Chapter 24 - Time with Alura

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The next day Lena woke alone in her penthouse and got ready for work. For the first time in a long time Lena felt very lonely. Previously when Lena had been alone by herself she had managed to push away the feeling of loneliness. This may have been because she was forced to do this while she grew up with the Luthor's. Growing up Lena much preferred to be alone than be present for Lillian's constant mental abuse, Lionel's drunken abuse and Lex's manipulations. Although at the time Lena had no idea Lex was just manipulating her, but he didn't live with Lena for most of her childhood, due to him being much older. So, this all amounted to Lena learning to not be lonely when she was by herself. She was able to cope with this by keeping her mind active, coming up with new ideas and inventions, or just reading a good book or scientific papers and journals. But presently staving off that loneliness has become a lot more difficult for Lena. Lena has now had a good glimpse of what it's like to be surrounded by people she actually likes, so it's making it hard to go back. Although Lena hopes that she never has to go back. She hopes that as her relationship with Kara grows and she'll eventually be able to be with her and Alura every day. She won't have to wake up alone, to an empty penthouse, like this morning.

Lena eventually gets ready and heads off to L-Corp to begin her day. Lena's hope is that at least while she's at work her loneliness may be lessened because she'll be in a building full of other people, even though they are her employees, not her friends. But then at the same time Lena is very much looking forward to Kara hopefully still dropping Alura off at her office later today. Lena is well aware that she has a lot of work to do to begin the year, and most likely won't have any time to play and have fun with Alura, but even still, Alura just being in her presence will make all the difference. Lena just really, really, hopes that Kara doesn't have a change of plans, or a change of mind, and doesn't drop the young half-kryptonian off in Lena's care. Lena knows that if Kara does cancel it'll probably ruin her day. Although Lena is pretty confident that Kara isn't aware of just how much of a crutch Alura coming to see Lena will be for her.

Lena heads up to her office and is met by Jess who greets her before she heads inside her office. Lena spends the next few hours occupying her mind with a bunch of work, trying to keep the loneliness and the sense of doubt and worry that she may not see Alura today, at bay. Thankfully, it works all the way until Lena receives a text at 11AM.

Kara (to Lena): Hey Lee!

Kara: Are you still okay with keeping an eye on Alura?

Kara: If you're not, or you're too busy, I can drop her office with Alex or someone else.

Lena (to Kara): Yes, in fact I'm looking forward to it!

Kara: Great! ;)

Kara: We can be there in like 15 minutes, if that's okay?

Lena: That's perfect.

Lena: I'll see you soon.

Kara: Okay xx

Lena: Xx

As Lena ends the text conversation with Kara Lena just holds her phone to her chest for a moment with a big smile. Lena is so happy that she is going to see both Alura and Kara in a moment. Of course Lena would much prefer to spend time with both Kara and Alura, but she'll more than just settle to spend time with the four year old. Lena hopes that perhaps she and Kara can spend some alone time together and go on a date over the weekend, with both their jobs permitting.

Lena tries to spend the next 15 minutes getting back to work, but she simply can't. Lena is far too excited for Kara and Alura's impending arrival. Lena does realise how pathetic she is, she literally saw both of them less than 16 hours prior. But Lena realises she is probably acting this way because of how starved she is of such an intimate relationship, and she doesn't mean in a physical way. Then also Lena just knows that Kara and Alura are both special and she thinks that there are probably a lot of people out there that want to gravitate in their orbit and never leave.

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