Chapter 166 - Lena Gone Away

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Kara is now just arriving at Alura's school, and she knows that the next few minutes are going to be a bit difficult, as she is going to have to tell her daughter that Lena has gone away for a few days, which she knows Alura will be upset over.

Kara waits outside Alura's classroom for a few minutes, before the bell to signal the end of the day finally rings, and Alura and the other kids soon come out of the classroom.

"Mommy!" Alura says, with a smile, walking over to Kara and taking her in for a hug.

"Hey, baby." Kara smiles back, "Did you have a good day at school?"

"Yeah." Alura nods, "We learnt a bunch of different things!"

"That's great." Kara smiles, happily, "Come on, let's head home."

Alura nods her head, and then takes Kara's hand and the two begin to walk out of the school, and a few moments later, exit the school and start their walk back home to their penthouse.

"Will momma be home soon?" Alura eventually asks, about 5 minutes into their walk.

Kara flinches at Alura asking her this, before sighing.

"No." Kara says, "I'm sorry to tell you this, Alura, but momma has had to go away on some urgent business for a few days. So, for the next couple of days it will just be you and I."

Alura's face immediately drops at Kara saying this to her.

"Momma left without saying goodbye?" Alura asks, with a sad look on her face.

"Something just came up and she had to fly out and deal with it now, and couldn't leave it to the end of today so she could say goodbye this evening." Kara lies, "But momma has told me that she will call me later this evening, and you can then spend some time speaking with her on the phone."

"Okay." Alura says, but still in a bit of a sad voice.

"Don't worry baby, I'm sure momma will be home as soon as she can be. But until then, I'll make sure that the two of us have a bunch of fun together." Kara says, trying to cheer up her daughter.


It is now later on in the evening, and Kara and Alura have got on with everything without Lena, with Kara making Alura her dinner, and entertaining her and everything. Kara's main goal has been to simply keep Alura as occupied as possible so she doesn't have to think about Lena not being there with them. Eventually though, the time hits 8PM, and Kara's phone rings.

"Hello?" Kara answers.

"It's me." Lena says.

"Oh, hi, Lena, it's good to hear your voice." Kara says.

"Can you pass me over to Alura." Lena says, in a firm voice.

Kara's heart, once more, hurts upon hearing Lena brush her off like that, and still be mad at her.

"Yeah... okay..." Kara says, in a dejected voice, "Let me just go get her. She went upstairs to go to the toilet."

Lena doesn't respond to Kara saying that.

Kara then walks up the stairs and heads into Alura's bedroom, where she sees that not only has Alura been to the bathroom, but she's got changed into her pyjamas also.

"Alura, I have momma on the phone here." Kara says.

"Gimme!" Alura says, quickly, reaching her hands out in a grabbing motion.

Kara can't help but lightly chuckle, and then proceeds to hand Alura the phone.

"Momma?" Alura says.

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