Chapter 130 - Lena's Lab Sexy Time

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Over the last few days, Sam, Alex, Lena, Kara, J'onn and Winn have all been reading through the thousands of pages of documents about Leviathan. Of course, none of them have been able to read everything constantly, because they still have their jobs, but they have all been making steady progress of all the information. From what they have read thus far, the group has realised that despite what Lex suggested in his email to Lena, the documents were not entirely created by him. Some of the wording in a few of the documents sounds very different to the other documents, which signalled to them all that it was written by someone else. Lena theorises that perhaps it was Lionel, who possibly began the documentation on Leviathan, and Lex just inherited. But the friends then soon found that there seems to be multiple different types of grammar, suggesting multiple people have wrote the documents. There is even grammar and language that hasn't been used in many years, long before computers were invented. Therefore, Lena ultimately came to the conclusion that these documents on Leviathan must have been written by multiple people over hundreds of years, and Lex, or perhaps Lionel, simply transcribed them onto a computer, and then added their own findings. This does make sense after all, as from what they already knew before they read these documents, Leviathan has been around for hundreds of years.

So far, from the documents themselves, the superfriends have learnt many things about Leviathan, and the type of organisation that they are. They have learnt that Leviathan is led by a woman named Talia Al-Ghul, who took over the organisations around 300 years ago, after she killed her own father. Of course, seeing as the leader of Leviathan has been around so long, it means that most of Leviathan is made up of various species of aliens. However, several key members of Leviathan are human too. It seems that Leviathan either finds people's weakness, whether it is family, greed, power, or money, and exploits that to use people for their bidding. In some situations, the relationship is mutually beneficial, but in other situations, Leviathan is forcing a person to do what they say.

Leviathan as a group, has been around for thousands of years, maybe since humanity first evolved from apes, or even before. The history from the documents suggests that it was ancient members of Leviathan who organised the assassination of Julius Caesar, and then helped build the Roman Empire into an even greater force than it was. Leviathan were the ones that gave Emperor Qin Shi Huang of China the designs to the great wall. Leviathan provided an alchemist in China with a recipe for an 'elixir of life', but instead was actually the ingredients to gunpowder. Leviathan were the ones who influenced religious figures to go on their various religious crusades. Leviathan helped Genghis Khan create his vast empire. Leviathan were the ones who both created the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, and then destroyed it when the time was right, making sure humanity would never find it in the aftermath. Leviathan were the ones who released the black death on humanity, when they deemed that the population needed to get under control, resulting in one third of people in Europe dying. After that, Leviathan continued to influence humanity, both through helping create certain technologies, by their agents whispering in the right ears, and also by guiding certain artists to create pieces which pleased them. Leviathan then continued on, influencing humanity in both their wars and technology, but also playing a hand in certain 'natural' disasters, such as the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, and also the eruption of Mount Tambora, which lead to the 'year without a summer'. Leviathan was present and played a hand in all of it.

"They....... they've been here forever...." Lena says, during one of her reading sessions at her penthouse, along with Kara, Alex, Sam and Winn, with J'onn being at the DEO. "They..... they've been influencing humanity from the very beginning..... putting our history in the directions of their choosing......"

"It looks that way." Sam nods, in a glum voice.

"How..... how do we even stop an organisations like this..... and more importantly.... Should we?" Lena says, completely shaken from having read just as to how much Levithan has influenced everything.

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