Chapter 140 - Alura's Feelings

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"Shit!" Kara hears Alex say from upstairs, a few minutes after Sam and Ruby left.

"Alex?" Kara calls out from the bottom of the stairs, "Are you okay? Do you need help?"

There is a silence for a few moments.

"Yeah!" Alex eventually replies.

Kara quickly makes her way up the stairs, and then finds Alex on the floor in the middle of the bedroom.

"I lost balance on my crutches, and fell down, and now I can't really get up." Alex says.

"Here, let me help." Kara says, as she reaches out one of her hands.

Kara is now seeing her sister for the first time since her injuries, and admittedly she had made Alex look a lot worse in her mind after Lena described the extent as to the injuries Alex suffered.

Alex grabs Kara's hand, and the blonde then carefully pulls Alex to her feet, allowing her sister to put her weight on her shoulders.

"Guide me to the bed." Alex says.

Kara nods her head, and carefully guides Alex a few steps to the bed, where she then takes a seat. After that, Kara turns around and picks Alex's crutches up from the floor, handing her back to her sister.

"Let's try this again." Alex says, using the crutches to get to her feet once more.

"We can talk here.... if that would be easier.... Saving you having to go all the way downstairs." Kara suggests.

"No. I've spent almost 2 days in this bedroom. If I don't go downstairs, I'm going to go insane." Alex replies.

Kara nods her head, and then slowly walks just behind Alex as she begins to walk out of the bedroom, preparing to catch her sister if she falls over once more. A few moments later, Alex reaches the top of the stairs, and then pauses. Alex has used her crutches a few times already, and while she is okay with using them, she has found that going up and down the stairs with them is the most difficult.

"I could carry you.... if you want?" Kara suggests, noticing Alex's hesitation.

Alex scoffs.

"No way in hell I'm letting that happen." Alex replies, and then makes her first move to head down the stairs.

Over the next few minutes, Alex slowly makes her way down the stairs, with Kara closely following her behind, not saying anything, just allowing Alex to completely focus on the task at hand. Eventually, Alex does make it to the bottom of the stairs, without falling over, and then heads into the living room, taking a seat on one of the couches, and moving her leg into a raised position. Kara then carefully takes a seat to the side of Alex.

"So, you're back..." Alex comments.

"Yeah." Kara nods, "And..... I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you Alex. I'm sorry that I went away and then this happened."

"It's not your fault Kara." Alex says, "I'll admit, there was a moment when I was in that car, with the fire having started, and was trapped, that I did think about using my signal watch, before realising you were not even on the planet, but it's not your fault. You can't be everywhere all the time Kara. You were off doing important things for your other friends. I don't blame you."

"Even so.... I still feel awful." Kara says.

"I know you do." Alex nods, "But I'm not really sure what more I can say."

"Yeah..." Kara replies, breathlessly.

"I just... really want to get my hands on that damn shadow woman." Alex says a few moments later.

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