Lillian Luthor appears in a room of mostly stone, along with both the other shadow woman and Talia Al-Ghul, having just come here straight from her prison cell. However, before Lillian can even take a moment to look around, she feels her stomach make a horrid sound. In response, Lillian bends over, and then proceeds to throw up, all her food from last night coming up.
"I told you.... the 'teleportation' experience is an.... uneasy one for those not experienced with it...." Talia says.
A few more Leviathan members begin to walk into the room, and one of them hands Talia a cloth, which she then hands to Lillian. Lillian takes the cloth and wipes around her mouth.
"I'd prefer if I could keep that form of travel to a minimum.... in the future...." Lillian eventually says.
Talia chuckles.
"That can certainly be arranged." Talia says, "It is not like we intend to use you to go on missions or anything. In fact, I think you will be perfectly suited to remain here for the foreseeable future."
Lillian now regains her posture, and begins to look around the room they are in. The room itself looks like some sort of cave, as the walls, floor, and ceiling are all made of stone. Then also, on some of the walls is some weird writing, which almost looks ancient, which Lillian doesn't recognise. However, Lillian then also notices some cables on the ground, which have neatly been positioned against the walls so people don't trip over them, along with some electric lights on the ceiling.
"And where is here.... exactly?" Lillian asks.
Talia chuckles again."All will be revealed in due time." Talia says, "For now, follow me."
Lillian begins to follow Talia Al-Ghul through the facility, with them going through more rooms with electrical and even modern equipment in. However, all of the rooms still look like caves, so from this Lillian thinks that they are either underground somewhere, in an adapted cave system, or they are in a cave system that has been built into a mountainside.
Eventually, after Lilliana and Talia go through multiple rooms, with Lillian noticing all sorts of different people who she assumes are Leviathan agents, the two arrive in a bigger room with a large metal round table in the middle. This particular room has many more people inside than all of the other rooms, because of that, Lillian presumes this is Leviathan's command centre, or at the very least, this bases command centre.
"Leviathan, I would like to introduce you to Lillian Luthor." Talia says, with all the other members of Leviathan looking on at her, "She has agreed to help us with our upcoming battle against Supergirl, and her daughter, Lena Luthor. She is to be treated accordingly."
"Yes, ma'am." All of the Leviathan agents say in unison.
The Leviathan agents speaking like this is a rather unnerving experiencing for Lillian.
"Excellent." Talia says, now growing a smile, "Let's move onto our next course of action."
A few Leviathan members now begin to circle the metal round table along with Talia, but not all of them. Lillian assumes that the agents surrounding the table must be some of the key players in Leviathan, or Talia's most trusted advisors or something.
"Our first task of business is dealing with Elizabeth Walsh." Talia says, "She has been left in the DEO for too long; she needs to be dealt with."
"I volunteer myself." One of the Leviathan agents says, who looks to be another shadow woman.
"No. My skills are of better use." A male member of Leviathan says.
"No. This is better left to our top assassins." A third member says.

A Leap of Faith (Part 1)
Storie d'amoreKara has a four year old daughter, and only recently has met Lena Luthor. Lena and Kara are not quite friends yet, more so acquittances. Kara's daughter, Alura Danvers, becomes ill, and no one can figure out what is wrong with her. This is when Kara...