Chapter 194 - Reign's Control

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"I knew this was all a mistake!" Nia says, as she stands up with a panicked look on her face, "I should have never got involved in all this!"

"It wasn't Supergirl." J'onn says, in a calm voice, as he stands up to his feet.

"What are you talking about?" Nia asks, looking at J'onn still panicked, "You saw what I saw! That was Supergirl.... that was Kara."

"It wasn't." J'onn replies, still in a calm voice.

Nia sighs.

"Look, I know you are all friends, or family, whatever, with Kara, and I like her too. But that was Supergirl, you don't have to pretend otherwise. It's not like I'm able to do anything about it, she's literally the most powerful being on the planet. Who I'm currently living with!" Nia says.

"Nia, calm down. It's going to be okay." Alex says, trying to stop the young woman from freaking out any further.

"No. I need to leave. I need to get out of National City." Nia says, and begins to walk out of the room.

"Nia, I mean it, that was not Supergirl who we saw in the dream." J'onn says.

"Then who was it?" Nia asks, turning around to look at J'onn.

"I don't know." J'onn replies, "But, despite it clearly being a woman, who has similar powers to Kara, I know for a fact that it was not Kara."

"How?" Nia asks.

"From the way she walked in the dream." J'onn explains, "I have spent a long time with both Alex and Kara. I have trained both of them. I know how Kara walks, both as Supergirl, and as Kara Danvers. There is a recognisable way about it. That person in that dream, she did not walk how Kara does."

"Well, maybe she changes her walk!" Nia exclaims.

"No." J'onn says, "That person, the way they were walking, it was determined, it was careful. That was the walk of someone who has had meticulous training, and mastered various combat skills. Kara may have had training, but not to the degree where she has changed her walk to best help her in combat."

"Well.... you still can't be sure that wasn't Kara!" Nia says.

"No. I can't." J'onn admits, "But you know Kara. You have spent a lot of time with her recently, do you seriously think that she would do something like that to you?"

Nia is silent for a little while as she thinks over what J'onn has just said.

"No... I.... I don't." Nia admits.

"See, everything is going to be okay, Nia." Alex says, "We promise we will help you work through this, and figure out who that person is who you are seeing in your dreams."

Nia then proceeds to look between Alex and J'onn for a few moments, before breathing a sigh of relief.

"Okay. Thank you." Nia says.

Alex, J'onn and Nia then go join Sam and Ruby in the living room area of The Tower, with J'onn having decided that that was enough 'training' with Nia for the day. J'onn thinks it is probably for the best if he allows Nia to calm down, and digest everything that she saw in her dream.

Once Nia, Alex and J'onn arrive at the living room area, where Sam and Ruby are already seated, the group proceed to chat for a little bit, while they wait for Lena, Kara, Morgan and Alura to return. Through this, Nia, J'onn and Alex tell Sam and Ruby what Nia saw in her dreams, with them then coming up with possibilities as to who the person Nia saw could be. The possibilities range from a female kryptonian who they don't know about, to an alien pretending to be Kara, all the way to an advanced robot which has Kara's powers.

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