Meanwhile, in an undisclosed location in Metropolis, Lex is typing away on a big computer set up, with several different screens, showing him all sorts of different things on the dark web. Lex knows that his plans have continuously been interrupted by Superman, Supergirl, and now Lena, so for this one he plans to make them all pay. Lex had hoped that after he freed Kara, the blonde would be unable to regain her memories, and would remain terrified of Lena, and anything attached to the Luthor name, but it is clear that somehow the superhero got her memories back. This infuriates Lex, but he doesn't blame himself for the technology he used on Supergirl for failing. Instead, Lex Luthor has put the blame entirely on his mother, Lillian Luthor. Lex believes that if his mother had not got involved, and decided to kidnap Alura Danvers, then Supergirl would not have been put in such an extreme stressful situation where it somehow led to her unlocking her memories, and then Lex himself losing his key asset in Metallo. It honestly enrages Lex that he ever decided to break Lillian out of prison in the first place. At the time Lex believed that he was doing something nice for his mother, and that in turn it would help him down the line, not completely hinder him, and screw up his plans. But Lex has thankfully (for him) been taking out all his anger on Superman, torturing the man of steel.
"Lex Luthor." A voice says.
Lex quickly turns around, surprised by the voice, as no one else should be in here with him, other than Superman. However, as Lex turns around, he notices that it is the leader of Leviathan, who has one of her people standing next to her.
"What do you want?" Lex asks, annoyed, not wanting to be interrupted right now.
The leader of Leviathan steps forward, with the other member of Leviathan staying still.
"We want you to stop what you are doing right now, and release Superman." The leader of Leviathan says.
Lex lets out a huff.
"That isn't going to happen." Lex replies, with a sneer.The leader of Leviathan comes even closer to Lex.
"I am warning you. If you continue down this path, you will be actively hindering plans Leviathan has already put in motion. And while the Luthor family have been useful.... tools.... for the last few decades..... a tool is easily thrown away when it becomes a hinderance." The Leviathan leader says.Lex now grows an angry look on his face.
"I am no tool." Lex says, now moving to be closer to the leader of Leviathan, leaving only a few inches of space between the two of them, "You may have been able to push my father around, and get him to do your bidding, but I am not him. So far, our.... allegiance.... has been mutually beneficial... but don't threaten me. Leviathan may be an organisation that has been around for hundreds of years, but you have your weaknesses. Isn't that right, Talia?"
The leader of Leviathan grows a surprised look on her face, but she then quickly removes the expression.
"I know all about you, Talia Al-ghul. I know your weaknesses, and everything Leviathan has a hand in. I'm no fool. I don't go into business with someone without doing my due diligence. My father was a fool to not do exactly that, and that is ultimately what got him killed." Lex says.
"Your father died of alcohol poisoning." Talia says, in a neutral voice, with no expressions on her face.Lex lets out a chuckle, as he shakes his head.
"My father may have been a fool, and a drunk, but even he would have been incapable of consuming 15 times the legal limit." Lex says.
Talia remains silent for a few moments, just looking at Lex Luthor's face.

A Leap of Faith (Part 1)
عاطفيةKara has a four year old daughter, and only recently has met Lena Luthor. Lena and Kara are not quite friends yet, more so acquittances. Kara's daughter, Alura Danvers, becomes ill, and no one can figure out what is wrong with her. This is when Kara...