Chapter 102 - Back Home

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It is now a few hours later, Lena, Alura and Kara are returning home to their penthouse. Over the last few hours, after leaving the facility where Lillian was holding Alura, Lena, Alura and Kara were all taken to the DEO, to all get thorough medical examinations. Out of the three of them Alura was actually the one that has the least amount of injuries, only having some cuts and bruises here and there, and a slightly elevated heart rate, likely due to all the stress she has been under. Then as for Kara, she has once again blown out her powers, due to her dealing with the kryptonite, and worryingly this time Kara's blood work came back the most human looking it has ever been, meaning that it will take much longer for Kara to get her powers back, if they come back at all. As for Lena, she is the one that has the most amount of injuries out of the entire family. The doctors have diagnosed Lena with a few cracked ribs, a dislocated shoulder, and a few more bumps and bruises here and there. Overall, the doctors at the DEO did want to keep Kara and Lena for monitoring overnight, but neither of the women were willing to allow that, they just wanted to get home and be with each other, and their daughter.

In regards to Kara's memory issues, all of them are back now, all of her memories about Lena and Alura, as well as everything that happened while Lex had her, including the torture. This time however, Kara no longer fears thinking about the torture, and everything that Lex put her through. However, even though Kara has got all her memories back, she hasn't told anyone about everything that Lex told her, including what he did to James, and more importantly, how he was the one who made Alura ill in the first place. Kara does plan to tell everyone about it all, but for now she just wants to be with Lena and Alura, and be a family together, something she feels that hasn't happened in a long while. Kara does plan on telling Lena everything first, before everyone else, but that is something that will have to happen on another day.

After the scene was secured at the facility Lillian took Alura to, the DEO agents arrested all of Lillian's guards, and J'onn made sure that Lillian was sent to a separate DEO holding facility for the next few days. The reason J'onn has done this, is because he is tired of them chasing Lex Luthor with no leads, and he knows that Lillian Luthor will be their best bet as to track down Lex, so he's going to use her, before he then has her transferred to a maximum-security prison. Then another thing that the DEO had to deal with, was transporting James Olsen's body. The medics at the DEO were able to confirm, without a shadow of a doubt, that James Olsen is dead, but they had no idea what the tech was that was keeping him alive, by using kryptonite as some form of heart. So, Alex tasked the medics to work with the tech team to examine the body, to find out as much as possible about the tech used, hoping it would give them more insight into Lex Luthor.


Kara, Lena and Alura walk through the front door to their home. Lena's left arm is in a sling, due to her shoulder injury, and Kara is slowly walking along, feeling weak. Throughout the car ride back from the DEO, the family have been mostly silent, just holding each other's hands, and keeping their bodies close. They have all been through a traumatic experience, and right now the thing that they need the most is each other.

"We're home..." Lena says, as Kara closes the front door behind them.

"Yeah." Kara nods.

Lena looks out the window and sees that it is dark outside, it's pretty late at night, and she is absolutely exhausted, both emotionally and physically.

"It's late.... We should probably head to bed." Lena suggests.

"Yeah.." Kara agrees, "But before we do.... Can I talk to you both for a few moments?"

Lena looks at Alura, who is nervously looking up at her, while holding Lena's free right hand. Lena has noticed that even though Kara has got her memories back now, Alura has been distant from Kara, as if she doesn't believe it is real. Lena gives Alura's hand a reassuring squeeze.

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