Kara wakes up to a few rays of sunshine shining on her face. For the first time in what seems like forever Kara feels slightly peaceful. Peaceful because she feels comforted by the arms wrapped around her, the arms of Lena Luthor. Kara turns over to look at the young Luthor who is still asleep. Kara just studies her for a moment and thinks of how grateful she is that Lena is not only here with her, comforting her in her bed, but the fact that Lena is here at all. It could have been so easy for Lena to be mistrustful of Kara because she is Supergirl, due to everything that happened with Lex and Superman, but she wasn't. Lena had jumped headfirst into trying to save Alura, and she has been nothing short of wonderful. Lena has bonded with her daughter almost immediately, something take really fills Kara's heart with joy. All she knows is that Lena really is a special person and she is so glad she is here with her.
Kara pulls Lena closer to her for a moment just breathing in her comfort. Humming as she feels Lena's gentle breath. Kara just allows herself to relax tangled in Lena for a moment, she knows she needs this. Kara has been pretty emotionally destroyed recently, for obvious reasons. She has been bottling it all up and Lena has been the only one that really has been able to give Kara some relief, even if it's only temporary.
"Hmmmm..... morning." Lena says groggily as she wakes up.
Kara right away feels awkward. Lena was the one that offered to cuddle Kara and move into her bed to comfort her, and in return Kara has invaded Lena's personal space even more by taking her in for a deeper front facing hug.
"Sorry." Kara says as she immediately flinches away.
"Hey, it's okay." Lena says with a smile as she gently grabs Kara's arm.
Kara turns to look at Lena and sees Lena has such a genuine smile on her face. She clearly isn't put off even a little bit by Kara hugging her closer. Kara breathes a sigh of relief in response.
"Come back here." Lena says as she gestures for Kara to come closer.
Kara bites her lip and then hesitantly nods. Kara then moves closer to Lena, still hesitant as if expecting Lena to take away her offer at any moment. Lena is the one to pull Kara closer however, wrapping both her arms around the Kryptonian, causing Kara to rest her head on Lena's shoulder. Lena then begins to stroke the back of Kara's head to soothe her.
"I know you asked me here to help Alura. But I want you to know that I'm here for you as well. I can see how much you a hurting. So please, let me help you okay?" Lena says with so much care in her voice.
Kara begins to get tears in her eyes in response. Although for the first time in what seems like forever Kara is crying for a good reason, not because she's emotionally devastated.
"I.... I....." Kara sniffs, "Thank you....... I..... I don't know if...... I'll ever be able to repay ...... your kindness."
Lena smiles at Kara.
"And you'll never have to." Lena replies.
Kara and Lena remain like that for a few more minutes, with Lena just allowing Kara to have something that alleviates her horrible feelings just for a moment. But eventually the two women have to get up.
"Can..... can I shower first please? I'll be really quick...... I just.... want to see Alura as soon as possible." Kara says, nervously.
"Of course." Lena smiles.
Kara quickly speeds into the bathroom attached to the DEO sleeping quarters that Kara and Lena have been sharing. Lena in the mean time just goes through her bag that Jess brought for her, making a decision as to what clothes to wear.
"Okay I'm done." Kara says literally 30 seconds later.
Lena turns around to look at Kara surprised. She thinks for a moment that Kara must not have showered at all, all in a rush to see Alura as soon as possible. But Lena notices that Kara's hair is wet, so she must have showered. Lena just gets a confused look on her face. Luckily for her Kara notices.

A Leap of Faith (Part 1)
RomanceKara has a four year old daughter, and only recently has met Lena Luthor. Lena and Kara are not quite friends yet, more so acquittances. Kara's daughter, Alura Danvers, becomes ill, and no one can figure out what is wrong with her. This is when Kara...