Kara, Lena and Alex arrive back at the DEO, and everyone is chaotically moving around, walking back and forth between different rooms. Kara, Lena and Alex make their way through the people, and meet J'onn and Winn at the DEO command centre. As soon as the women arrive, they all notice that Winn and J'onn have worried looks on their faces, looking at several computer screens, showing images of various attacks on aliens across the country.
"What is going on?" Alex asks.
"Attacks have started.... across the country... on aliens." Winn explains.
"How did this happen?" Kara asks, confused, "I thought you said you couldn't find anything that really talked about plans for attacks on aliens on the dark web?"
"I.... I don't know...." Winn replies, in a lost voice, "I was monitoring the dark web even before this all kicked of..... and there was a lot of talk and hatred.... but nothing to this degree.... Nothing about planning a coordinated attack."
"That doesn't make sense." Alex says, "If these attacks are happening across the entire country, at the same time, then they must have been organised somehow."
"Yes." J'onn says, nodding his head, and turning around to look at Alex, Kara and Lena, "We believe that these attacks have been arranged outside of the dark web, and have been planned for a while."
"So.... that means.... it's Lex that has planned all this?" Lena asks, even though they already pretty much knew that.
"Yes." J'onn replies, nodding his head, "Just prior to these attacks taking place, Winn was able to ping a phone call originating somewhere in the area of Lex's bunker. Our belief is that Lex phoned someone, signalling for these attacks to begin.""If that is the case, then it means that Lex has been planning these attacks, off of the dark web, for weeks." Alex says, "How did we miss that?"
"We missed it..." Winn begins, "because whatever he has been planning, he has made sure to keep it away from anywhere where we could see it. I'm guessing he's just been contacting people through disposable phones, or in person."
"That sounds like my brother." Lena says, nodding her head.
"Okay.... okay.... but.... why is Lex doing all this? I.... I don't understand..." Kara says, confused.
J'onn looks at Kara, and then sighs.
"He's doing all this..... because he knows what the DEOs response will be." J'onn explains."What do you mean, J'onn?" Kara asks, confused.
"I just received a direct order from the President. All DEO agents are being assigned to quell this civil unrest, meaning any current operations are being put on hold." J'onn says.
Kara's eyes go wide.
"But you can't do that!" Kara says, "If we don't go and save Kal now, then Lex will kill him!"J'onn nods his head.
"Yes.... and I expect that is what Lex knows is going to happen. I'm sorry Kara.... but I can't disobey an order from the President, even if I want to. At the end of the day, the DEO is supposed to protect people from dangerous aliens, and aliens from dangerous people. Today we need to do that." J'onn says."Then..... if you are not going to go.... and save Kal..... I'll go on my own." Kara says, firmly.
"Kara, no!" Alex protests.Lena, meanwhile, stays silent, with a worried look on her face.
"I have to do this. I can't not do anything. I could never live with myself if I didn't at least try and save Kal." Kara says, with a pleading look on her face.

A Leap of Faith (Part 1)
RomanceKara has a four year old daughter, and only recently has met Lena Luthor. Lena and Kara are not quite friends yet, more so acquittances. Kara's daughter, Alura Danvers, becomes ill, and no one can figure out what is wrong with her. This is when Kara...