Chapter 90 - Penthouse Refurbishments

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It is now Monday, and Kara, Lena, Alex, Sam and the two kids, returned to National City in the afternoon on Saturday, after spending a relaxing and lazy morning in Metropolis. It was just a nice advantage of having a private jet to use to get home, because they didn't have a flight time they had to stick to, or worry about going through baggage check or anything at the airport. After the ladies all got back to National City they went their separate ways, with Sam and Ruby heading home, and Alex going back to her own apartment, while Kara, Lena and Alura went back to Kara's. After that, they all had a very nice weekend, spending time with one another, and just relaxing from the previous week they have had.

However, it is now 11:30AM on Monday morning, and Lena is arriving at the DEO for a meeting with Alex, J'onn and Winn, to discuss what she has been able to find out about the alien technology that was stolen from the DEO vault. Lena finds it strange, because today is the first time she has been back inside the DEO since everything that happened with Alura, so it brings back some bad memories, which break her heart even more now, because back then she was just Lena, someone who very much liked the young four-year-old, but now she's Lena, mother to the five-year-old, who she loves so very much. But today is also strange because Lena will be having this meeting with J'onn, Alex and Winn without Kara. Obviously, Lena did ask about whether Kara would be present or not, in her Supergirl capacity, but J'onn didn't think it would be necessary, as it currently is more of a DEO matter, than a Supergirl one. Then in the worst-case scenario they can always catch Kara up on a later date. So, right now, Kara is back at L-Corp, working on protocols with the media department, in regards to how they should go about granting interviews for the press, with any of their staff. That is obviously a topic Kara has very specific knowledge on, so she has been very excited to contribute today.

"Lena, it's good to see you." Alex smiles, greeting Lena at the DEO entrance.

"Hi, Alex." Lena smiles, glancing at the security by the entrance and the screening device, much like ones that are at an airport.

Alex notices what Lena is looking at.

"Sorry about this. But you are going to have to go through security. We've had to heighten it since of the break-in. It's just protocol." Alex says, with a sympathetic look on her face.

"That's okay." Lena nods, "I understand."

Lena then steps through the screening device, after handing her bag to one of the security officers, who put the bag through its own screening machine. A few moments later, the security officer nods his head and then approaches Lena.

"I need to pat you down now, ma'am." The security officer says.

"I'm sorry, did you find something suspicious?" Lena asks, confused.

"No. It's just protocol ma'am. Every visitor to the FBI requires a screening and a pat down." The security officer explains.

Lena wants to literally roll her eyes, but not for the heightened security, for the fact that the security officer called this place the FBI, even though she is well aware it is the DEO. However, before Lena can say anything else Alex steps in.

"I'll pat her down, Frank." Alex says.

"Of course, Agent Danvers." The security officer nods.

Alex then turns to look at Lena with a smile on her face.

"If that is okay with you?" Alex asks.

"Sure, go ahead." Lena nods, holding out her arms.

Alex then begins patting Lena down, and as she does, Lena grows a smirk on her face as she gets a good idea.

"Now I can say that both the Danvers sisters have 'felt me up'; Sam will be so jealous." Lena smirks.

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