Chapter 136 - Alex in Hospital

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It is close to 11PM in the evening, and Lena is fast asleep in her bed, with Alura snuggled into her side. Admittedly without Kara sleeping by her side, Lena doesn't sleep very well, but Alura is a pretty nice alternative. Lena loves sleeping with her daughter, and would happily do it basically every day, but she knows that she can't make a habit of it, otherwise Alura will never not want to sleep with her. Plus, when Kara does come back, Lena will obviously want to sleep alone with Kara, not only so she can be a little selfish with Kara's presence, but also so they can have some X-rated fun.

Suddenly, Lena's sleep is interrupted by her phone buzzing on one of the nightstands. A few moments later, Lena opens her eyes, and wonders who she is going to fire for waking her up in the middle of the night. Lena then grabs her phone and sees that it's Sam calling her. Right away Lena knows that something must be wrong, because there is no way her best friend would call her in the middle of the night otherwise.

"Hello? Sam?" Lena answers, still lying in bed with Alura snuggled to her chest.

"Lena...." Sam replies, sounding very worried, "Alex.... she was in an accident..... J'onn has taken her to the hospital..... but he said that she's not in a good state and I....."

Lena hears Sam crying on the phone, and her heart breaks for her friend. Lena already is feeling emotional from this news herself, because Alex is basically her sister, so the thought of her being hurt devastates Lena. Then Lena is also even more worried, because she knows that Kara will absolutely hate herself for not being here right now. So, hearing Sam being so emotional is just the tip of the iceberg for Lena.

"Oh, Sam..." Lena says, in a sympathetic voice, "What hospital is she in?"

"National City General." Sam replies, "Ruby and I are on our way there now. We are just getting into the car."

"Okay." Lena replies, "Alura and I will meet you there. We will probably get there before you."

"Alright, thank you Lena. I need to go now." Sam says.

"Yeah, okay. I'll see you soon." Lena replies, and then ends the phone call.

Once the call ends, Lena looks down at Alura who somehow has managed to sleep through the entire conversation she just had with Sam. Lena hates that she has now got to wake Alura up and tell her that her aunt Alex has been in an accident. Lena knows this really isn't a good time for this, not that there is ever a good time for it. Just, Lena knows that Alura is already emotional with Kara not being here, so this will simply add to that.

Lena sighs, in frustration, and then gently begins stroking Alura, trying to wake her up.

"Alura?" Lena says, softly.

Lena continues to stroke Alura and say her name, and eventually, about a minute later, Alura begins to mumble, and open her eyes.

"Alura, we need to get up. Aunt Alex was in an accident. We are going to go see her at the hospital." Lena explains.

"Hhmmhmhm.... kay." Alura mumbles, clearly not being too awake or aware right now. Lena thinks that might just be for the best.

After this, Lena quickly gets out of bed, and allows Alura to remain laying down, having already fallen back to sleep. Lena then quickly makes her way into her bathroom to go to the toilet, and then comes back out to change into appropriate clothes. About 3 minutes later, once Lena is dressed, she returns to her bed and picks Alura up in her arms, and then leaves the penthouse.


15 minutes after leaving the penthouse, Lena and Alura arrive in the emergency room section of National City General. Alura is still sleeping in Lena's arms. Lena drove the two of them herself, so Alura simply slept through Lena putting her in her car seat, and then getting her out of the car again, carrying her into the hospital.

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