It's now about an hour later, and since Kara hugged Morgan for the first time, she decided to use her superspeed to finish off all her work, just so she can spend the rest of the day with Morgan, bonding with the 4-year-old more, and giving the young alien the affection she clearly needs, due to the traumatic situation she has come from.
Presently, Kara and Morgan are walking into Lena's office, with a bag of Big Belly Burgers. Kara has decided that surprising Lena with lunch would be a nice thing to do today, as not only would it allow Morgan to get out of the penthouse, but it would allow Lena to bond more with the young alien girl, and therefore allow Morgan to feel even more comfortable in their home. Already, Kara knows that Morgan has formed a strong bond with Alura, although admittedly that might just be because Alura has forced herself on Morgan, and essentially insisted that Morgan is her new best friend. But Morgan has also bonded with Kara, over everything that happened when she accidentally hurt her, so that has really left Lena as the one she hasn't bonded with, or spent much time with at all.
"Hey, Lee." Kara smiles, as she and Morgan walk into the CEO's office, holding hands.
"Oh, hello guys." Lena smiles, standing up from her chair, "This is a really nice surprise."
"Yeah. I thought it would be." Kara smiles back, "I got us all Big Belly Burgers to have, and thought we could have like a 20-minute lunch together. I know you are finishing work early today, so I thought we'd have a quick lunch, rather than our longer one."
"Sure. That sounds lovely." Lena smiles, walking over to Kara and Morgan, "In fact, at the moment I'm just waiting on some data to process, and to get a few responses to emails I have sent, so I have some free time."
"Great!" Kara smiles, "I'll set us up here, on your couch."
Lena nods her head at Kara, and then approaches Morgan.
"How has your day been so far, Morgan?" Lena asks, with a soft smile."Good. I watched a movie while Kara worked. Then Kara and I talked, and did some coloring." Morgan replies.
"Oh, well that sounds very nice." Lena smiles.
"Yeah." Morgan nods.
Kara, Lena and Morgan then all move over to Lena's couch area, where the two adults decide to sit on either end of the couch, allowing Morgan to decide where she wants to sit, whether that be the floor, on one of the other solo chairs, or in between them on the couch. Slightly to Lena and Kara's surprise, Morgan chooses the latter option, and sits between the two of them, swinging her legs slightly, which don't reach the ground.
"Alright. Here is your burger, Lena." Kara says, as she hands Lena her usual burger order, "And here is yours Morgan, and these 2 are mine. I then got us a bunch of fries in the bag there that we can share."
"That sounds good to me." Lena smiles.
Kara, Lena and Morgan all then begin eating their burgers. Kara and Lena both notice that as soon as Morgan takes the first bite of her burger, her eyes go wide, in delight.
"Do you like the burger, Morgan?" Lena asks, with a slight chuckle in her voice.
"Yes." Morgan nods, happily, "I've never had burgers before.""Oh, well, I'm glad you like them. Kara, Alura and I all very much love burgers. In fact, I think Alura will be pretty jealous that we got to have burgers without her for lunch today." Lena says.
"I can save Alura some of my burger then." Morgan quickly says, in such a cute voice.
"Oh... no..." Lena says, with so much admiration on her face as she looks at Morgan, "You eat all your burger. Alura will be fine. We can all have Big Belly Burger again some other time."

A Leap of Faith (Part 1)
RomanceKara has a four year old daughter, and only recently has met Lena Luthor. Lena and Kara are not quite friends yet, more so acquittances. Kara's daughter, Alura Danvers, becomes ill, and no one can figure out what is wrong with her. This is when Kara...