Chapter 138 - Alex's Surgery

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It is now the following day, and Alex is just being wheeled into the operation room, about to have her surgery to fix her leg using Lena's special polymers. The surgery itself is being led by a Japanese woman called Dr Natakowi, who is one of the leading surgeons in the world, that Lena has paid to come out and preform Alex's surgery. Although, apparently, according to Lena, Dr Natakowi was very intrigued in preforming the surgery with Lena's polymers anyway, and didn't need much convincing.

Right now, Alex has just entered the operation theatre, and there are several doctors all in scrubs, with Dr Natakowi being in the centre of them. Lena is also in the operation theatre, wearing scrubs, standing in the corner. The only reason Lena is here is so she can answer any questions Dr Natakowi has about the polymers, if something happens during the surgery that she is unsure of. However, Lena has already had a very long discussion with Dr Natakowi and is extremely confident everything will go according to plan.

"Okay.... Miss Danvers...." Dr Natakowi says, "We are going to put you under a general anaesthetic, okay?"

"Yes, okay." Alex nods, and then turns her head to look at Lena, who is still standing off to the side.

Lena gives Alex a warm smile, and a thumbs up. Alex then turns back to look at Dr Natakowi, and nods her head. One of the assisting doctors then places a mask over Alex's mouth and nose.

"Take some deep breaths, and count down from 10." The doctor says.

Alex takes some deep breaths and then begins counting. Alex gets to 6 before she falls unconscious.

"Okay. Her vital signs are good. Let's begin." Dr Natakowi says, with a nod of her head.

The doctors all then begin working in tandem and start to preform the surgery, all while Lena watches. The surgery itself takes about 2 hours, and ends up being very successful, with Dr Natakowi being very impressed with the polymer technology.

"That's it. We are done." Dr Natakowi eventually says, "Stitch her up."

"Yes, doctor." One of the assistant doctors replies.

Dr Natakowi then begins to walk away, heading towards Lena.

"Everything went very well." Dr Natakowi says to Lena, "I am very impressed with your technology, and would be very interested in exploring further uses for it with you, at a later date."

"Yes, I'm sure we can arrange something." Lena smiles back, "Thank you."

After this, Lena walks out of the operation theatre, along with Dr Natakowi, and heads towards the waiting room, where Eliza, J'onn, Winn, Sam, Alura and Ruby are all waiting to hear about Alex's surgery. The group all run towards Lena and Dr Natakowi as soon as they see them.

"Everything went very well." Dr Natakowi smiles, "She should wake up within the next hour. As Lena has told you, Alex's recovery should be much quicker than through conventional surgery. I predict that Alex could be completely healed, from her leg break at least, within the next 3 to 4 weeks."

"That's great. Thank you so much, doctor." Sam says, with a big relieved smile.

"Yes, thank you for taking such good care of my daughter, and flying all the way out here to preform the surgery." Eliza says.

"It was no problem. Miss Luthor made a very compelling case." Dr Natakowi smiles, and then gives everyone a nod of her head before leaving.

The whole group all grow smiles on their faces as soon as the doctor leaves, and Eliza then quickly moves over to Lena, taking the brunette in for a big hug.

"Thank you for what you've done for Alex, Lena." Eliza says, "With Kara not being here, you really stepped up to help her, and all of this family. We are so very lucky to have you."

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