess of several plates, and a few bowls, in the kitchen, which wasn't there the previous night.

"Uhhh.... a lot...." Kara says, a bit awkwardly, "I just got a bit fidgety..... so I occupied myself by eating."

"Of course you did." Alex says, rolling her eyes.

Alex and Sam then both make their way over to the living room area of the penthouse, and this time Alex decides to take a seat next to Kara, getting herself into a position where she rests her legs on her sister's lap.

"Hey! You know there was a free couch over there!" Kara pouts.

"I know. But this way we can have some sister bonding time." Alex replies, with a smirk.

"I know what you are doing Alex." Kara says, after a few moments of just looking at Alex.

"Really? Is it working?" Alex asks, still with a smirk on her face.

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